Lefty mask scam

I thought it was clear? I am asking for any evidence that the coronavirus can survive on it's own unassisted while airborne. It's a simple question.

You are asking the wrong question. But it’s ok. You are ignorant so can be forgiven

When talking about viruses they don’t particularly survive in the context of a living being. The question is whether they are viable to cause infection.

Viruses are not able to replicate or expend energy so therefore are not alive. They move from host to host destroying viable living cels.

Think of them as leftists
You are asking the wrong question. But it’s ok. You are ignorant so can be forgiven

When talking about viruses they don’t particularly survive in the context of a living being. The question is whether they are viable to cause infection.

Viruses are not able to replicate or expend energy so therefore are not alive. They move from host to host destroying viable living cels.

Think of them as leftists

The question is pretty clear.

"Viruses are not able to replicate or expend energy so therefore are not alive. They move from host to host destroying viable living cells."

You are getting there.
If I wore a mask, especially to a place such as Walmart where they have a dude at the door, I would wear one around my wrist to make a political statement.

Or over your eyes so you don't have to see all the people that have been duped.
The question is pretty clear.

"Viruses are not able to replicate or expend energy so therefore are not alive. They move from host to host destroying viable living cells."

You are getting there.

I am smarter than you on this issue. Spare your condescension. Reading Wikipedia doesn't make you an expert in infectious disease
Which masks feature brownian movement filtration? The n95, the cheap cloth ones, or the surgical ones? Do you know what conditions are required in order for brownian motion to occur? What underlying physical mechanisms are required for the pressure dependent retention of particles? Flow-dependent entrapment of bioparticles requires certain convective and diffusive forces, right? Please explain the nature of these forces in masks.

Typical science denier bullshit from you. If you don't understand it then it mustn't be true. You research a couple of science terms and then demand they be explained even if they don't apply.

The only requirement for brownian motion to occur are ultrafine particles must be present. It occurs in the air even if no one is in the room.

Convective forces in masks - Hmm.... Breathing? How do you think air moves when someone wears a mask?
diffusive forces ? hmm.... breathing through a mask restricts airflow and forces it to change direction as it passes through the mask.

Here, let's try this source for you.
It specifically deals with surgical masks and the funny thing is, it uses the same manner of stopping particles that N95 masks do.

Typical science denier bullshit from you. If you don't understand it then it mustn't be true. You research a couple of science terms and then demand they be explained even if they don't apply.

The only requirement for brownian motion to occur are ultrafine particles must be present. It occurs in the air even if no one is in the room.

Lol, nice try. You need to connect this with how masks utilize brownian motion, and how a mask must be constructed if it is to utilize brownian motion to filter out viruses. If your argument is that brownian motion in the air all around us filters out viruses, there would be no argument then for the use of a mask that relies upon brownian motion. How must a mask be constructed if it is to utilize pedesis to filter out the coronavirus?

No matter how much or what kind of data you present on THIS thread that defends the use of masks, it can only support my opening post. Dodge, deflect, invert, convert, divert, redefine, or otherwise evade is what you are doing when you avoid the opening post, and it only supports my claim that lefties are scamming.
People walking around in public places without masks may as well have, "I am a stupid fucking asshole!" tattooed on their foreheads.
Intelligent people look at them just as if the tats were actually there anyway.

It's like having a Trump sticker on your vehicle's bumper or a Trump sign on your lawn.
No reason to keep it a secret that you're a defective lowlife.
People walking around in public places without masks may as well have, "I am a stupid fucking asshole!" tattooed on their foreheads.
Intelligent people look at them just as if the tats were actually there anyway.

It's like having a Trump sticker on your vehicle's bumper or a Trump sign on your lawn.
No reason to keep it a secret that you're a defective lowlife.

What does this have to do with the opening post? Are you trying to run interference to take attention away from a topic that you are afraid to respond to? Dodge, deflect, invert, convert, divert, redefine, or otherwise evade.
"Live Free or Die" is the most laughed-at slogan in all of New England.

That's not because it isn't a reasonable position. It is,

But the freedom most cherished by those who like to say it the most is FREEDOM FROM SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY.

