Lefty mask scam

Haven't worn a mask nor socially distanced myself. Been washing my hands on a regular basis for years, that's nothing new. Don't have it despite being told by idiots like you that if I don't wear a mask and socially distance myself, I will.

Same here. I've been doing everything "wrong" ever since this plannedemic began, actively trying to contract the virus, and I have yet to be able to contract it. Even though King Evers requires face coverings in indoor public areas, I do not comply with his order. I still go shopping without a mask on all the same. I am, however, purposely supporting local and/or independently owned businesses rather than big chain stores (whenever I am able to do so), since they have it harder due to Liberal lunacy.
I've been using a mask every time I go out in public, because it's been mandatory here in Indiana for over a month and a half now. I'm used to it, it doesn't bother me one bit. Plus, my sister, whom I live with, is a mask NUT, she started wearing them long before it was mandatory here. She's purchased quite an array of cool masks for me from the Internet. I believe I now own 17 masks, thanks to her, and NONE of them are the boring, drab, single color ones. I have several Rolling Stones, one just Keith Richards, a Muddy Waters, a Howlin' Wolf, a Jimi Hendrix, a David Bowie, two Jethro Tull, a Beavis and Butthead, one commemorating the book and movie, The Shining, a Grumpy Cat, several Lil' Bub (YouTube kitty that became a huge hit.), one with many kitties on it, and one with books, ALL of these are specially made masks! My sister, who is THE smartest person I know (I.Q. of 154) knew I DIDN'T like the idea of having to wear a mask in public. She performed the magical act of helping me LIKE wearing masks in public. She is truly remarkable.
It's mandatory here in Wisconsin as well, but I still refuse to comply with the order (outside of wearing one below my nose at work in order to keep my job, and at the dentist in order to receive dental care). But inside of any grocery store or anything like that, I still refuse to comply with the order. Several County police departments across Wisconsin have also openly stated that they will not enforce the order in any way, basically telling people to not even bother them with tattling on others. Several independently owned stores in the State have also been telling mask-whiners to stop bothering/harassing their customers who happen to not be wearing masks.
I've noticed that in all threads about masks where mask function is function is discussed, lefties use the n95 as the benchmark when they want to show benefits of wearing masks. The problem though, is that the n95 is not what people are wearing. Forget for a moment that the exhalation valve let's 100% of droplets out unfiltered, just look at the availability of the n95. Why would lefties use the n95 as a reference if it is not being used? Why not look at the simple surgeon masks or cloth masks that people are actually using? Using n95 specs to justify wearing simple cloth masks or surgical masks is a scam. Using n95 filtration specs to do this while also claiming that masks protect others is a scam as well, since the exhalation valve allows unfiltered exhaust. Lefties can't help scamming.

that is a lame control experiment. social distancing and no masks work too

the other scam - early use of Hydroxychloroquine has proven to be useful - the media is still running with the lie that it doesn't help
Yup, hydroxy is an effective treatment. It's just not favored because it is both readily available and quite cheap.
It's mandatory here in Wisconsin as well, but I still refuse to comply with the order (outside of wearing one below my nose at work in order to keep my job, and at the dentist in order to receive dental care). But inside of any grocery store or anything like that, I still refuse to comply with the order. Several County police departments across Wisconsin have also openly stated that they will not enforce the order in any way, basically telling people to not even bother them with tattling on others. Several independently owned stores in the State have also been telling mask-whiners to stop bothering/harassing their customers who happen to not be wearing masks.

And I MOSTLY wear my masks to please my sister. She's a goodhearted person, always willing to help out others. She's in constant pain every day from severe migraine headaches. She's been going to the world known Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago for over 12 years now, unfortunately they still haven't found the root cause of her headaches. They don't prescribe narcotic or opioid medications anymore because there was too much addiction and abuse from the patients. My sister was addicted to opioids so bad they almost killed her. I had to take early retirement about 5 and a half years ago to take care of her, and help get her off the opioids. It took nearly a year, but she kicked her habit. She's been clean for over 4 years now. I've stayed retired so I can live with her and watch over her. She watches over ME, as well.
Who cares? I wear a mask only when absolutely forced to to avoid a fight over not wearing one. I think they're all but worthless and can't see any reason to bother with one to begin with.

They are less than useless when not wearing any eye protection. If you wear glasses, then you are slightly better off. But the notion that a mask is going to prevent the spread of a respiratory disease is asinine. The best way to prevent such things is by educating people not to go out if they are sick.

Particularly, and this is for you Cuomo the clown; don't force a bunch of sick elderly into nursing homes!
Supposedly it's required in places where I go. The only place that has said something to me was Walmart. Some overpaid, underskilled person working the door said to me that I didn't have a mask. When I asked her if she had one for me to wear and she said "no", I told her when she provided it, I'd wear it.

Yeah, my cousins have had the Walmart employee who is told to be "mask police" say stuff to them, but they have just said "no" and walked right on by. I have personally basically stopped shopping at Walmart (in favor of local/independent stores).

My work provides us with disposable masks, as well as providing us with a couple of reusable cloth masks. For the dentist, I have always made them provide me with a disposable mask. Elsewhere, I simply do not wear one. I have never purchased a mask, and if I would ever do so, it would be one with some sort of anti-liberal or "liberal triggering" messaging/display on it, such as "Trump 2020" or "MAGA" or a confederate flag, or a gadsden flag, or "liberalism: find a cure", and etc.
I do. More people wearing masks you claim work yet numbers are still rising. Can you explain that?

Yup. Notice how even with all of this mask wearing that the number of "cases" (which is also a lie) continue to "spike", seemingly perpetually?

Here in Wisconsin, the current COVID fear mongering is about the UW Madison campus seeing a "spike" in cases amongst students and faculty.

It's sickening that what they are calling "cases" is simply someone being forced to get a test and discovering that they have a bit of COVID inside of their nasal cavities... That's not a case of COVID, morons... That's not an infection, morons.

People not wearing masks and practicing social distancing?
Nope... If masks worked, then all of the masses of devout mask wearers would not be getting COVID (as their mask would be protecting them from it)... Only the few and far between "sinners" such as myself would be getting COVID. Yet, cases are supposedly "spiking" (and perpetually "spiking", at that, even well after mask mandates have been unconstitutionally put into place)... Why is this?
I don't wear one when lots of people are around.

According to those giving the numbers, there have been enormous rises.

If I wore a mask, it would be over my eyes so I didn't have to see the easily duped idiots.

If I wore a mask, especially to a place such as Walmart where they have a dude at the door, I would wear one around my wrist to make a political statement.
Yes. I didn't wear one then, either. I didn't get it, either Did you?

I do pretty much what I did before all this started. I shake hands (with those willing to do so), I don't socially distance, I don't wear a mask, etc. According to those in the know, I'm a prime candidate to catch Covid. If I'm doing all the wrong things according to them and am at a high risk because of my actions, why haven't I caught it? There are people wearing masks, socially distancing, and doing what the "experts" say they should do that get it.
Exactly right.

I didn't get H1N1 that year either... My college teacher was all gung-ho about it and telling us what to do to prevent it (instead of actually teaching the material that he was supposed to be teaching). The best week of that class was the week that he was absent due to being infected with H1N1... We actually covered course material during that week.
Another thread on masks......

(Shakes head)

I guess most of you don't even cover your big fuckin mouth when you cough, after all fuck everyone else, not my problem....
One can't spread a disease that they DON'T HAVE, moron...

Why wear a seat-belt?? They are not preventing accidents are they.:rolleyes:
Seat belts do not prevent accidents, moron... They help to reduce the risk/severity of personal injury/death that can result from being in an accident.