Last Universal Common Ancestor

With Hitler and George McGovern pictures on their desk or whatever. :rolleyes:

Both are dead, dumbass. I’m talking about taking down live Pedo Nazis. Do you agree these Pedo Nazis need to go down, Matt?

I think it was spot on.

You and Matt can fight it out with the militant atheists whether I am here to bash Christianity, or here to proselytize Christianity.

I myself remain astounded that all life descended from a single celled prokaryote that lived around 4 billion years ago.
You and Matt can fight it out with the militant atheists whether I am here to bash Christianity, or here to proselytize Christianity.

I myself remain astounded that all life descended from a single celled prokaryote that lived around 4 billion years ago.

As far as I see you're here to impress us with name dropping.
You and Matt can fight it out with the militant atheists whether I am here to bash Christianity, or here to proselytize Christianity.

I myself remain astounded that all life descended from a single celled prokaryote that lived around 4 billion years ago.

Aim high, brah! :rolleyes:
As far as I see you're here to impress us with name dropping.

Cypress does seem to have some scientific background. I will readily agree that he does rely far too often on "appeal to authority" for his debate points, but that's not that bad of a "sin". It is a good thing to cite references. Unfortunately sometimes it is just a list of people's names followed by "they disagree with you" type commentary.

Cypress is apparently a geologist so this is something he probably knows a goodly bit about. He has had to be in historical geology classes as well as at least one paleontology class.

Oh yeah, he also hates me with a passion. But that's because I'm evil. Cypress hates evil and stands four square against it.
Cypress does seem to have some scientific background. I will readily agree that he does rely far too often on "appeal to authority" for his debate points, but that's not that bad of a "sin". It is a good thing to cite references. Unfortunately sometimes it is just a list of people's names followed by "they disagree with you" type commentary.

Cypress is apparently a geologist so this is something he probably knows a goodly bit about. He has had to be in historical geology classes as well as at least one paleontology class.

Oh yeah, he also hates me with a passion. But that's because I'm evil. Cypress hates evil and stands four square against it.

He rarely gives his opinion on anything! Ask him for an opinion he deflects and name drops an assumed expert.
If you don't value the opinion and knowledge of experts, then stop going to the doctor, dentist, lawyer, and tax accountant.

I think the criticism may be more along the lines of simply pointing to an expert, while valuable data, doesn't amount to a "discussion". It quickly becomes an "appeal to authority".

Personally I don't think that's ipso facto a bad thing, we all need authorities. But these forums are not just people coming on and trading references. That's what Research Gate is for :)

I think the request is to flesh out the appeals to authority with a discussion about why that is compelling. Of course none of us on here (with your possible exception since you are a real life scientist) are going to be changing the science on here. We are all just here to have fun (obviously there are bad people on here like me who literally ruin everything they touch, but overall that seems to be the remit.)
That's not the point! The point is when asked give YOUR opinion, not someone else's opinion you think will impress us.

I give my opinion all the time.

My opinion is that you are a hypocrite for screaming in protest when I cite subject matter experts, while in your personal life you depend on subject matter experts
I give my opinion all the time.

My opinion is that you are a hypocrite for screaming in protest when I cite subject matter experts, while in your personal life you depend on subject matter experts
While I agree, to be fair, Mason is not in full control of his faculties much less his emotions. It’s like trying to explain to a 3 year old why it’s wrong to stick a toothpick in another 3 year old’s face. Such creatures, although human, just won’t understand. Best to just lock them up for their own safety. :thup:
If you don't value the opinion and knowledge of experts, then stop going to the doctor, dentist, lawyer, and tax accountant.
Agreed again, but he won’t get it no more than Sybil, TDAK or any of the other wackadoodles who can’t leave their rooms without an escort.
He rarely gives his opinion on anything! Ask him for an opinion he deflects and name drops an assumed expert.
Translation: Dammit! Cypress always uses facts instead of an emotional rant.

Yes, Mason, and there’s a good reason for that….not that you’d ever understand it, son.