Every intelligent person knows this. It couldn't be more obvious.
"Live Free or Die" is the most laughed-at slogan in all of New England.

That's not because it isn't a reasonable position. It is,

But the freedom most cherished by those who like to say it the most is FREEDOM FROM SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY.

Every intelligent person knows this. It couldn't be more obvious.

Dodge, deflect, invert, convert, divert, redefine, or otherwise evade.
The experts disagree with you on this.
Great, the proverbial "experts" who aren't. Biologists and doctors are with me. You go right on believing the CNN contributor "experts" whose job it is to tell you what you are to believe and I'll go with biology and medical research.

The coronovirus floating freely is not an issue; it ends up floating freely either by being one of the billions that are released freely into the air or by being one of the billions released into the air in a droplet that quickly evaporates. Only a moron disputes that water evaporates.

Once a coronavirus floats down to a surface, the type of surface determines how long it survives.

For some reason, copper is not good to coronavirus and most viruses that land on it are dead about a couple hours later.
COVID-19 lasts about four times as long on cardboard and about eight times as long on plastic and steel.
Different surfaces yield different results.

There are many things that are hostile to coronavirus outside a human body owing to its fragile membrane which is quickly damaged by most chemicals like alcohol, bleach, plain soap, plain detergent, any surfactant, etc.. Coronavirus is particularly sensitive to UV so viruses floating freely in the daytime air outdoors are typically killed pretty quickly just from that. Indoors, however, they are typically safe from solar UV.
"Live Free or Die" is the most laughed-at slogan in all of New England.
You laughing at it doesn't make it "the most laughed at slogan." You actually only get to speak for yourself.

But the freedom most cherished by those who like to say it the most is FREEDOM FROM SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY.
Nope. The freedom most cherished is the freedom from virtue-signalling losers like you who like to talk tough with other people stuff like it's theirs to give away. It's the only way you know to finally feel some sort of relevance and self-worth. Every intelligent person knows this. It couldn't be more obvious.

People walking around in public places without masks may as well have, "I am a stupid fucking asshole!" tattooed on their foreheads.
Judgemental maskholes like you should listen intently to that inner voice telling you take your love of looking like a clown and and your desire to performing meaningless antics for other people's amusement and join the circus. You're a loser anyway so maybe some good will come from it. Anything that removes you from society will be a benefit to society. Perhaps you can be your own freak show, who knows?


Yes! That's it! Don't take it anymore. Leave the rest of us "assholes" behind as you just LEAVE, fuck you very much. It's shithead losers like you that bring all our international rankings down across the board. But don't leave just yet. Wait until AFTER the November elections. It's snowflakes like yourself that compel society to vote for Trump. If I haven't thanked you for getting Trump elected in 2016 allow me to apologize for the oversight and offer you my sincerest albeit belated thanks today.

Great, the proverbial "experts" who aren't. Biologists and doctors are with me. You go right on believing the CNN contributor "experts" whose job it is to tell you what you are to believe and I'll go with biology and medical research.


The coronovirus floating freely is not an issue; it ends up floating freely either by being one of the billions that are released freely into the air or by being one of the billions released into the air in a droplet that quickly evaporates. Only a moron disputes that water evaporates.

Yes it is an issue. Unless you have source that shows otherwise.

Once a coronavirus floats down to a surface, the type of surface determines how long it survives.

Yes I know. It's mentioned in the article I linked which you probably refused to read.

For some reason, copper is not good to coronavirus and most viruses that land on it are dead about a couple hours later.
COVID-19 lasts about four times as long on cardboard and about eight times as long on plastic and steel.
Different surfaces yield different results.

Of course. It's mentioned in the article. That is the reason for disinfection.

There are many things that are hostile to coronavirus outside a human body owing to its fragile membrane which is quickly damaged by most chemicals like alcohol, bleach, plain soap, plain detergent, any surfactant, etc.. Coronavirus is particularly sensitive to UV so viruses floating freely in the daytime air outdoors are typically killed pretty quickly just from that. Indoors, however, they are typically safe from solar UV.
