Let the hazing of Odonnel beginnings

She was a good Catholic woman, and wouldn't have given you the time of day. And my Dad would have kicked you ass. So dream about her all you want. Pussy.

Hey dumbass, he wasn't dreaming about your mom, or even commenting on her.

He was insulting you as a waste of skin. Jeez, when you have to have insults explained to you, its getting sad.
Many people who don't know the etymology of the term may use Rhino, but that
doesn't make it right. I was just trying to help you out.

And I've been around a while. You may remember me by my maiden name.

Wait, is it a typo or is Rhino what you really meant? I've seen you use it on several different occasions. Really just trying to help you out here.

By the way, who are the several tea party candidates that are going to kick ass in November that we should all be talking about instead of O'Donnell?

Shut up ...
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When it comes to masturbation, there are two kinds of people in this world. Thems that do, and thems that lie about it. Which are you?

Can I watch .. oh wait a minute ..you are a liberal..Id rather not. Gotta find me an attractive Conservative.
I really am enjoying the hypocrisy here .. I love it. We have all the DNC talking points right here ...
I completely disagree with that premise. I get what you are saying in context to your response but in general that's a b.s. line chicks use. Chicks (and unfortunately a few dudes) say 'why would you need to masturbate if you have me? am I not good enough for you?) Women who think that way need to be sent to sensitivity training.

Sorry Zap, had to throw that out there.

Translation...hubby doesn't "do it" for her as often as he used to, so she's started dating ol "Steely Dan" some nights.

Is there hope for modern man?
Oh Nooooeeees. She dated a Wiccan in HS and played at it a bit! OMGZers! I think you should run a whole campaign on that!
Oh Nooooeeees. She dated a Wiccan in HS and played at it a bit! OMGZers! I think you should run a whole campaign on that!

I agree, I think they are flailing... desperately trying to find stuff to throw at O'Donnell, and there are some Republicans shamelessly joining in as well. I think it will backfire on them, people are focused on her message, not her past.

For the record, she has never stated that she opposes masturbation. This is what idiotic liberals want to interpret her comments into, because that sounds goofy and nutty. She was specifically talking about married couples and marriages, and how detrimental pornography and masturbation could be to a healthy marriage. Had nothing to do with people masturbating in general. What she said, was absolutely true, and needs to be said. There is nothing nutty or kooky about being honest and courageous enough to speak the truth, in the face of political correctness. I think this actually WINS her points, rather than costing her. But if liberals (and the media) can twist and contort it into something that she never said, maybe they can fool enough fools in Delaware to vote for the Socialist?
Oh Nooooeeees. She dated a Wiccan in HS and played at it a bit! OMGZers! I think you should run a whole campaign on that!
I agree, it is stupid, but that being said, if it were a Democrat that said she had dabbled in Wicca, or say a Republican in a primary that admitted to being a Buddhist the Republican party would run with it. Hell it was not long ago that Republicans made a HUGE deal out of the fact that a lawfully elected member of congress wanted to be sworn in on a Koran because he was OMGZers a Muslim. It is your party that has made religion a big deal for the last 30 years.
I agree, it is stupid, but that being said, if it were a Democrat that said she had dabbled in Wicca, or say a Republican in a primary that admitted to being a Buddhist the Republican party would run with it. Hell it was not long ago that Republicans made a HUGE deal out of the fact that a lawfully elected member of congress wanted to be sworn in on a Koran because he was OMGZers a Muslim. It is your party that has made religion a big deal for the last 30 years.

And W said he disagreed with the military chaplains being trained in wicca, and the military accepting wicca as a religion within the military. I think he tried to equate it with satanism.
And W said he disagreed with the military chaplains being trained in wicca, and the military accepting wicca as a religion within the military. I think he tried to equate it with satanism.

