Last Universal Common Ancestor

Armchair psychology is not my strength, but the way Perry just out of the blue went off on some petty grievances about me was curious, given that I've never had any negative interaction with him.

I had no idea a thread about LUCA would incur the petty grievances of holy rollers and militant atheists! I'm just here to trash Trump and shoot the sh*t!
Like a ripple on a pond, even in psychology there is cause and effect. Ergo, no such thing as “out of the blue”. There’s a reason for Jank’s inappropriate anger. It could be that he lied about being a PhD and it embarrassed about being caught. It could be, as I believe, that he has a midlife crisis of some sort. It could be that he’s developing a midlife mental illness. IDK.

Like you trying to figure out the origin of life or if there is meaning in existence, I enjoy figuring out what makes the Abbie Normals abnormal. I think you and I can agree that Jank is off-balance even if we can’t agree on the cause.

All threads derail the longer they go. Especially on a topic that is unanswerable. While there’s no reason for me to doubt the research on LUCA, why it’s LUCA and why it survived is well beyond my expertise. I’ll leave that up to the experts in biology and the Internet chemists to figure out. :)
Armchair psychology is not my strength, but the way Perry just out of the blue went off on some petty grievances about me was curious, given that I've never had any negative interaction with him.

I had no idea a thread about LUCA would incur the petty grievances of holy rollers and militant atheists! I'm just here to trash Trump and shoot the sh*t!

You know why I got pissed? Because you started suggesting I'm someone's sock and calling me a liar. Think about your language you imperious fuck wad. You are on here thinking yourself so superior and you are a bully and a fuck wad just like your buddy Doc.

Grow the fuck up. You aren't as sharp as you think.
Like a ripple on a pond, even in psychology there is cause and effect. Ergo, no such thing as “out of the blue”. There’s a reason for Jank’s inappropriate anger. It could be that he lied about being a PhD and it embarrassed about being caught. It could be, as I believe, that he has a midlife crisis of some sort. It could be that he’s developing a midlife mental illness. IDK. Like you trying to figure out the origin of life or is there is meaning in existence, I enjoy figuring out what makes the Abbie Normals abnormal. I think you can agree that Jank is off-balance even if we can’t agree on the cause.

All threads derail the longer they go. Especially on a topic that is unanswerable. While there’s no reason for me to doubt the research on LUCA, why it’s LUCA and why it survived is well beyond my expertise. I’ll leave that up to the experts in biology and the Internet chemists to figure out. :)

No one thinks you are a psychologist. You got a degree in it but never got the chance to use it (probably because you are such a fuckup everyone knew to NOT hire you to do that!) SO you come on here and diagnose everyone like a fucking idiot.

You and Cypress are one of a kind. Cypress is just the prissier "kinder" side. But he's a ravening wolf just like you. Self-absorbed and fancies himself like you a super intellect.

You are both just troll fuck ups.
No one thinks you are a psychologist. You got a degree in it but never got the chance to use it (probably because you are such a fuckup everyone knew to NOT hire you to do that!) SO you come on here and diagnose everyone like a fucking idiot.

You and Cypress are one of a kind. Cypress is just the prissier "kinder" side. But he's a ravening wolf just like you. Self-absorbed and fancies himself like you a super intellect.

You are both just troll fuck ups.
Awesome, Perry PhD. The longer you rant and lie, the more likely people will believe you are no more than a chemistry major.

Cypress is a good man. He’s honest and intelligent. I wish the same could be said of you. Maybe, after you unfuck yourself, they will.

You’re free to lie and have any opinion you like, Jank. What piques my curiosity is that, for someone who claims to be a highly educated intellect and believes JPP is a cesspool, you continue to hang around like a lost puppy. Why?
You know why I got pissed? Because you started suggesting I'm someone's sock and calling me a liar. Think about your language you imperious fuck wad. You are on here thinking yourself so superior and you are a bully and a fuck wad just like your buddy Doc.

Grow the fuck up. You aren't as sharp as you think.
Oh, Jank. Your panties got in a twist loooong before Cypress pointed that out. Care to wager I can prove it, son?

You are an excellent example of a victim mentality: you never take responsibility for your own part in a dispute and you always place the blame on others, regardless if they are faultless like Cypress.

Oh, okay! :awesome:

Link to the paper=-?!
The reason we are going to rely on science journalists is because nobody here has the training to read and understand high end academic research papers, unless they have specialized training in that field..

