Let me tell you about my anger issue …

My son’s room mate just sent a picture to his parents of the underside of his vehicle. He had gone out to drive to his girlfriend’s regional final basketball game then was going to come home and spend the weekend with his family. Some tweaker stole his catalytic converter.

Both boys are freshmen at OU. My son parks his truck in the parking structure near their dorms. His room mate’s family couldn’t afford that parking so he utilizes the free parking at the Lloyd Nobel Center.

My boy has been in OKC all day moderating an Academic Tournament and couldn’t help get his room mate to the basketball game. Just last week the boy’s mom was asking questions about student loans because I know they are struggling to pay for him to attend OU. It makes me so angry that this kid is trying to better himself and lead a productive life, his family is struggling to do what they can to help and then some low-life thinks it’s ok to steal from him.

I wish I was able to go there and guard the free parking lot for these kids. Some rock salt would be in order. I absolutely despise a thief. Someone who isn’t willing to work is low (that’s as nicely as I could put it) but someone who isn’t willing to work and would steal to boot … :mad:

I’d like to round up the druggies around here (and there) and give them the Sheriff Arpaio treatment for about a year.

Rant over … just makes me so mad.

I have an associate that has had his stolen twice, once at home in SC and once outside Chicago
Welcome to State University life. It’s not the druggies man. It’s their fellow students. What you really need to do is find who is buying and selling them and arrest them along with the thieves.

It’s easy money. Takes three guys. A driver, jackman and a guy with the power tool to take it off. Takes a couple of minutes and you’re down the road. If you can get the right type you can make about $500. That’s a lot of beer money. Same with bikes on and around campus. Why buy a bike or a bike part when you can steel someone else’s to use. that’s been a problem at Ohio State since they started selling bikes. Same with all the major campuses around the country.

You have a dense population of broke ass college students and a certain percentage of them will steal whatever isn’t nailed down. I knew guys who payed their way through college working as fences, selling weed, pimping broke ass coeds, etc,.

I hate to tell you but your son needs to learn to be street wise and think about that shit. He can’t be naive about where he’s living. Tell him has to think about shit like knowing where to park to reduce the chance of theft. Never, ever keep anything in your car you don’t want stolen, only drive the car when you have to and get a reliable bike to use around campus. Take the bus when it’s cold. Don’t own anything you wouldn’t want stolen. Alway keep your lap top and phone on hand. Pay attention to who is around you.

The only alternative to dealing with the street scene is to live waaaay off campus.

But don’t fret it to much. He’ll learn but let him knows he’s a knuckle head for not thinking about stuff like that. He’s not back home and the rules are different and he needs to learn them cause you can’t afford to be buying him a new catalytic converter every other week. He’s gotta be smarter than the thieves which can’t be to hard or the wouldn’t be thieves.

Remember when ever you get robbed most of the time it’s because you did something dumb.

So finding the creeps who buy and sell and throwing them in jail is half the battle the other half is being street wise and learning not to be a victim.

For the sake of discussion I have some issues with your points. I definitely agree about not leaving anything in your car. That's just a "Welcome Here" sign for thieves. But you say one should know where to park so your car won't get broken into? How does someone know that? Your car get broken into in the garage of your single family home. It can broken into in a parking garage. It can get broken into at an outdoor parking lot. It can broken into at your local grocery store parking lot. Short of not owning a car I don't follow your logic here.

And then you mention riding a bike when you can but then talk about bike theft. Same thing, you can lock up your bike but doesn't mean it won't be stolen. Because one is street smart doesn't mean they can't be victim to theft.
Remember, this wasn’t my son. It was his room mate whose family really didn’t have the money to pay for him to use the parking structure so opted for free parking. My boy has definitely had his eyes open with the situation.

No, I missed that. My apologies. Well that’s good he wasn’t the victim and learned a valuable lesson. I hope he’s learned to avoid the campus party scene. OSU is not an exclusive school and has to accept all citizens of the State who are academically qualified, which is very good, but ever year a crap load of freshmen flunk out cause they get caught up in the party scene without any parental control.
For the sake of discussion I have some issues with your points. I definitely agree about not leaving anything in your car. That's just a "Welcome Here" sign for thieves. But you say one should know where to park so your car won't get broken into? How does someone know that? Your car get broken into in the garage of your single family home. It can broken into in a parking garage. It can get broken into at an outdoor parking lot. It can broken into at your local grocery store parking lot. Short of not owning a car I don't follow your logic here.

