Last Universal Common Ancestor

Given that the oxygen holocaust didn't occur until 2.3GA after the earth's formation I'm guessing autotrophic. Certainly not photosynthetic. Otherwise there wouldn't have been the oxidation event.

doesn't necessarily mean they were autotrophs. They may have consumed other things for food and energy. Just not photosynthetic.
Better accuse him of being someone's sock. LOL.

(Can I tell you how much I love the fact that many people on here think I'm YOUR sock! LOLOL.)
He’s your sock, Jank, but thanks for the game you are playing. It’s interesting. Keep it up. Seriously. I’m entertained. :)
Cypress posts a lot about philosophy and I enjoy those topics. Religion is a form of rigidly formalized philosophy.

Consider how often Cypress writes about Socrates and Plato to see what my point.

I scanned the last 25 active threads which I started, and here's the breakdown -->

6 threads are on science
2 are on philosophers
1 on mathmatics
15 on politics, economics, or foreign policy

and 1 thread on religion, which was actually a thread mocking Christian fundamentalists.
I scanned the last 25 active threads which I started, and here's the breakdown -->

6 threads are on science
2 are on philosophers
1 on mathmatics
15 on politics, economics, or foreign policy

and 1 thread on religion, which was actually a thread mocking Christian fundamentalists.
violent and/or militant atheists hate anyone who gives an ounce of respect to believers and violent and/or militant theists hate anyone who gives an ounce of respect to non-believers.

This is a great litmus test in identifying the extremists on both sides of the equation.
Sooo….you’re accusing me of being an atheist? Do you think I’m a violent atheist?

Actually I think your problem is you are rather religious and you feel the need to hide it for some reason. So you "feign" something that isn't quite atheism (that would be scary because it might tell God something wrong) and you feel that "agnostic" is friendlier. That way you can play whatever game you wish while appearing to be unconcerned.

But the the real tell was when I merely discussed the genocides and murders in the O.T. and you immediately jumped on me with the fervor of a real evangelical. I wasn't just an atheist, no I was a "violent" atheist. And ultimately had to compare me to nazis because the anger was boiling over in you.

Your moral problems are trying to be a relatively unpleasant person while also trying to keep your religious faith intact. You are hopeful your God is ok with your actions.

That's what I see. You are free to deny it as you wish. I would expect nothing less of you.
violent and/or militant atheists hate anyone who gives an ounce of respect to believers and violent and/or militant theists hate anyone who gives an ounce of respect to non-believers.

This is a great litmus test in identifying the extremists on both sides of the equation.

Don't worry, Dutch. Even if you are an Evangelical (Church of Christ maybe?) people can still respect you. It's a matter of you being a better person. Try not being so angry and aggressive with everyone.
Don't worry, Dutch. Even if you are an Evangelical (Church of Christ maybe?) people can still respect you. It's a matter of you being a better person. Try not being so angry and aggressive with everyone.
Denying being a Christian is a sin, Jank.
Back to the topic.

I read an article earlier today where a guy claimed to be a direct descendent of Charlemagne. He then mentioned that geneticists now think that EVERYONE of European a direct descendent of Charlemagne.

The point of convergence of descendance is not that far back. You have two parents; four grandparents; eight great grandparents; 16 great great grandparents; 32 great great great grandparents. And it goes from there to 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048...and further.

It doesn't take too long to get to a number greater than the number of people alive in Europe at any one time.

Taken world-wide...we all have common ancestry not too far back.
Which religion do you think I belong? Certainly not Christian or Muslim since denying one’s faith is a sin.

Christian. You post like a Christian. I am guessing more evangelical (not super duper, though, because that would be very dangerous for you to play, God might get really angry) but you seem to be a firm believer in some Christian form of Taqiyya in which you are allowed to lie about your faith when talking to those who do not share it. You can lie for your God.

You have that vibe.

Like I said the big "tell" was when you didn't even stop at "atheist" but went straight to "violent atheist" and then "Nazi". Your choice of words belies your mental state.

I could be wrong, sure, but it is unlikely.