I barely understand 60% of this myself:

LUCA: We investigated all clusters and phylogenetic trees for 6.1 million protein coding genes from sequenced prokaryotic genomes in order to reconstruct the microbial ecology of LUCA. Among 286,514 protein clusters, we identified 355 protein families (∼0.1%) that trace to LUCA by phylogenetic criteria. Because these proteins are not universally distributed, they can shed light on LUCA's physiology. Their functions, properties and prosthetic groups depict LUCA as anaerobic, CO2-fixing, H2-dependent with a Wood–Ljungdahl pathway, N2-fixing and thermophilic. LUCA's biochemistry was replete with FeS clusters and radical reaction mechanisms. Its cofactors reveal dependence upon transition metals, flavins, S-adenosyl methionine, coenzyme A, ferredoxin, molybdopterin, corrins and selenium. Its genetic code required nucleoside modifications and S-adenosyl methionine-dependent methylations. The 355 phylogenies identify clostridia and methanogens, whose modern lifestyles resemble that of LUCA, as basal among their respective domains inferred evolutionary,billion years of age2.
I'm not following this conversation at all.
People are getting pissed, though, so it must be legit JPP material.
Only the wackadoodles are getting pissed. While Cypress is a bit dismayed that his thread was taken over by unstable and violent atheists, I, for one, am having a grand ol’ time! :thup:
The reason we are going to rely on science journalists is because nobody here has the training to read and understand high end academic research papers, unless they have specialized training in that field..

I barely understand 60% of this myself:
Agreed…but since Matt thinks NASA has been taken over by woke Jews, I doubt he’ll agree that others scientists know better than his FaceBook friends.
You know why I got pissed? Because you started suggesting I'm someone's sock and calling me a liar. Think about your language you imperious fuck wad. You are on here thinking yourself so superior and you are a bully and a fuck wad just like your buddy Doc.

Grow the fuck up. You aren't as sharp as you think.

You got pissed before I ever said Perry might be Janks sock . I might have suggested Janks had socks, but I didn't mention your name until this morning. You jumped in out of the blue to vent the exact same petty grievances towards me that Jank has -- even though I never had a negative interaction before with Perry.
Agreed…but since Matt thinks NASA has been taken over by woke Jews, I doubt he’ll agree that others scientists know better than his FaceBook friends.

I don't think MAGAs ever independently on their own, came up with the thought that NASA is run by Deep State. MAGAs are just parroting what they heard their favorite Rightwing media personalities claim.
What could you possibly know about my personal life?

I know that frequently after screaming at me for supporting my views with subject matter experts and authorities, you log of and go to the doctor, the pharmacist, auto mechanic, the dentist, because once you're not logged on the board you place enormous value on expert opinion and authority.

And usually when you holler at me for citing experts and authorities, you had just finished ten minutes before pointing to the bible as an authoritative source.
It’s very science oriented. My ex was an RN. She knew more about chemistry and biology than I ever will.

It seems like RNs and BSNs take biology, chemistry, physiology, pharmacology, anatomy, etc. so I see it as a legitimate type of science education
I'm not following this conversation at all.
People are getting pissed, though, so it must be legit JPP material.

If you are able to shoehorn some science in here it will likely be ignored. I've tried several times and usually just get blanked. But if someone wants to go playing "sock finder" that's apparently the name of the game around here.
One thing that strikes me is that LUCA implies life only originated and evolved once on earth; everything else has been speciation and descent with modification.

Maybe other strands of life arose and quickly died out leaving only LUCA, but there's no evidence of that.

If life is something that is inevitable and easily arises in the presence of water and organic molecules, it seems curious that life only arose once in four billion years here.

That's the kind of thing that makes me wonder if life is rare in the galaxy
Terrestrial, Go Home

Just like the Mega Millions lottery, it was extremely unlikely that life would arise even on Earth. With nearly prohibitive odds, it does seem supernatural. I wouldn't count that out as being irrational, just not true. My best guess is that it always existed outside this universe and took over a different body here, but only in one entryway for this specimen. One of many entrances on a pathway, because the Earth is constantly moving and has covered a lot of space over the eons. From that perspective, different forms were given life at different times and so had different originals.
I don't think MAGAs ever independently on their own, came up with the thought that NASA is run by Deep State. MAGAs are just parroting what they heard their favorite Rightwing media personalities claim.
Like sheeple? Agreed. They are just following the flock.

If you are able to shoehorn some science in here it will likely be ignored. I've tried several times and usually just get blanked. But if someone wants to go playing "sock finder" that's apparently the name of the game around here.
How many posts does this make it where you were whining and off-topic rather than “discussing science”?
You got pissed before I ever said Perry might be Janks sock . I might have suggested Janks had socks, but I didn't mention your name until this morning. You jumped in out of the blue to vent the exact same petty grievances towards me that Jank has -- even though I never had a negative interaction before with Perry.

You have been hinting it for a couple days now. Sorry if you forgot.
It seems like RNs and BSNs take biology, chemistry, physiology, pharmacology, anatomy, etc. so I see it as a legitimate type of science education
Agreed. It’s a very science oriented field, but also requires more personality and empathy than a geochem major. :)
You have been hinting it for a couple days now. Sorry if you forgot.
Nice waffle. Now I can see why you didn’t take the bet.

First you whine that it’s all Cypress’s fault with posts and now you are whining that he was “hinting”…whatever the fuck that means.

I can claim you’ve been hinting for days that you lied about being a geochem PhD. See how that works?