T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
What do rightys think? They think that an election that was proven fair and honest by every measure we have, was stolen. They will keep thinking that because they are repeatedly told that. If Trump says it, they believe it.
Actually this is a proof the Left doesn't know what the Right thinks. Most people on the Right think Trump lost the election. Most Conservatives and Moderates don't listen to Trump at all.
The Dems have continued to exercise their right to vote and have maintained the American way of life and voting. Rightys insist the election was stolen. The left wonders how they can possibly be that stupid. The evidence, every scintilla of it, shows a fair and honest election.
The Democrats and Left want to codify election fraud. From all mail-in ballots, to ballot harvesting, to no ID requirements to register to vote or cast a vote, to letting 16 and 17 year-olds register to vote with just a wink and nod to their not actually doing it until they're 18, among other things... Trump's base thinks the election was stolen. The Center and most of the Right think otherwise. But, the Left doesn't know that because they're to absorbed in their terminal TDS to take notice.
The reds are learning to hate the left and think of us as enemies. We are not trying to change the country into a plutocracy or a dictatorship. They are.
Sane and sensible people should despise and hate the Left for their ideas. The Left has been the most destructive force on this planet for over two centuries now. The Left wants a dictatorship. The Left loves dictatorships. It's almost impossible to find a dictatorship in recent history that isn't Leftist in origin.
The left thinks we should take care \f the environment. Rights think it cuts down on energy companies profits, so it is wrong.
The Left doesn't have a clue on the environment. If they did they wouldn't be irresponsibly calling for idiocies that will never--NEVER--work. Question: How much pollution should we allow? The Right certainly doesn't worry about energy company profits since these are much lower than most Leftist corporations like Google.
Once again, the Left lives in a bubble that denies reality.
The left tries to have dialogues with the right, but rightys respond with name-calling, anger, and insults.
This is laughable. I expect you, yourself, to either throw ad hominem or insults or both to this response as every other Progressive Leftist on this board does.
America has existed for over 250 years and the right wants to tear it down and have total power when they are done.
Who said they want to "Fundamentally change America...?"
They want to kill off the left.
No, but the Left has proven they're more than willing to kill off the Center and Right given that their body count on that is well over 100 million now...
Maybe not all rightys are violent and haters. Just almost everyone on this board .
All Leftists to one degree or another are violent haters. They're just not very good at the violence part except in a large mob...