Let me tell you about my anger issue …

Under 2 minutes with a silent sawzall. They're tweakers, so you know they're skinny AF.

How is a sawzall on metal? What's the thickest metal it will cut? Just sheet metal?

I usually use an angle grinder with a cutting disc and sometimes a plasma cutter. Neither are cordless.
How is a sawzall on metal? What's the thickest metal it will cut? Just sheet metal?

I usually use an angle grinder with a cutting disc and sometimes a plasma cutter. Neither are cordless.

I have no idea. :dunno:

Don't own one. I use a Skilsaw with a grinder blade.
How does that excuse theives or anyone else from committing crimes against others?

The first rule of any society should be "don't hurt another person". Theft is hurting them.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Awesome. So how does that apply to my post?
Right-wingers only seem to complain when "illegals" are the Poor and less fortunate.

My observation is that they mostly bitch about the illegals sucking up tax payer money...but they also bitch about minorities doing the same. They never bitch about their own doing it.
Hello Dutch,

Do it online and I'll support that idea.

Our public schools cater to the lowest denominator and the loudest parents....usually one and the same. Having AP classes online but monitored/tested at the HS would allow promising students the opportunity to excel above the dumbasses. In turn, providing this online with Federal and State funding would allow promising young adults to excel above the dumbasses.

OTOH, there will be those who simply push for a Paper mill so some dumbass can prove he has a degree and then still be a screwup because he/she doesn't know anything.

Learning is earned. It can't be bought. It's good for government to help provide the tools, such as a public library, but just granting degrees so the US can say we have more college graduates is silly and wasteful.

I also would not support the frivolous handing out of free degrees. That wouldn't accomplish anything, and there is a possibility that by the time anything like this gets past corrupt Congress, all the greedy capitalist profiteers would get their hooks into it and destroy a good idea, like they did with cash for clunkers.

But if we could find a way to do this right, which imo would include demanding testing as a condition of qualification, and grades as a condition for continuance, then it would be a boon for America to have more smart people making society function.

It sure would be a big improvement over summa the dumb selfish greedy people running far too much right now.
Right-wing privilege?

No such thing. Just RW opinion.

People often claim "privilege" when they are in the losing minority of a democracy. It's a victim mentality mindset proving, once again, most Americans are spoiled children.

Online college won't fix that but sending them to a third world shithole to dig wells for 6 months might help.

How is a sawzall on metal? What's the thickest metal it will cut? Just sheet metal?

I usually use an angle grinder with a cutting disc and sometimes a plasma cutter. Neither are cordless.

An average reciprocating saw with a metal cutting blade will zip through exhaust pipe pretty easy.
Hello leaningright,

It always hurts to have something stolen. The victim inevitably feels violated and vulnerable. The feeling of security is lost. Suspicion creeps in.

It's a life lesson in values. There's the whole issue of wondering who the thief is, what the motivation is. And then there is another aspect to it of the response by the victim. It is a test of resolve and maturity. Poorly adjusted people would want revenge or harbor hatred. It is a sure sign of maturity when there can be compassion for the thief.

Call me poorly adjusted and immature then. I promise that’s about the only way you’d find me in trouble with the law … if I caught someone in the act of thievery.

I can't imagine why somebody would steal a catalytic converter. Perhaps they are tremendously expensive, or the metal is worth a lot at a scrap yard. (If that is the case, it may be a possible lead for the police.) Ah, a bit of research and I see that could very well be the case:

Scrapping a Catalytic Converter

I see you found one article. Here’s another.


It’s becoming a real problem and police can’t stop it if they aren’t there when it happens. [/quote]

It would be far easier for a family on a tight budget to send kids to a government-run college if we had free tuition, as it should be.

Sure it would “be easier” for them to send their son to a state university lik I went to. But why can’t a family try to send their smarter (way smarter) than average kid to an above average (for the region) school. If we can help them keep this young man in there he will be the first generation of that family (like I was for mine) to get a 4+ year degree … and it will be from OU and be much more prestigious than my NSU degree.

And I disagree that we should have “free tuition,” but that’s a discussion for a different thread.
My son’s room mate just sent a picture to his parents of the underside of his vehicle. He had gone out to drive to his girlfriend’s regional final basketball game then was going to come home and spend the weekend with his family. Some tweaker stole his catalytic converter.

Both boys are freshmen at OU. My son parks his truck in the parking structure near their dorms. His room mate’s family couldn’t afford that parking so he utilizes the free parking at the Lloyd Nobel Center.

My boy has been in OKC all day moderating an Academic Tournament and couldn’t help get his room mate to the basketball game. Just last week the boy’s mom was asking questions about student loans because I know they are struggling to pay for him to attend OU. It makes me so angry that this kid is trying to better himself and lead a productive life, his family is struggling to do what they can to help and then some low-life thinks it’s ok to steal from him.

I wish I was able to go there and guard the free parking lot for these kids. Some rock salt would be in order. I absolutely despise a thief. Someone who isn’t willing to work is low (that’s as nicely as I could put it) but someone who isn’t willing to work and would steal to boot … :mad:

I’d like to round up the druggies around here (and there) and give them the Sheriff Arpaio treatment for about a year.

Rant over … just makes me so mad.

People that steal catalytic converters,call them
Cadillac Converters!
Being Self identified as Right leaning,do you have the same anger about white color crime where they steal by the millions?
Do you think the bum room mate took the CC?
It would be interesting to hear the story of the guy who stole the cat converter.

What makes you assume it was a "guy" or someone who gender identities as a "guy"!
It could have been a girl or someone who gender identifies as a girl!
How gender insensitive you have become Jack!
Hang your Fucking head in shame!