Last Universal Common Ancestor

To be clear, it mentions that LUCA may not have been the only form of life, but it’s thought to be the survivor and source point for all life on Earth. This is akin to the fact all humans have the same ancestral maternal line even though there were certainly other females of the same species in her time.

If life was easy, we’d have easily found it elsewhere in our solar system or signs around other stars. Agreed, life is probably very rare as the results indicate.

Agreed, that's why I wrote this:

Maybe other strands of life arose and quickly died out leaving only LUCA, but there's no evidence of that.

If we can find microbial life, or fossil evidence of them, on Mars, Europa, Enceladus, I will be much more confident that the jump from prebiotic chemicals to cellular life is virtually inevitable given favorable chemical conditions
If a person defends the right of Nazis to march in Skokie, does that make them a Nazi? A defender of Nazism? Or does it make them a defender of the Constitution’s First Amendment?

Good question. I suggested that the God of the Old Testament had some theologically difficult aspects (like the genocides) and you immediately accused me of being a "violent atheist" and then you went on to compare me to Nazis as I recall.

So, it appears you think that if anyone so much as questions the Bible that they are "violent" or "nazis".
Yeah. He did that with me also...called me an atheist.

He is just shooting off his mouth. Anyone who has discussions about religion, whether theistic, atheistic, or agnostic...probably realizes that the two stories of creation are given in Genesis (first few chapters)...and that there are some inconsistencies.

I have no idea of why someone is ignorant enough to suppose that people who are agnostics or atheists...cannot have opinions about the Bible mythology.

There seems to be an unwritten rule on this board that you are either a fire and brimstone fundamentalist, or a hardcore atheist, and there simply isn't anything in between!
There seems to be an unwritten rule on this board that you are either a fire and brimstone fundamentalist, or a hardcore atheist, and there simply isn't anything in between!

Maybe if you didn't call people an antisemite just because they discuss the theologically problematic aspects of Yahweh in the Pentateuch you might have a more firm position here. Seems you are as bad as everyone you complain about.

Maybe you are too busy beholding the mote in others' eyes and missing the beam in your own?
Good question. I suggested that the God of the Old Testament had some theologically difficult aspects (like the genocides) and you immediately accused me of being a "violent atheist" and then you went on to compare me to Nazis as I recall.

So, it appears you think that if anyone so much as questions the Bible that they are "violent" or "nazis".
People who always blame others and never accept personal responsibility always strike me as interesting.

Your excuse of what transpired is skewed in your favor and against those who disagree with you.
Maybe if you didn't call people an antisemite just because they discuss the theologically problematic aspects of Yahweh in the Pentateuch you might have a more firm position here. Seems you are as bad as everyone you complain about.

Maybe you are too busy beholding the mote in others' eyes and missing the beam in your own?

Cypress is without sin.

The active debate now is if LUCA was an autotroph that originated at deep sea hydrothermal vents, or in ponds of surface water along the shorelines of primeval oceans.
There seems to be an unwritten rule on this board that you are either a fire and brimstone fundamentalist, or a hardcore atheist, and there simply isn't anything in between!

Only according to the wacky fundies and the hardcore, if not violent, atheists. LOL
Maybe if you didn't call people an antisemite just because they discuss the theologically problematic aspects of Yahweh in the Pentateuch you might have a more firm position here. Seems you are as bad as everyone you complain about.

Maybe you are too busy beholding the mote in others' eyes and missing the beam in your own?

It’s always someone else’s fault and never yours.
The active debate now is if LUCA was an autotroph that originated at deep sea hydrothermal vents, or in ponds of surface water along the shorelines of primeval oceans.

Given that the oxygen holocaust didn't occur until 2.3GA after the earth's formation I'm guessing autotrophic. Certainly not photosynthetic. Otherwise there wouldn't have been the oxidation event.
Maybe if you didn't call people an antisemite just because they discuss the theologically problematic aspects of Yahweh in the Pentateuch you might have a more firm position here. Seems you are as bad as everyone you complain about.

Maybe you are too busy beholding the mote in others' eyes and missing the beam in your own?

I see you are posting again as if you are 20-something. I'm guessing you have less education than most, possibly suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. Maybe bipolar. I guess we have another Sybil on the board.