I've noticed that in all threads about masks where mask function is function is discussed, lefties use the n95 as the benchmark when they want to show benefits of wearing masks.
Indeed they do; very astute observation!
The problem though, is that the n95 is not what people are wearing.
Correct again! Another astute observation! I've personally observed that many people are wearing either the disposable masks (rated for 95% of particulates 3,000nm+) or some sort of cloth face covering (which is even worse than the disposable masks).
Forget for a moment that the exhalation valve let's 100% of droplets out unfiltered, just look at the availability of the n95. Why would lefties use the n95 as a reference if it is not being used?
Because they are dishonest morons.
Why not look at the simple surgeon masks or cloth masks that people are actually using?
Because their filtration capabilities are much worse than N95 masks. (However, N95 mask filtration capabilities aren't even good enough for viruses either, to lefty chagrin)
Using n95 specs to justify wearing simple cloth masks or surgical masks is a scam.
Correct. Lefties love their scams. They are dishonest morons.
Using n95 filtration specs to do this while also claiming that masks protect others is a scam as well, since the exhalation valve allows unfiltered exhaust. Lefties can't help scamming.
Yup, you got it down rather well.
My favorite lefty mask-related mantra (in an attempt to virtue signal and shame others into mask wearing compliance) is: "your mask protects me, and my mask protects you" ... as if viruses can somehow go through the pores from the outside in, but not from the inside out. THEY'RE THE VERY SAME PORES YOU MORONS!!!!!
But then again, this isn't a new argument by lefties... It's just a reiteration of their
Magick Blanket Argument about
Global Warming, in which thermal energy from the Sun can get through Earth's atmosphere just fine (to heat Earth), but thermal energy from Earth's surface somehow cannot escape through that very same atmosphere (to "heat" space).
Mask Wearing is a scam.
Social Distancing is a scam.
Global Warming is a scam.
Ozone Depletion is a scam. Lefties sure love their scams... These reprobate minds are not only dishonest, but are also truly evil at heart. These are very bad people.