Last Universal Common Ancestor

Soooo…besides playing a chemistry PhD online, you’re now a mind-reader? LOL

How do you know what I did for a career, Jank?

YOU TOLD US. YOu fuckin' idiot! I know you're old and maybe your memory is going. You told me you got your BS in psych then you went on to be a "screener" for some place. And you were a pilot, too.

You are basically just a lying sack of shit. But they don't give degrees in that, so you have to go freelance.
If you look elsewhere you'll find that people believe I am Doc Douche's sock.

Check it out! There's an entire thread on this!


Oh well, he's YOUR buddy. Because you two are both awful people.

No, you sound exactly like NovaJank, the same petty grievances towards me as him, even though I've never had a negative exchange with you before.

Switching back and forth between socks is a deceptive practice and I think it indicates a deceptive mind. So I am cutting you lose.
No, you sound exactly like NovaJank, the same petty grievances towards me as him, even though I've never had a negative exchange with you before.

Switching back and forth between socks is a deceptive practice and I think it indicates a deceptive mind. So I am cutting you lose.

Socks are legal at JPP.
YOU TOLD US. YOu fuckin' idiot! I know you're old and maybe your memory is going. You told me you got your BS in psych then you went on to be a "screener" for some place. And you were a pilot, too.

You are basically just a lying sack of shit. But they don't give degrees in that, so you have to go freelance.
Partially correct. A real, mentally stable PhD would check their facts. You didn’t. You’re operating off emotion, not logic.

Jank, you’re a sock puppeteer which means you’re a liar. How am I supposed to trust anything you say?
No, you sound exactly like NovaJank, the same petty grievances towards me as him, even though I've never had a negative exchange with you before.

Switching back and forth between socks is a deceptive practice and I think it indicates a deceptive mind. So I am cutting you lose.

Well, you better get on that thread and defend your buddy from being viciously maligned. LOL.

Wait...maybe YOU are a sock of Doc Douche and you just post under this name so you can:

1. Make it look like someone on the planet thinks you are as smart as you fancy yourself
2. You can be a dick when you post like Doc and not when you post like this.

Yeah, that's seeming to make more sense now.
No, you sound exactly like NovaJank, the same petty grievances towards me as him, even though I've never had a negative exchange with you before.

Switching back and forth between socks is a deceptive practice and I think it indicates a deceptive mind. So I am cutting you lose.
Agreed on the evidence.

FWIW, I believe he’s as accomplished as he claims, but the claims and his emotional state do not gibe. Something is off.

My best guess is some form of midlife crisis; unemployment, spouse left and took the kids…and his money, death of a beloved family member or some other temporary crisis that is derailing his life. His solution is to vent his anger on JPP….and that’s not a good solution. He should seek counseling or a group for divorced dads, grieving family members or whatever is appropriate.
No, you sound exactly like NovaJank, the same petty grievances towards me

Really? Perry is much more aggressive than I am. I have actually been quite complimentary of you. You are a real scientist. I don't think you do a great job of debate or discussion but you clearly know some stuff or have read a lot.

I think the real problem here is you took a severe disliking to me and are now incapable of being civil even modestly. I get that. I understand that feeling. It is hard for me to be called an antisemite by you or a violent atheist by Doc but I get through. I understand there are bullies out there and they like to hit and hit hard.

I've attempted to continue to post actual science (which you ALWAYS ignore, but you always have time to poke me just a bit).

I am, however, growing less patient with the non-stop attacks.
Well, you better get on that thread and defend your buddy from being viciously maligned. LOL.

Wait...maybe YOU are a sock of Doc Douche and you just post under this name so you can:

1. Make it look like someone on the planet thinks you are as smart as you fancy yourself
2. You can be a dick when you post like Doc and not when you post like this.

Yeah, that's seeming to make more sense now.
QED on the anger and venting.

Why attack Cypress when I’m the one you hate, Jank?
Really? Perry is much more aggressive than I am.
An example of the problem with socks; keeping track of two different personalities is very difficult.

Jank, you just fucked up…again. It was your Jank sock that was the aggressor and Perry PhD was the “reasonable one” until you outed yourself.
An example of the problem with socks; keeping track of two different personalities is very difficult.

Jank, you just fucked up…again. It was your Jank sock that was the aggressor and Perry PhD was the “reasonable one” until you outed yourself.

You appear to be quite mistaken. Perhaps you should look back through the posts. I will readily agree I did raise some uncomfortable issues around the God of the Old Testament and that came across as "aggression" but it wasn't intended as that. But I also understand that when I step on people's toes in relation to their religious faith it can be considered an aggression.
You appear to be quite mistaken. Perhaps you should look back through the posts. I will readily agree I did raise some uncomfortable issues around the God of the Old Testament and that came across as "aggression" but it wasn't intended as that.

But I also understand that when I step on people's toes in relation to their religious faith it can be considered an aggression.
Disagreed, Jank, but like Mason said, socks are legal and so is lying. Knock yourself out, son.

You mean like when I stepped on your atheist toes? :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:
Disagreed, Jank, but like Mason said, socks are legal and so is lying. Knock yourself out, son.

You mean like when I stepped on your atheist toes? :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

You didn't step on my atheist toes. You insulted me by suggesting I was violent simply because I questioned your holy book. Sorry if that ruffled a few of your feathers but given your overall approach I didn't think you would be that thin skinned about it.

I need to be more careful. There are people (like yourself, apparently) who are easily offended especially when religious faith makes it into the mix. I stepped on YOUR toes. I hope one day you will be able to follow the edicts of your faith and find in your heart something like forgiveness.
You didn't step on my atheist toes. You insulted me by suggesting I was violent simply because I questioned your holy book. Sorry if that ruffled a few of your feathers but given your overall approach I didn't think you would be that thin skinned about it.

I need to be more careful. There are people (like yourself, apparently) who are easily offended especially when religious faith makes it into the mix. I stepped on YOUR toes. I hope one day you will be able to follow the edicts of your faith and find in your heart something like forgiveness.
Wrong again, Jank, but since I know you often “stretch” the truth, it’s understandable why you’d post such a misrepresentation of the truth.

Since I’m a confessed militant moderate and violent agnostic, I won’t apologize for ruffling your overly sensitive atheist feathers. You’re obviously more prey than predator so I won’t hold that against you. Like Mason, it’s not your fault to be the way you are.
Agreed on the evidence.

FWIW, I believe he’s as accomplished as he claims, but the claims and his emotional state do not gibe. Something is off.

My best guess is some form of midlife crisis; unemployment, spouse left and took the kids…and his money, death of a beloved family member or some other temporary crisis that is derailing his life. His solution is to vent his anger on JPP….and that’s not a good solution. He should seek counseling or a group for divorced dads, grieving family members or whatever is appropriate.

Armchair psychology is not my strength, but the way Perry just out of the blue went off on some petty grievances about me was curious, given that I've never had any negative interaction with him.

I had no idea a thread about LUCA would incur the petty grievances of holy rollers and militant atheists! I'm just here to trash Trump and shoot the sh*t!
Wrong again, Jank, but since I know you often “stretch” the truth, it’s understandable why you’d post such a misrepresentation of the truth.

Since I’m a confessed militant moderate and violent agnostic, I won’t apologize for ruffling your overly sensitive atheist feathers. You’re obviously more prey than predator so I won’t hold that against you. Like Mason, it’s not your fault to be the way you are.

I wouldn't expect you to apologize since I was the one who offended you.