Last Universal Common Ancestor

Like sheeple? Agreed. They are just following the flock.


It's sadly understandable for people to believe what they want to be true.

The real issue is actually this:
many Americans want fundamentally anti-intellectual and reactionary things to be true.

This is a sign of devolution, the beginning of a mutation from minimally qualifying human to sub-human,
and we don't really have a good explanation for it.

We either figure it out or we perish within the next ten or twenty generations or sooner, probably.

It's an academic discussion,
but there's no reason for me to give too much of a fat flying fuck about it
at this late stage of my life.
Back to the topic.

I read an article earlier today where a guy claimed to be a direct descendent of Charlemagne. He then mentioned that geneticists now think that EVERYONE of European a direct descendent of Charlemagne.

The point of convergence of descendance is not that far back. You have two parents; four grandparents; eight great grandparents; 16 great great grandparents; 32 great great great grandparents. And it goes from there to 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048...and further.

It doesn't take too long to get to a number greater than the number of people alive in Europe at any one time.

Pop Goes the Population

Mock Presidential candidate Pat Paulsen did a joke on that. When asked at a pretend presser about the overpopulation crisis, he answered what you enumerated and said it was proof that the population was getting smaller with each generation.
You have been hinting it for a couple days now. Sorry if you forgot.

So you admit I never previously said you were Janks sock, and the petty grievances you had about me had nothing to do with socks anyway; the petty grievances you wrote were an exact carbon copy of Jank's petty grievances
It's sadly understandable for people to believe what they want to be true.

The real issue is actually this:
many Americans want fundamentally anti-intellectual and reactionary things to be true.

This is a sign of devolution, the beginning of a mutation from minimally qualifying human to sub-human,
and we don't really have a good explanation for it.

Why would anyone want that, neef? What is the logic?

I’m not buying the devolution idea. Homo sapiens sapiens has been the same for over 30,000 years. It’s a matter of culture. Of education. Society.
I don't see that evolution neccessily inevitably results in intelligent life capable of technology.

For all we know, Homo sapiens are an evolutionary fluke, or one off. We could be extinct in 100k years.

The most successful evolutionary forms of life, adapted to all conditions and climates, are arthropods, tardigrades, prokaryotes. They have been around for hundreds of millions to billions of years, and they will probably still be here in 500 million years

OLD SCHOOL: Manifest Destiny
PREP SCHOOL: Many Fuzzy Desktops

A dim, doom&gloom view of human destiny has buzzword snob value with the decadent ruling class. Taking away the drive from the rest of us is the only way those spoiled and sheltered snakes can survive.
Why would anyone want that, neef? What is the logic?

Devolution is merely my "outside of the box" suggestion as to what could be happening.

More certain is this.

Public education is funded by local property taxes and managed by locally elected school committees.

I would rather it be funded by federal income tax and controlled by the federal department of education.

I'm not looking to debate this right here; we both already know I'm a central government advocate.

Now here's the thing. Conservative Middle Americans don't like paying taxes, including local ones,
and they don't like the teachers [only they call it not liking the teachers' unions, which of course, are the teachers],
and they certainly don't like throwing a lot of money at public education.

They even want to take money AWAY from public education to get vouchers for their unaccredited Jesus schools, Jesus help us all.

Here, we do throw money at education with our property taxes, but we're still stuck with un-professional elected school committees,
NOT properly accredited PhDs in education which is what I would prefer.

In any case, coastal education [except for Florida] is at least close to the better global standards, while Middle American education is pretty much third world.

Now we have Joe Sixpack from West Bumfuck, Kansas, feeling the intellectual inequity between himself and Nifty from Boston,
and instead of seeking to improve himself, he chooses to hate Nifty from Boston, largely for Nifty using polysyllabic words that Joe doesn't understand.

That's how Joe Sixpack convinces himself that he wants vile things, anything different from what the "elitist' Nifty wants.

All of this, of course, is pretty much self evident and probably doesn't require further discussion between us. Agreed?
How many posts does this make it where you were whining and off-topic rather than “discussing science”?

I have at least posted science on here. All you have done is attack people. I suggest you try addressing some of the science I posted. I even attempted to comment on the link you sent yesterday about chirality. But apparently you feel it is a better use of your time to annoy people than discuss the science.
So you admit I never previously said you were Janks sock, and the petty grievances you had about me had nothing to do with socks anyway; the petty grievances you wrote were an exact carbon copy of Jank's petty grievances

Sorry Cypress but you've been on this train for a couple days now.

And watching you post is getting disgusting. I honestly thought you were a good guy. YOu seem to be a jerk sock of Doc's. You two are so close it really feels like you are socks of each other. He supports you in a way you seem to really need support.
I don't think MAGAs ever independently on their own, came up with the thought that NASA is run by Deep State. MAGAs are just parroting what they heard their favorite Rightwing media personalities claim.

No, but it was more than obvious when Obama was messing NASA up as much as possible.
I know that frequently after screaming at me for supporting my views with subject matter experts and authorities, you log of and go to the doctor, the pharmacist, auto mechanic, the dentist, because once you're not logged on the board you place enormous value on expert opinion and authority.

And usually when you holler at me for citing experts and authorities, you had just finished ten minutes before pointing to the bible as an authoritative source.

If you read my post 90% of the time I "name drop"
The Holy Spirit! I use the Bible to fact check information from the Holy Spirit
Sorry Cypress but you've been on this train for a couple days now.

And watching you post is getting disgusting. I honestly thought you were a good guy. YOu seem to be a jerk sock of Doc's. You two are so close it really feels like you are socks of each other. He supports you in a way you seem to really need support.

"Not that there's anything wrong with that"!