And then you mention riding a bike when you can but then talk about bike theft. Same thing, you can lock up your bike but doesn't mean it won't be stolen. Because one is street smart doesn't mean they can't be victim to theft.

Well the point about the bike is it’s a whole lot cheaper than a car and we’re not talking about a Trek Madone either. Just a basic reliable bike that you can afford to take the hit if it does get stolen. Obviously even then you want to take what precautions you can to prevent its theft.

As for the car. It’s a cost/risk assessment. If you can’t find a relatively safe private parking arrangement and the risk of the cost of theft/vandalism is to high and you can survive with out one then maybe that’s the way to go. I know that for a lot kids at OSU who live in the campus area the cost of secure private parking is to high and nothing is fool proof when you live in a high crime area like the OSU campus area. A lot of upper class men will pool their resources to find a crib outside the campus area where you don’t have to worry as much about property crime. Many just decide a car isn’t worth the cost and forego having one and rely on having a cheap bike and public transportation.

When I worked at OSU I put a bike rack on my car, parked in a relatively safe private parking lot which was far cheaper than the campus area and was right next to a bus stop. In nice weather I’d put a bike on the rack, parked off campus and road to campus. Even then I had my saddle stolen twice from the cheap old mountain bike I was using but easily and cheaply replaced and in cold weather I’d take the bus. Learned that lesson after parking in C Lot by St. John’s arena on Lane Ave and a vandal broke the passenger side window. Never had a problem with my car being messed with after I started parking in a private lot north of campus.
Well the point about the bike is it’s a whole lot cheaper than a car and we’re not talking about a Trek Madone either. Just a basic reliable bike that you can afford to take the hit if it does get stolen. Obviously even then you want to take what precautions you can to prevent its theft.

As for the car. It’s a cost/risk assessment. If you can’t find a relatively safe private parking arrangement and the risk of the cost of theft/vandalism is to high and you can survive with out one then maybe that’s the way to go. I know that for a lot kids at OSU who live in the campus area the cost of secure private parking is to high and nothing is fool proof when you live in a high crime area like the OSU campus area. A lot of upper class men will pool their resources to find a crib outside the campus area where you don’t have to worry as much about property crime. Many just decide a car isn’t worth the cost and forego having one and rely on having a cheap bike and public transportation.

When I worked at OSU I put a bike rack on my car, parked in a relatively safe private parking lot which was far cheaper than the campus area and was right next to a bus stop. In nice weather I’d put a bike on the rack, parked off campus and road to campus. Even then I had my saddle stolen twice from the cheap old mountain bike I was using but easily and cheaply replaced and in cold weather I’d take the bus. Learned that lesson after parking in C Lot by St. John’s arena on Lane Ave and a vandal broke the passenger side window. Never had a problem with my car being messed with after I started parking in a private lot north of campus.

LR was speaking about the OU campus which I can't claim to be familiar with but this kid may have need for a car, I don't know his particular circumstances. But many kids have needs for cars while at school and LR mentioned him being from a poor family so that precludes exclusive parking arrangements (if such things even exist at OU). In this scenario I don't see the kid as lacking street smarts or having done something to invite this.
No, I missed that. My apologies. Well that’s good he wasn’t the victim and learned a valuable lesson. I hope he’s learned to avoid the campus party scene. OSU is not an exclusive school and has to accept all citizens of the State who are academically qualified, which is very good, but ever year a crap load of freshmen flunk out cause they get caught up in the party scene without any parental control.

Yep. It’s a constant worry. Freshmen MUST live on campus. Freshman year is the weed out process according to the university. Campus is over 3 hours away. First semester was good. Still doesn’t eliminate the worry. As far as we know the second semester is going ok. I’ll get a better feel of things as we’re going there this weekend to see him, using the guise of going to watch a basketball game. They’re not very good and I think they play Kansas State :rolleyes:. First time since January 3rd.
LR was speaking about the OU campus which I can't claim to be familiar with but this kid may have need for a car, I don't know his particular circumstances. But many kids have needs for cars while at school and LR mentioned him being from a poor family so that precludes exclusive parking arrangements (if such things even exist at OU). In this scenario I don't see the kid as lacking street smarts or having done something to invite this.

Nah, he just parked where OU offered free parking. It’s where we park when we go up to watch football. Vehicles are pretty essential for these guys. My boy’s room mate drives home every 2 or 3 weeks. Has a girlfriend back here and he likes his family. :) My kid, OTH, has no girlfriend here and is involved in several campus activities that keep him busy a lot of weekends so he doesn’t come home nearly as often :(. But it’s better for them to have vehicles for when they come home.

The parking garage where my son parks is right across the road from their dorm but it cost a bit to park there. I’m thinking it is pretty secure but not bulletproof. I’m not sure how much a year it was but when a family is scraping every thing they can together to help their kid it seemed a necessary exclusion at the time.
Nah, he just parked where OU offered free parking. It’s where we park when we go up to watch football. Vehicles are pretty essential for these guys. My boy’s room mate drives home every 2 or 3 weeks. Has a girlfriend back here and he likes his family. :) My kid, OTH, has no girlfriend here and is involved in several campus activities that keep him busy a lot of weekends so he doesn’t come home nearly as often :(. But it’s better for them to have vehicles for when they come home.

The parking garage where my son parks is right across the road from their dorm but it cost a bit to park there. I’m thinking it is pretty secure but not bulletproof. I’m not sure how much a year it was but when a family is scraping every thing they can together to help their kid it seemed a necessary exclusion at the time.

I just don't see it as lacking street smarts to make a financial consideration to use free parking. Yes there may be an element more of risk than parking in a structure but structure's aren't full proof, cars get broken into/stolen from there as well.
My son’s room mate just sent a picture to his parents of the underside of his vehicle. He had gone out to drive to his girlfriend’s regional final basketball game then was going to come home and spend the weekend with his family. Some tweaker stole his catalytic converter.

Both boys are freshmen at OU. My son parks his truck in the parking structure near their dorms. His room mate’s family couldn’t afford that parking so he utilizes the free parking at the Lloyd Nobel Center.

My boy has been in OKC all day moderating an Academic Tournament and couldn’t help get his room mate to the basketball game. Just last week the boy’s mom was asking questions about student loans because I know they are struggling to pay for him to attend OU. It makes me so angry that this kid is trying to better himself and lead a productive life, his family is struggling to do what they can to help and then some low-life thinks it’s ok to steal from him.

I wish I was able to go there and guard the free parking lot for these kids. Some rock salt would be in order. I absolutely despise a thief. Someone who isn’t willing to work is low (that’s as nicely as I could put it) but someone who isn’t willing to work and would steal to boot … :mad:

I’d like to round up the druggies around here (and there) and give them the Sheriff Arpaio treatment for about a year.

Rant over … just makes me so mad.

You really are making a case for Electric Cars here!

Sometimes you have to look over the horizon to solve problems!

The real problem is they should have just stuck with using gold instead of using the most precious metals on earth like platinum, palladium, and rhodium.

What was Detroit thinking? Profits I'm sure!
Yep. It’s a constant worry. Freshmen MUST live on campus. Freshman year is the weed out process according to the university. Campus is over 3 hours away. First semester was good. Still doesn’t eliminate the worry. As far as we know the second semester is going ok. I’ll get a better feel of things as we’re going there this weekend to see him, using the guise of going to watch a basketball game. They’re not very good and I think they play Kansas State :rolleyes:. First time since January 3rd.
It’s a weed out year if their immature, academically the sophomore year was the weed out year. I saw a lot of folks weeded out by OChem.
LR was speaking about the OU campus which I can't claim to be familiar with but this kid may have need for a car, I don't know his particular circumstances. But many kids have needs for cars while at school and LR mentioned him being from a poor family so that precludes exclusive parking arrangements (if such things even exist at OU). In this scenario I don't see the kid as lacking street smarts or having done something to invite this.

I can’t speak for OU either but catalytic converter theft is a bigger worry than just campus. If you have the right tools it’s just so easy.
You really are making a case for Electric Cars here!

Sometimes you have to look over the horizon to solve problems!

The real problem is they should have just stuck with using gold instead of using the most precious metals on earth like platinum, palladium, and rhodium.

What was Detroit thinking? Profits I'm sure!

You really are a moron!

...i don't mind practicing full body massage with women with Bad attitudes in an attempt to try to turn them into sugar and spice and everything nice.

Maybe you can find women who believe in equality?
...i don't mind practicing full body massage with women with Bad attitudes in an attempt to try to turn them into sugar and spice and everything nice.

Maybe you can find women who believe in equality?

Wut? And what does this have to do with the price of rice in China?