Last Universal Common Ancestor

You're obsessed with yourself. You think everyone has emotional involvement with you.

If you scroll back through the thread, you can easily see that other posters brought a religious angle into the discussion, and I only responded.

But you are undoubtedly more invested in being outraged at me than actually learning the truth.
If you scroll back through the thread, you can easily see that other posters brought a religious angle into the discussion, and I only responded.

But you are undoubtedly more invested in being outraged at me than actually learning the truth.

You love thinking people are emotional about you.
I think you are the first person since I registered here 16 years ago to call me an Atheist Piece of Shit

Yeah. He did that with me also...called me an atheist.

He is just shooting off his mouth. Anyone who has discussions about religion, whether theistic, atheistic, or agnostic...probably realizes that the two stories of creation are given in Genesis (first few chapters)...and that there are some inconsistencies.

I have no idea of why someone is ignorant enough to suppose that people who are agnostics or atheists...cannot have opinions about the Bible mythology.
I read it and believe it. You are an atheist that loves to so seeds of doubt! You're really a piece of shit in fancy wrappers .Basically a name dropper.

That is totally uncalled for and decidedly not Christian either. I'm not a Christian either and neither are a good number of our citizens. Fortunately we don't have to belong to some religion in America.
I think you are the first person since I registered here 16 years ago to call me an Atheist Piece of Shit
Mentally ill people are not responsible for themselves. Even if they refuse treatment and self-medicate with street drugs. Ergo, I wouldn’t take anything they say personally. :)
You always talk about religion, obsessively, then claim to not be religious. It's comical.
Cypress posts a lot about philosophy and I enjoy those topics. Religion is a form of rigidly formalized philosophy.

Consider how often Cypress writes about Socrates and Plato to see what my point.
One thing that strikes me is that LUCA implies life only originated and evolved once on earth; everything else has been speciation and descent with modification.

Maybe other strands of life arose and quickly died out leaving only LUCA, but there's no evidence of that.

If life is something that is inevitable and easily arises in the presence of water and organic molecules, it seems curious that life only arose once in four billion years here.

That's the kind of thing that makes me wonder if life is rare in the galaxy
To be clear, it mentions that LUCA may not have been the only form of life, but it’s thought to be the survivor and source point for all life on Earth. This is akin to the fact all humans have the same ancestral maternal line even though there were certainly other females of the same species in her time.

If life was easy, we’d have easily found it elsewhere in our solar system or signs around other stars. Agreed, life is probably very rare as the results indicate.
That would be truly ironic given that you are a general defender of religious thought. Your negative response to atheists speaking about the Bible was a great indicator that you are anything but an "atheist piece of shit".
If a person defends the right of Nazis to march in Skokie, does that make them a Nazi? A defender of Nazism? Or does it make them a defender of the Constitution’s First Amendment?