Let the hazing of Odonnel beginnings

Oh, and don't worry about Big Brother monitoring what you do alone in bed. O'Donnell, who is on videotape denouncing masturbation, cleared that up in response to this question: "You have taken a strong stance as to people's private sexual behavior. What do you think is the role of government in regulating that?"

"It's personal," a woman in the audience called out. "I agree, it's personal," O'Donnell said. She said her 1996 comments on the issue came when she was in her 20s and excited about her "newfound" faith. "But I assure you my faith has matured," she said. "And when I go to Washington, D.C., it'll be the Constitution on which I base all of my decisions, not my personal beliefs."
I don’t begrudge Ms. O’Donnell being a witchcraft-dabbler, or having picnics on satanic altars. What high school metal head didn’t crank Iron Maiden and raise the goblet of rock to toast Satan? The fact that Ms. O’Donnell was “Running With the Devil” (hat tip: Van Halen) is actually the first cool @ss thing I’ve heard about her.

But her proposed national Ban on masturbation will go over like a lead balloon. It may even lead to widespread panic among computer science-majors and Star Trek convention enthusiasts.
and Air National Guard Staff Sargeants!
Naa, it's the other way around. O'Donnell did and were laughing like hell at her silly ass! :)

Kinda makes you wonder what her position is on shaking hands or dancing? LOL LOL LOL

I tell ya this right wing shit is priceless comedy.

No ..whats funny is how you are shaking in your boots. Why not comment on Marco Rubio or the other several backed Tea Party Candidates who are going to whip ass come Nov. Nah.. you go after the underdog candidate who stunned the crap out of a tired old Rhino and has limited funds, and who as I said... is the face of the very people you claim to represent. You are Pathetic Hypocrites.
No ..whats funny is how you are shaking in your boots. Why not comment on Marco Rubio or the other several backed Tea Party Candidates who are going to whip ass come Nov. Nah.. you go after the underdog candidate who stunned the crap out of a tired old Rhino and has limited funds, and who as I said... is the face of the very people you claim to represent. You are Pathetic Hypocrites.

Shorter klaatu: why are you talking about current events instead of old news?

By the way, who are these several other candidates that are going to kick ass come November? Can any of them win without help from a third-party spoiler?

And its RINO or R.I.N.O., no Rhino. It's an acronym, Republican In Name Only, not an animal.

Edit: And as for "limited funds," O'Donnell raised more that $1.5 million last week alone.
Shorter klaatu: why are you talking about current events instead of old news?

By the way, who are these several other candidates that are going to kick ass come November? Can any of them win without help from a third-party spoiler?

And its RINO or R.I.N.O., no Rhino. It's an acronym, Republican In Name Only, not an animal.

Edit: And as for "limited funds," O'Donnell raised more that $1.5 million last week alone.

Nigel ... many people use Rhino... just like Elephant and Donkey ... if you are trying to make me look uninformed it aint gunna work... Ive been around a long time... Im confident a lot longer than you.

roflmao... is this all you got? I cant wait until Nov... oh..Im sure you will point out some typo down the road .... You guys are Pathetic ..
Nigel ... many people use Rhino... just like Elephant and Donkey ... if you are trying to make me look uninformed it aint gunna work... Ive been around a long time... Im confident a lot longer than you.

Many people who don't know the etymology of the term may use Rhino, but that
doesn't make it right. I was just trying to help you out.

And I've been around a while. You may remember me by my maiden name.

roflmao... is this all you got? I cant wait until Nov... oh..Im sure you will point out some typo down the road .... You guys are Pathetic ..

Wait, is it a typo or is Rhino what you really meant? I've seen you use it on several different occasions. Really just trying to help you out here.

By the way, who are the several tea party candidates that are going to kick ass in November that we should all be talking about instead of O'Donnell?
Everything about O'Donnell screams normal lower middle class... and yet the elitists are going to paint her as abnormal. Shariah Law is Ok to bring over here to America but we cant have a Senator who held a curiosity about Wicca when she was in her 20's

O'Donnell is one of Several Tea Party Backed candidates to upset the Apple Cart... she is the only one that is 10 points behind her opponent who has some baggage of his own... all the other Lipton Backed Candidates are even or way ahead.... people like Mott dont want to talk about them..... they just want to slam hard on O'Donnell and ... make her the Banner Ad.

Oh, how the worm turns.

Just two years ago rabid righties were digging up Hillary's senior college thesis, a 40-year old document, and claiming it was a precursor of her Marxist, socialist views.

Just two years ago rabid righties were digging up Michelle Obama's senior college thesis, a 25-year old document, and claiming it was a precursor of her racist, white-hating views.

Now people like you are whining because libs are making fun of O'Donnell's former? views on masturbation.

People like you have mastered the art of talking out of both sides of your mouth.

She said her 1996 comments on the issue came when she was in her 20s and excited about her "newfound" faith. "But I assure you my faith has matured," she said. "And when I go to Washington, D.C., it'll be the Constitution on which I base all of my decisions, not my personal beliefs."

Scarborough Country, 11/13/03
When it comes to masturbation, there are two kinds of people in this world. Thems that do, and thems that lie about it. Which are you?
Oh, and don't worry about Big Brother monitoring what you do alone in bed. O'Donnell, who is on videotape denouncing masturbation, cleared that up in response to this question: "You have taken a strong stance as to people's private sexual behavior. What do you think is the role of government in regulating that?"

"It's personal," a woman in the audience called out. "I agree, it's personal," O'Donnell said. She said her 1996 comments on the issue came when she was in her 20s and excited about her "newfound" faith. "But I assure you my faith has matured," she said.

Translation...hubby doesn't "do it" for her as often as he used to, so she's started dating ol "Steely Dan" some nights.
Translation...hubby doesn't "do it" for her as often as he used to, so she's started dating ol "Steely Dan" some nights.

I completely disagree with that premise. I get what you are saying in context to your response but in general that's a b.s. line chicks use. Chicks (and unfortunately a few dudes) say 'why would you need to masturbate if you have me? am I not good enough for you?) Women who think that way need to be sent to sensitivity training.

Sorry Zap, had to throw that out there.