Not much.
I'm amazed that you & others are so positive there isn't systemic racism. Do you really think so many minorities can be making that up, or exaggerating about it?
I showed you once that blacks are pulled over more - a lot more. There are all kinds of stats like that. Blacks are profiled in a way that whites can't relate to. I know whites hate to hear that, but as I said the other day, most whites are at a breaking point after 2 weeks of protest. Imagine a lifetime of getting pulled over for doing nothing, or frisked for doing nothing, or being pushed down on the pavement for doing nothing. Imagine not being able to walk to the store at night without some fear of being stopped, frisked and possibly harassed.
Black parents speak about "the talk" they have to have with their children. This is universal in certain areas. They have to instill into their kids, hard, to behave perfectly when they're stopped or pulled over. Or they might die.