Last Universal Common Ancestor

Not exactly about life, but interesting nonetheless.

Cosmic 'tadpole' points to ultra-rare black hole hiding near the Milky Way's center

An enormous, deformed dust cloud that astronomers nicknamed "the Tadpole" could point to the location of an extremely rare type of black hole never confirmed to exist in our galaxy before.

In a study published Jan. 10 in The Astrophysical Journal(opens in new tab), researchers based in Japan describe the strange dust cloud, which looks like a big-headed, long-tailed tadpole and sits near the center of the Milky Way in the constellation Sagittarius, about 27,000 light-years from Earth.

This region of the Milky Way, known as the Central Molecular Zone, is extremely dense with star-forming dust clouds that clump around our galaxy's central supermassive black hole, known as Sagittarius A*. Even in this extreme environment, the Tadpole's shape and movement stood out to the researchers.
Agreed again, but he won’t get it no more than Sybil, TDAK or any of the other wackadoodles who can’t leave their rooms without an escort.

I respect posters who can show their views are supported by reputable subject matter experts.

I don't actually put a lot of stock in the unsupported opinions and predictions of anonymous message board posters Hawkeye10, TDAK, Stone, et al.
Agreed again, but he won’t get it no more than Sybil, TDAK or any of the other wackadoodles who can’t leave their rooms without an escort.

You spend an INORDINATE amount of time critiquing everyone around you. It must be great to be a perfected being of pure light energy such as you clearly fancy yourself.

You know, in reality, you're just a troll and an awful person. I suspect in real life you are probably friendless, alone most of the time, and generally avoided by decent society.

You're just awful.

But by all means pass judgement on everyone else.
The best talk I ever heard on black holes was a TED talk by Niel de grasse Tyson he called 'death by black hole '.


I saw Tyson speak. It was good. The next day we were at a coffee shop down the street from the venue and we saw him sitting at a table having coffee. It was really cool. I had to force myself not to go up to him like some fanboi.
I respect posters who can show their views are supported by reputable subject matter experts.

I don't actually put a lot of stock in the unsupported opinions and predictions of anonymous message board posters Hawkeye10, TDAK, Stone, et al.

Agreed 100%. That said, expecting irrational people to understand is, IMHO, expecting too much.

There’s stupid people (unteachable or limited), ignorant people (teachable if they want to learn) and the mentally “off”. Stone is an example of the first one, Mason and Jank are examples of the last group. In the latter two, there are permanent conditions (e.g. Mason, Sybil, COgoat) and temporary conditions (Perry/Jank?).

You’ve seen those who want to learn and you’ve seen those who can’t or won’t learn….for a variety of reasons.

While I admire those who try to help people, if people don’t want to be helped, it’s best to cut them loose. The helpers don’t want to do that since it’s in their nature to keep helping. IMHO, it’s better to conserve resources by practicing Tough Love; if they don’t want help, cut them loose until they prove they want help.

Tough Love is a bit controversial, but mainly when applied to minors. A point in which I agree. Adults are a different matter since there is less control of adults. Like most measures, it depends upon implementation.

Enabling the mentally ill is not helping them. Refusing to enable the mentally ill while continuing to push them towards positive treatment is, IMO, a good way to implement the concept. It’s not illegal to be crazy. AFAIK, Mason, TDAK, Sybil and others have not committed any crimes regardless of how delusional or erratic they may be. In such cases should they be treated as fully functional adults? No, they should not since they lack the ability to control their own minds.
The American Psychological Association clarify what tough love means in psychology:

  • It is aimed at fostering individuals’ well-being
  • It means requiring the person to act responsibly and seek professional assistance when they are experiencing problems
  • The oversight and restrictions of personal freedom and privileges must be willingly accepted to be effective
I'll have to try to find it. Is it this one?


He also has a book by the same name.

Given Cypress's penchant for simply throwing out names it is anyone's guess if this is the clip or not.

Cypress is uniquely incapable of internalizing information and processing it through his own thoughts. That's why so many of his posts are just names of scientists or philosophers without context.
Agreed 100%. That said, expecting irrational people to understand is, IMHO, expecting too much.

There’s stupid people (unteachable or limited), ignorant people (teachable if they want to learn) and the mentally “off”. Stone is an example of the first one, Mason and Jank are examples of the last group. In the latter two, there are permanent conditions (e.g. Mason, Sybil, COgoat) and temporary conditions (Perry/Jank?).

You’ve seen those who want to learn and you’ve seen those who can’t or won’t learn….for a variety of reasons.

While I admire those who try to help people, if people don’t want to be helped, it’s best to cut them loose. The helpers don’t want to do that since it’s in their nature to keep helping. IMHO, it’s better to conserve resources by practicing Tough Love; if they don’t want help, cut them loose until they prove they want help.

Tough Love is a bit controversial, but mainly when applied to minors. A point in which I agree. Adults are a different matter since there is less control of adults. Like most measures, it depends upon implementation.

Enabling the mentally ill is not helping them. Refusing to enable the mentally ill while continuing to push them towards positive treatment is, IMO, a good way to implement the concept. It’s not illegal to be crazy. AFAIK, Mason, TDAK, Sybil and others have not committed any crimes regardless of how delusional or erratic they may be. In such cases should they be treated as fully functional adults? No, they should not since they lack the ability to control their own minds.

You spend an INORDINATE amount of time critiquing everyone around you.
Pot calling the kettle black, Jank. LOL


BTW, since all the RWNJs think you’re my sock, I’ve been confessing I don’t have a PhD. :thup:
…and people wonder why I think you are emotionally unstable. LOL

Correct, I’m not a professional psychologist and, yes, I can be a dick. It was my job, dumbass.
You spend an INORDINATE amount of time critiquing everyone around you. It must be great to be a perfected being of pure light energy such as you clearly fancy yourself.

You know, in reality, you're just a troll and an awful person. I suspect in real life you are probably friendless, alone most of the time, and generally avoided by decent society.

You're just awful.

But by all means pass judgement on everyone else.

Given Cypress's penchant for simply throwing out names it is anyone's guess if this is the clip or not.

Cypress is uniquely incapable of internalizing information and processing it through his own thoughts. That's why so many of his posts are just names of scientists or philosophers without context.

Couldn't agree more.
Given Cypress's penchant for simply throwing out names it is anyone's guess if this is the clip or not.

Cypress is uniquely incapable of internalizing information and processing it through his own thoughts. That's why so many of his posts are just names of scientists or philosophers without context.

You sound exactly, and I mean exactly, like NovaJank, is that your sock?
…and people wonder why I think you are emotionally unstable. LOL

Correct, I’m not a professional psychologist and, yes, I can be a dick. It was my job, dumbass.

It is not your job. It is your hobby. It is why you are a terrible person.

And you sick fuck, you should have learned in school when you were flailing in your psych classes that you shouldn't go around diagnosing people.

You are a pure unadulterated dick. ANd it isn't your job. YOU JUST LOVE BEING A DICK.
It is not your job. It is your hobby. It is why you are a terrible person.

And you sick fuck, you should have learned in school when you were flailing in your psych classes that you shouldn't go around diagnosing people.

You are a pure unadulterated dick. ANd it isn't your job. YOU JUST LOVE BEING A DICK.
Soooo…besides playing a chemistry PhD online, you’re now a mind-reader? LOL

How do you know what I did for a career, Jank?

BTW, your butthurt is waaaay out of proportion for a normal person. Ergo, something I said not only set you off but has stuck in your craw. I have a few ideas on what it is, but prefer you to reveal it yourself, son.