Lefties attack Trump's scotus pick

Why would she be accused of being a racist?

According to Trump and right wing logic, Trump has no right to make the pick,
Trump has every right under Article II Section II to make the pick.

They made it all very clear during Garland.
Article II Section II was followed to the letter during Garland. Obama exercised his power to nominate/appoint Garland and the Senate exercised their advisory/consent power to reject Garland. There is absolutely zero difference between 2016 and 2020 besides the political makeup of the Presidency/Senate.

We should respect the Republican's well thought out positions.
You do realize that the 2016 republican mantra was based on the BIDEN RULE of 1992, right?? You can blame Biden for coming up with this line of garbage...

No Supreme seat should be considered during a the last year of an administration.
That is not in the Constitution. That's just political pandering bullshit, and completely irrelevant as far as I am concerned. Presidents are elected to FOUR YEAR terms and their powers are able to be exercised during the ENTIRELY of such terms.

You rights all brayed that for all to hear. They said it, so we assume they meant it. Otherwise we have to believe the arguments during Garland were all lies. But no matter how you slice it, the Repubs are being liars and hypocrites.
Yes, Republicans did the same political pandering bullshit in 2016 and now such pandering is biting them in the ass as Democrats are attempting to play off of it and do the same pandering bullshit as we speak... However, Constitutionally speaking, Mitch and the Senate had every right to reject Obama's pick in 2016, and likewise have every right to accept Trump's pick in 2020. Article II Section II is VERY clear on this...
If you define civics as lying and cheating then you have the Repubs down. The Reds lied like hell in the Garland incident. It was just a lesson in lying and hypocrisy. Now they are reversing that. They are lying and cheating about the lies they told last time. The only consistency is lying.
You are too focused on the political pandering of both major parties rather than what the Constitution says regarding the matter...

The Constitution was followed in 2016 and it is being followed again in 2020...
She's a hottie. No doubt you'd like to put her under and grab some of that pussy, eh, Doc?

Why, after the thousands of times this meme has been debunked, do you morons continue to use it? Is it because you are severely lacking in common sense, IQ and self awareness?

Is it really a surprise to you that the Left attacks Trump and the Republicans supporting a pick just before an election?

Why do you continue to bloviate asinine strawmen in your attempts to remove any doubt what a whiny, dumb hack you really are? This isn't about attacks. It is about the hatred and lies contained in those attacks. Was ANYTHING they did to Kavanaugh called for? Could be considered honest or decent?

You don't treat Jurists who have many years of history serving their jurisdictions this way. The only reason would be because they are a party bereft of any intelligence, honesty and decency. It should embarrass them, but alas, low IQ simpletons have no self awareness.
There is no proof. You can't prove Biden won't win the election or that the Republicans won't lose the Senate.

We can predict the outcome. I predicted that Trump will win last year. So far, not one of you triggered loons have taken me up on that bet.

Trump failed to properly lead the nation through this crisis which is why our infection and fatality rate is higher than other modern nations.

Once again; this is a moronic lie. All you triggered loons parrot the same stupid lie in a vacuum of any facts to prop up the pathetic dementia Democratic candidate who stated as late as March that travel bans were xenophobic.

CHINA and the WHO are the one's who should be blamed, NOT Trump. But alas, you triggered loons are only interested in partisan politics and not FACTS.

Sure, Congress deserves a good portion of the blame too since they spent more time playing politics than doing their job, but Trump is the President. He should have led by example. A point anyone who spent time in the military should realize.

WRONG; the culprits who deserve blame are CHINA and the WHO. Blaming anyone else is asinine, partisan and buffoonish.
The race criteria of the eventual vp pick was determined before the candidate was selected.

Well that is pretty much true ever fuckin time since the founding of the Nation, & you only complain about it this one time........:rofl2:

I thought it was a mistake to lay it out like that, but it's politics
Lefties are animals, I know what animals do. Mitch needs to ram this through like a lefty hoax impeachment, and he needs to hold his middle finger high.

He was impeached. Is the world a hoax? Nope, it exists. Well so does his being impeached. Trump should be defiant all the way to jail.
He was impeached. Is the world a hoax? Nope, it exists. Well so does his being impeached. Trump should be defiant all the way to jail.

She was impeached twice. Is Mars a hoax? No, it exists. Well so does her being impeached. She should be defiant all the way to jail.
Well that is pretty much true ever fuckin time since the founding of the Nation, & you only complain about it this one time........:rofl2:

I thought it was a mistake to lay it out like that, but it's politics

Please quote the most recent time that a president established in advance of his vp selection, which race the vp would have to be in order to be selected.