Leftists haven't got a clue what the Right is thinking

I think my ideas are pretty easy to understand and straight forward to comprehend. It's only myopic, dogmatic, ideologues of the Left that obstinately refuse to open their closed minds that can't grasp them mostly because they refuse to do so.


A Leftist engaging in "debate."

No one is closed minded. You're too egotistical to understand that we reject your stupid ideas and perfectly understand them.
I think my ideas are pretty easy to understand and straight forward to comprehend. It's only myopic, dogmatic, ideologues of the Left that obstinately refuse to open their closed minds that can't grasp them mostly because they refuse to do so.


A Leftist engaging in "debate."

Those who think like you are dying off. Your numbers are shrinking. Its over and you cant see it.
where are you, in a general way of course?

Thurston Co Wa....which is 60/40 D/R which does tell the whole story because much of Olympia has long been radically leftist, in part because Evergreen is here. Evergreen (the ones who abused Bret and Heather and then tossed them) is dying but they have greatly influenced the area over the years with their product. We are also the state capital, with state government being very WOKE. I hear that it is now almost impossible to get hired by the state without being WOKE, or at least claiming to be. It is basically open season on older white guys here, we are the root of all Evil the WOKE claim. I almost never leave the house anymore but when I do I increasingly experience the stench of hate. I am not the only one, I have heard many claims from older white guys here that they are also increasingly withdrawing from society, which is of course what the WOKE want to see..."SHUT UP AND DIE!".
One more proof that the Left hasn't got a clue what the non-Left thinks:


More interestingly, this tendency increases with education. The most clueless Leftists are ones with graduate degrees. Seems getting a university education and staying in that academic bubble really does make you stupid...

How the hell does the right think in the first place? These ppl are brain dead!!
I think my ideas are pretty easy to understand and straight forward to comprehend. It's only myopic, dogmatic, ideologues of the Left that obstinately refuse to open their closed minds that can't grasp them mostly because they refuse to do so.


A Leftist engaging in "debate."

Can you refuse to be open? Is that an option? I suppose if you are conned badly enough you could have an almost religious belief in something political. That is a descriptor of Trump followers. Nobody on the left has that kind of blind faith. We actually question our leaders. Can you imagine that?
Can you refuse to be open? Is that an option? I suppose if you are conned badly enough you could have an almost religious belief in something political. That is a descriptor of Trump followers. Nobody on the left has that kind of blind faith. We actually question our leaders. Can you imagine that?

Really? Show me a few cases of that actually happening...
Can you refuse to be open? Is that an option? I suppose if you are conned badly enough you could have an almost religious belief in something political. That is a descriptor of Trump followers. Nobody on the left has that kind of blind faith. We actually question our leaders. Can you imagine that?

No you don't. You march in lock step with the media and whatever your alleged "betters" want you to.

You don't question the media. And I'll tell you this: The media is compromised.

Did you question Joe Biden when he set the withdrawal date for Afghanistan to 9/11?
No you don't. You march in lock step with the media and whatever your alleged "betters" want you to.

You don't question the media. And I'll tell you this: The media is compromised.

Did you question Joe Biden when he set the withdrawal date for Afghanistan to 9/11?

all that matters is your guy is gone.
Really? Show me a few cases of that actually happening...

Have you been living in a vacuum? When Obama was in power we bitched constantly because he was too middle of the road. We wanted more. Biden may be the same. He is being pounded by the left for not delivering to the people yet. However to know that you would have to read some things the left says.
Have you been living in a vacuum? When Obama was in power we bitched constantly because he was too middle of the road. We wanted more. Biden may be the same. He is being pounded by the left for not delivering to the people yet. However to know that you would have to read some things the left says.

The mind of a right winger: lib bad lib bad lib bad....
Have you been living in a vacuum? When Obama was in power we bitched constantly because he was too middle of the road. We wanted more. Biden may be the same. He is being pounded by the left for not delivering to the people yet. However to know that you would have to read some things the left says.

Obama did nothing after ramrodding his disastrous Obamacare through a Congress with super majorities in both houses--that got flipped in the first mid-term... Biden has done nothing but fuck things up. Both were pounded by the Left for not fucking lots more stuff up like the Left wanted.
Obama did nothing after ramrodding his disastrous Obamacare through a Congress with super majorities in both houses--that got flipped in the first mid-term... Biden has done nothing but fuck things up. Both were pounded by the Left for not fucking lots more stuff up like the Left wanted.

Wow, Biden bad. Deep insight.
Wow, Biden bad. Deep insight.

Biden isn't bad in the sense of being criminal or evil. That takes deliberate acts. Biden is just an idiot and a fuck up. He'd be a punchline and little more if he wasn't somehow elected high school class president, or senator, or whatever he thinks he was elected to today...
Biden isn't bad in the sense of being criminal or evil. That takes deliberate acts. Biden is just an idiot and a fuck up. He'd be a punchline and little more if he wasn't somehow elected high school class president, or senator, or whatever he thinks he was elected to today...

Very astute analysis. Biden bad.
Obama did nothing after ramrodding his disastrous Obamacare through a Congress with super majorities in both houses--that got flipped in the first mid-term... Biden has done nothing but fuck things up. Both were pounded by the Left for not fucking lots more stuff up like the Left wanted.

Obamacare was a good piece of legislation that gave healthcare to millions of Americans who did not have it. It provided pay what you can afford clinics in poor communities. It got rid of the pre existing conditions problem. It prevented insurance companies from dropping you if you got sick, It allowed parents to keep children on their policies until age 26. It gave Medicare patients a free physical every year. it ended the lifetime limits of insurance companies. it gave tax breaks to small companies to help fund insurance. And more. If that is a disaster. I'll have another.
One more proof that the Left hasn't got a clue what the non-Left thinks:


More interestingly, this tendency increases with education. The most clueless Leftists are ones with graduate degrees. Seems getting a university education and staying in that academic bubble really does make you stupid...

I'll repeat it one more time. Thank you for demonstrating the Dunning-Kruger effect. :thumbsup: