Let me tell you about my anger issue …

Which is why I vote for the Sheriff Joe method for a year. Controlled living (meaning no drugs) and labor for your food.

You're a man of God, Rev, but you do have a vicious streak, don't you?
Atheists do tend to be more humane, one must admit.

Try to remember that none of us asked to be here.
We were all dragged onto this pigshit planet by thoughtless parents who didn't know enough to use birth control.
And then, for those of us who went on to make the same mistake, we're burdened with guilt for the rest of our lives.

I'm concerned with the ones who don't feel guilt.
Again, a frightening vicious streak.
You're a man of God, Rev, but you do have a vicious streak, don't you?
Atheists do tend to be more humane, one must admit.

Try to remember that none of us asked to be here.
We were all dragged onto this pigshit planet by thoughtless parents who didn't know enough to use birth control.
And then, for those of us who went on to make the same mistake, we're burdened with guilt for the rest of our lives.

I'm concerned with the ones who don't feel guilt.
Again, a frightening vicious streak.

Like famous atheists Stalin and Mao?
My son’s room mate just sent a picture to his parents of the underside of his vehicle. He had gone out to drive to his girlfriend’s regional final basketball game then was going to come home and spend the weekend with his family. Some tweaker stole his catalytic converter.

Both boys are freshmen at OU. My son parks his truck in the parking structure near their dorms. His room mate’s family couldn’t afford that parking so he utilizes the free parking at the Lloyd Nobel Center.

My boy has been in OKC all day moderating an Academic Tournament and couldn’t help get his room mate to the basketball game. Just last week the boy’s mom was asking questions about student loans because I know they are struggling to pay for him to attend OU. It makes me so angry that this kid is trying to better himself and lead a productive life, his family is struggling to do what they can to help and then some low-life thinks it’s ok to steal from him.

I wish I was able to go there and guard the free parking lot for these kids. Some rock salt would be in order. I absolutely despise a thief. Someone who isn’t willing to work is low (that’s as nicely as I could put it) but someone who isn’t willing to work and would steal to boot … :mad:

I’d like to round up the druggies around here (and there) and give them the Sheriff Arpaio treatment for about a year.

Rant over … just makes me so mad.
It’s bad here in Houston. It’s a quick, easy crime. They caught a ring the other day here in HTown.
Like famous atheists Stalin and Mao?

Stalin was educated in the seminary

Stalin left provincial Gori to study at the Tiflis Seminary for the training of priests, it was a landmark in his life. He was fourteen years old, and in many respects as mature as the Western youth of seventeen or eighteen.
Stalin was educated in the seminary

Stalin left provincial Gori to study at the Tiflis Seminary for the training of priests, it was a landmark in his life. He was fourteen years old, and in many respects as mature as the Western youth of seventeen or eighteen.

He wouldn't have been the first atheist a Russian seminary produced. :)
My son’s room mate just sent a picture to his parents of the underside of his vehicle. He had gone out to drive to his girlfriend’s regional final basketball game then was going to come home and spend the weekend with his family. Some tweaker stole his catalytic converter.

Both boys are freshmen at OU. My son parks his truck in the parking structure near their dorms. His room mate’s family couldn’t afford that parking so he utilizes the free parking at the Lloyd Nobel Center.

My boy has been in OKC all day moderating an Academic Tournament and couldn’t help get his room mate to the basketball game. Just last week the boy’s mom was asking questions about student loans because I know they are struggling to pay for him to attend OU. It makes me so angry that this kid is trying to better himself and lead a productive life, his family is struggling to do what they can to help and then some low-life thinks it’s ok to steal from him.

I wish I was able to go there and guard the free parking lot for these kids. Some rock salt would be in order. I absolutely despise a thief. Someone who isn’t willing to work is low (that’s as nicely as I could put it) but someone who isn’t willing to work and would steal to boot … :mad:

I’d like to round up the druggies around here (and there) and give them the Sheriff Arpaio treatment for about a year.

Rant over … just makes me so mad.
Welcome to State University life. It’s not the druggies man. It’s their fellow students. What you really need to do is find who is buying and selling them and arrest them along with the thieves.

It’s easy money. Takes three guys. A driver, jackman and a guy with the power tool to take it off. Takes a couple of minutes and you’re down the road. If you can get the right type you can make about $500. That’s a lot of beer money. Same with bikes on and around campus. Why buy a bike or a bike part when you can steel someone else’s to use. that’s been a problem at Ohio State since they started selling bikes. Same with all the major campuses around the country.

You have a dense population of broke ass college students and a certain percentage of them will steal whatever isn’t nailed down. I knew guys who payed their way through college working as fences, selling weed, pimping broke ass coeds, etc,.

I hate to tell you but your son needs to learn to be street wise and think about that shit. He can’t be naive about where he’s living. Tell him has to think about shit like knowing where to park to reduce the chance of theft. Never, ever keep anything in your car you don’t want stolen, only drive the car when you have to and get a reliable bike to use around campus. Take the bus when it’s cold. Don’t own anything you wouldn’t want stolen. Alway keep your lap top and phone on hand. Pay attention to who is around you.

The only alternative to dealing with the street scene is to live waaaay off campus.

But don’t fret it to much. He’ll learn but let him knows he’s a knuckle head for not thinking about stuff like that. He’s not back home and the rules are different and he needs to learn them cause you can’t afford to be buying him a new catalytic converter every other week. He’s gotta be smarter than the thieves which can’t be to hard or the wouldn’t be thieves.

Remember when ever you get robbed most of the time it’s because you did something dumb.

So finding the creeps who buy and sell and throwing them in jail is half the battle the other half is being street wise and learning not to be a victim.
I'd like to see the success rate on that. My guess is that it's just a temporary fix.

Probably so but they’d be out of circulation for a year and most victims would get at least a modest sense of satisfaction out of it.

As to replacement…it’s been taken care of. They won’t let me pay for the parking structure though. It’s a pride thing and not uncommon for them. I love this family. Mom and dad both are former students and we’re themselves good kids. Their oldest and my son have been in school together since Pre-K.
Welcome to State University life. It’s not the druggies man. It’s their fellow students. What you really need to do is find who is buying and selling them and arrest them along with the thieves.

It’s easy money. Takes three guys. A driver, jackman and a guy with the power tool to take it off. Takes a couple of minutes and you’re down the road. If you can get the right type you can make about $500. That’s a lot of beer money. Same with bikes on and around campus. Why buy a bike or a bike part when you can steel someone else’s to use. that’s been a problem at Ohio State since they started selling bikes. Same with all the major campuses around the country.

You have a dense population of broke ass college students and a certain percentage of them will steal whatever isn’t nailed down. I knew guys who payed their way through college working as fences, selling weed, pimping broke ass coeds, etc,.

I hate to tell you but your son needs to learn to be street wise and think about that shit. He can’t be naive about where he’s living. Tell him has to think about shit like knowing where to park to reduce the chance of theft. Never, ever keep anything in your car you don’t want stolen, only drive the car when you have to and get a reliable bike to use around campus. Take the bus when it’s cold. Don’t own anything you wouldn’t want stolen. Alway keep your lap top and phone on hand. Pay attention to who is around you.

The only alternative to dealing with the street scene is to live waaaay off campus.

But don’t fret it to much. He’ll learn but let him knows he’s a knuckle head for not thinking about stuff like that. He’s not back home and the rules are different and he needs to learn them cause you can’t afford to be buying him a new catalytic converter every other week. He’s gotta be smarter than the thieves which can’t be to hard or the wouldn’t be thieves.

Remember when ever you get robbed most of the time it’s because you did something dumb.

So finding the creeps who buy and sell and throwing them in jail is half the battle the other half is being street wise and learning not to be a victim.

So much about this …. Just … smh.

All the more reason I am never going to live in a city if I can keep from it at all. Shoot, if it wasn’t for my wife I still wouldn’t be locking my doors and would still be leaving my keys in my truck. She lived in Nashville and has spent nearly 20 years training me. I had a flat nose for the first 10 years because I wouldn’t expect the door to the house to be locked.
My son’s room mate just sent a picture to his parents of the underside of his vehicle. He had gone out to drive to his girlfriend’s regional final basketball game then was going to come home and spend the weekend with his family. Some tweaker stole his catalytic converter.

Both boys are freshmen at OU. My son parks his truck in the parking structure near their dorms. His room mate’s family couldn’t afford that parking so he utilizes the free parking at the Lloyd Nobel Center.

My boy has been in OKC all day moderating an Academic Tournament and couldn’t help get his room mate to the basketball game. Just last week the boy’s mom was asking questions about student loans because I know they are struggling to pay for him to attend OU. It makes me so angry that this kid is trying to better himself and lead a productive life, his family is struggling to do what they can to help and then some low-life thinks it’s ok to steal from him.

I wish I was able to go there and guard the free parking lot for these kids. Some rock salt would be in order. I absolutely despise a thief. Someone who isn’t willing to work is low (that’s as nicely as I could put it) but someone who isn’t willing to work and would steal to boot … :mad:

I’d like to round up the druggies around here (and there) and give them the Sheriff Arpaio treatment for about a year.

Rant over … just makes me so mad.

A word of advice. If the check engine light did not come on, then the missing converter was a secondary unit and not the primary. You can get a decent muffler shop to replace the pipe by "straight piping" it for about $40. One of my trucks had that happen, and that's what I did. Passes state emissions every time because all they do is plug in a test unit to see if there are any fault codes present.