Again.... it needs to be pointed out, Delaware is not exactly Southern Baptist Bible Belt country! If O'Donnell were running for office in Arkansas, this wicca stuff might do some damage, but in Delaware? Hell, it might actually win her some votes! Hypocrite asshole liberals, are falling all over themselves with this "chaste woman" shit, and the "wicca dabbling" comments, as if this will somehow influence the 'bible-thumping' voters of Delaware! I think if FAILS miserably, and will probably backfire and give her the momentum she needs to beat the Socialist running against her.
I don’t begrudge Ms. O’Donnell being a witchcraft-dabbler, or having picnics on satanic altars. What high school metal head didn’t crank Iron Maiden and raise the goblet of rock to toast Satan? The fact that Ms. O’Donnell was “Running With the Devil” (hat tip: Van Halen) is actually the first cool @ss thing I’ve heard about her.

But her proposed national Ban on masturbation will go over like a lead balloon. It may even lead to widespread panic among computer science-majors and Star Trek convention enthusiasts.
Kids in high school try all types of things or hang with people who they think are cool and they are trying different things, this doesn't bother me as her lack of financial responsibility! If I were Delaware, I wouldn't want her near the state finances!
Oh, how the worm turns.

Just two years ago rabid righties were digging up Hillary's senior college thesis, a 40-year old document, and claiming it was a precursor of her Marxist, socialist views.

Just two years ago rabid righties were digging up Michelle Obama's senior college thesis, a 25-year old document, and claiming it was a precursor of her racist, white-hating views.

Now people like you are whining because libs are making fun of O'Donnell's former? views on masturbation.

People like you have mastered the art of talking out of both sides of your mouth.
It is done by both parties to every candidate. Obama, Bush, and Clinton! Stories true, near true, or totally concocted! It is just protested when it is your party it is being used against.
I agree, it is stupid, but that being said, if it were a Democrat that said she had dabbled in Wicca, or say a Republican in a primary that admitted to being a Buddhist the Republican party would run with it. Hell it was not long ago that Republicans made a HUGE deal out of the fact that a lawfully elected member of congress wanted to be sworn in on a Koran because he was OMGZers a Muslim. It is your party that has made religion a big deal for the last 30 years.
Again.... it needs to be pointed out, Delaware is not exactly Southern Baptist Bible Belt country! If O'Donnell were running for office in Arkansas, this wicca stuff might do some damage, but in Delaware? Hell, it might actually win her some votes! Hypocrite asshole liberals, are falling all over themselves with this "chaste woman" shit, and the "wicca dabbling" comments, as if this will somehow influence the 'bible-thumping' voters of Delaware! I think if FAILS miserably, and will probably backfire and give her the momentum she needs to beat the Socialist running against her.

You obviously don't know too much at all about Delaware. Kent and Sussex counties in Delaware, where O'Donnell has to kick major ass to have any chance at all against Coons, are very rural and very religious. If the wicca nonsense were to actually hurt her in those areas she has zero chance.
You obviously don't know too much at all about Delaware. Kent and Sussex counties in Delaware, where O'Donnell has to kick major ass to have any chance at all against Coons, are very rural and very religious. If the wicca nonsense were to actually hurt her in those areas she has zero chance.

Well, here is the thing... she isn't shaving her eyebrows and wearing black lipstick... she isn't walking around with a pentagram on her forehead... she admitted that, during her youthful days, she was interested in wicca, etc. Her current views on morality issues, is very solid conservative and very much inline with the religious right, much more so than Coons, her challenger. I honestly don't think the 'wicca' thing or the 'masturbation' thing will hurt her chances. The financial stuff might steer some away, but really... someone should clue Rena in... O'Donnell isn't running for Delaware State Treasurer, she is running for Congress. And last I checked, they don't usually let freshmen Senators call the shots on financial appropriations and stuff... just doesn't usually happen like that. Her 'financial' experience is academic, it doesn't matter that much in the big picture. Her judgment on how to best spend the money of the taxpayers, is all that counts. I think someone who has been through tough times with personal finance, and knows what it's like to struggle financially, is a far better judge than someone born with a silver spoon in their mouth. JMHO