Last Universal Common Ancestor

I never said there was anyone. I just said it seems unlikely that there is.

See? This is why you might have some issues with "agnosticism".
Soooo….you can’t think of a single person who exhibits the maturity and education of a PhD. Good. Me neither.

I don’t have problems with agnosticism. Why do you think I do, Jank?

Time until Jank runs from the question: 10…9…8…
It would help explain why life is so rare in our solar system if not the galaxy.

Star Trek decieved us into thinking the galaxy is pregnant with intelligent life. I would be gratified just to find evidence of primitive alien life.
I thought you said you read the bible?

In one creation story, God created the plants and animals, and then humans last.

In the other creation story man created humans, and then animals and plants last.

the first, Genesis 1:1 is written in Hebrew is a commandment. The second, is Hebrew poetry. The third is narrative. It is not surprising that they communicate things differently.

"the British are coming!", Longfellow's the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere and an historical treatise all say different things about the same night in American that because we can't make up our minds about Paul Revere?.......
A 100 million years here, a 100 million years there and pretty soon you’re talking some real time.

Geologists tend to think of time rather differently than you and I. I would get Cypress to give the geologist's perspective but he's still really angry with me. (Can't say I blame him. I did question God quite a bit, or at least the problematic theology of the Old Testament).
Star Trek decieved us into thinking the galaxy is pregnant with intelligent life. I would be gratified just to find evidence of primitive alien life.

Planets with atmospheres of hydrogen sulfide, methane, and carbon dioxide with only microbes for life would make for a boring TV show. :)

That said, it appears that the key factor here, given there is life, is time. Since we only have one example to go by, it’s difficult to judge, but the example we have indicates that all life evolves towards higher forms. This fits with the Red Queen hypothesis since the first rule of evolution is survival.
I would get Cypress to give the geologist's perspective but he's still really angry with me. (Can't say I blame him. I did question God quite a bit, or at least the problematic theology of the Old Testament).
Wonders why I think he’s an violent atheist. LOL
1) doesn’t know how to delete a post.

2) forgot what account he was signed into.


No, delete sometimes doesn't work.

And I have only one account. I believe it is YOU who many feel have multiple accounts. I am supposedly one of your socks! And I occasionally respond to you so that others will be fooled into thinking we are two different people.

Or not.

You pick. :)