So, if you aren't some greentard or stickler for following every idiotic law, that's the way to go. FUCK THE EPA!
A word of advice. If the check engine light did not come on, then the missing converter was a secondary unit and not the primary. You can get a decent muffler shop to replace the pipe by "straight piping" it for about $40. One of my trucks had that happen, and that's what I did. Passes state emissions every time because all they do is plug in a test unit to see if there are any fault codes present.

So, if you aren't some greentard or stickler for following every idiotic law, that's the way to go. #$&@ THE EPA!

Done already.

I’m from the camp that back when I first started buying vehicles with catalytic converters on them I took the first opportunity to cut them out and replace them with a straight pipe. Always looking for that little bit of extra power.
An average reciprocating saw with a metal cutting blade will zip through exhaust pipe pretty easy.

That is the preferred tool for these jokers. They know what kind of places to hit, too.

Parking garages, industrial parking lots, The Fair, beaches, used car storage facility, used car lots.

They like the hypersonic cordless sawzalls.

It wouldn't surprise me if it's an interstate operation. Years back there was one for motorcycles.

They had a box truck, and if your bike wasn't locked, they'd wheel it right in and go on to the next one.
Probably so but they’d be out of circulation for a year and most victims would get at least a modest sense of satisfaction out of it.

As to replacement…it’s been taken care of. They won’t let me pay for the parking structure though. It’s a pride thing and not uncommon for them. I love this family. Mom and dad both are former students and we’re themselves good kids. Their oldest and my son have been in school together since Pre-K.

What a lucky young man to know you and your family. Wishing him the best of luck.
My good friend the Rev doesn't believe in better living through chemistry. I say live and let die.

If they just let these junkies buy what they want at the corner drug store, the US would experience the largest crime downturn in its history.

We could just do what the medieval folks did during the great plague.

Roll carts around town to pick up the dead.
Which is why I vote for the Sheriff Joe method for a year. Controlled living (meaning no drugs) and labor for your food.

What are the numbers on the effectiveness of his methods?

I can see how controlled living and a sense of value are important to drug recovery programs but if they are simply locked up and treated like animals, then I doubt the results will be effective.

The Outward Bound program has been effective for young adults, abused women and troubled vets:

The first hypothesis that Outward Bound for Veterans had a significantly positive impact on the participants was proven true. The second hypothesis that veterans with “higher masculine versus lower levels of masculine norms were expected to show less improvement in overall mental health symptoms” was proven false.

As participants in a once-a-year program run by the nonprofit Victim Services organization in New York City with the adventure school Outward Bound, they had undergone physical and mental hardships designed to help them build up trust and determination, rebuild self-esteem and learn coping mechanisms for their return to mainstream life.

How is that "small government" people suddenly become great law and order advocates in the situations that interest them?
So much about this …. Just … smh.

All the more reason I am never going to live in a city if I can keep from it at all. Shoot, if it wasn’t for my wife I still wouldn’t be locking my doors and would still be leaving my keys in my truck. She lived in Nashville and has spent nearly 20 years training me. I had a flat nose for the first 10 years because I wouldn’t expect the door to the house to be locked.

LOL I can definitely relate to that. I never locked my doors when I lived in rural Ohio either except with the opiates and meth epidemics sadly that has changed in a lot of rural areas.

Keep in mind it’s not that way in all of an urban area. Where I live in Dublin, a suburb of Columbus has a crime rate that’s probably just a tad higher than where you live. So it’s where you live in the city and if you were an urbanite you’d probably live in a low crime area too.

It’s just a large university campus area isn’t one of them.

When I was in my early 20’s and was in school I lived in poor high crime areas and by necessity learned to be street wise. As my I grew older and my economic situation improved I moved to better communities.

So you’d do just fine in an urban environment. Maybe not Chicago or LA but a City like Cbus or Nashville you’d do just fine and would grow to enjoy some of the advantages.

Which is neither here nor there where your son is concerned cause he’s going to be in that environment and has to learn to be street wise, which isn’t a bad life skill and the experience of living in a poor high crime area has a lot of good life experiences too. Like learning how not to get stuck in the povert trap.

So don’t forget my major point. Hold your son accountable for learning from being in that situation and that a large percentage of the time when things like this happen it’s because of a lack of situational awareness and as long as he’s in that situation he has to learn not to do dumb things that set him up to be victimized by theft.

Like I said, he needs to learn you can’t afford to pay for a new catalytic converter every other week ergo it’s on him to learn not to be a naive knuckle head.
So don’t forget my major point. Hold your son accountable for learning from being in that situation and that a large percentage of the time when things like this happen it’s because of a lack of situational awareness and as long as he’s in that situation he has to learn not to do dumb things that set him up to be victimized by theft.

Like I said, he needs to learn you can’t afford to pay for a new catalytic converter every other week ergo it’s on him to learn not to be a naive knuckle head.

Remember, this wasn’t my son. It was his room mate whose family really didn’t have the money to pay for him to use the parking structure so opted for free parking. My boy has definitely had his eyes open with the situation.