Let the hazing of Odonnel beginnings

Well, here is the thing... she isn't shaving her eyebrows and wearing black lipstick... she isn't walking around with a pentagram on her forehead... she admitted that, during her youthful days, she was interested in wicca, etc. Her current views on morality issues, is very solid conservative and very much inline with the religious right, much more so than Coons, her challenger. I honestly don't think the 'wicca' thing or the 'masturbation' thing will hurt her chances. The financial stuff might steer some away, but really... someone should clue Rena in... O'Donnell isn't running for Delaware State Treasurer, she is running for Congress. And last I checked, they don't usually let freshmen Senators call the shots on financial appropriations and stuff... just doesn't usually happen like that. Her 'financial' experience is academic, it doesn't matter that much in the big picture. Her judgment on how to best spend the money of the taxpayers, is all that counts. I think someone who has been through tough times with personal finance, and knows what it's like to struggle financially, is a far better judge than someone born with a silver spoon in their mouth. JMHO
No you don't, if she were a Democrat, these would ALL be major points against her, you are so transparent I can see right through you!
No ..whats funny is how you are shaking in your boots. Why not comment on Marco Rubio or the other several backed Tea Party Candidates who are going to whip ass come Nov. Nah.. you go after the underdog candidate who stunned the crap out of a tired old Rhino and has limited funds, and who as I said... is the face of the very people you claim to represent. You are Pathetic Hypocrites.
When all these dumb ass, inexperienced politicians run us further into the ground, I want you to remember your high praise for them! They will hand our asses over to the corporations! Hope you are the corporate ass kissing type!
When all these dumb ass, inexperienced politicians run us further into the ground, I want you to remember your high praise for them! They will hand our asses over to the corporations! Hope you are the corporate ass kissing type!

Rana... you are aware the original intent of Congress was designed for normal working people to represent their Districts? It has morphed into a playground for rich well-to-do Ivy League Lawyers. Beginning with the fact that 7 of the top 10 wealthiest people in Congress are Democrats. So lets not fool our selves into thinking that Republicans are more beholden to the rich corporations than Democrats. Thats a crock. Id rather have O'Donnell in their voting to repeal the Health Care Scam than the old over the hill well-to-do Rhino Castle, who has already stated that he would not repeal.
Rana... you are aware the original intent of Congress was designed for normal working people to represent their Districts? It has morphed into a playground for rich well-to-do Ivy League Lawyers. Beginning with the fact that 7 of the top 10 wealthiest people in Congress are Democrats. So lets not fool our selves into thinking that Republicans are more beholden to the rich corporations than Democrats. Thats a crock. Id rather have O'Donnell in their voting to repeal the Health Care Scam than the old over the hill well-to-do Rhino Castle, who has already stated that he would not repeal.

That sounds good until you get beyond the 10 richest. 15 of the top 25 richest people in Congress are republicans.

So its not as if the republicans are lacking anything in the rich elitist group. The whole "representing the working man" is a marketing tool. It has no bearing on reality in politics.
That sounds good until you get beyond the 10 richest. 15 of the top 25 richest people in Congress are republicans.

So its not as if the republicans are lacking anything in the rich elitist group. The whole "representing the working man" is a marketing tool. It has no bearing on reality in politics.

Agreed ... thats why I get pissed when I hear that type of rhetoric stewing from the left.
Agreed ... thats why I get pissed when I hear that type of rhetoric stewing from the left.

It's pretty stupid to claim that rich people in Congress aren't looking out for working class people because they are rich. I mean, the implication is that members of Congress only represent the interests of people like them. It's fine if you think that, but I'm not sure what that says about the Republican party is anything good.
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Again.... it needs to be pointed out, Delaware is not exactly Southern Baptist Bible Belt country! If O'Donnell were running for office in Arkansas, this wicca stuff might do some damage, but in Delaware? Hell, it might actually win her some votes! Hypocrite asshole liberals, are falling all over themselves with this "chaste woman" shit, and the "wicca dabbling" comments, as if this will somehow influence the 'bible-thumping' voters of Delaware! I think if FAILS miserably, and will probably backfire and give her the momentum she needs to beat the Socialist running against her.

Predictable as clockwork....little flaws begin to appear in Dix's reasoning and almost immediately he starts with the "yeah but" and the "but if", alongside the standard issue petty namecalling that always seems to start whenever he's caught spreading bullshit!

You can freakin set your watch by Dix's tantrums.
When I was in the Navy, I had a Wiccan friend and once watched one of their healing ceremonies. (They took their wands, crooked little pointy sticks, and used them to heal the damage humans had done to the earth in that area.)

Does this mean I've "dabbled"? I'm worried I won't be able to run for dogcatcher next term without Democrats saying I'm teh eviiil.
When I was in the Navy, I had a Wiccan friend and once watched one of their healing ceremonies. (They took their wands, crooked little pointy sticks, and used them to heal the damage humans had done to the earth in that area.)

Does this mean I've "dabbled"? I'm worried I won't be able to run for dogcatcher next term without Democrats saying I'm teh eviiil.
Oh, you dabbled, now you are a prime candidate for dog catcher! They need sacrifices for their alters!
I seriously hope that they run with this whole "Wiccan" thing for a bit longer. It's making my sides hurt laughing so hard at them. If this is the worst they can find on the woman, she's a superior candidate.
I seriously hope that they run with this whole "Wiccan" thing for a bit longer. It's making my sides hurt laughing so hard at them. If this is the worst they can find on the woman, she's a superior candidate.
She's a fucking kook that wants to legislate from the bible. I know NOW she says only the consitution but that is because someone in her campaign told her to lay off the "beating off bad mmmkay" line. Christ Damo, she is a kook and you know it, but because she might be the deciding vote in a tax cut or repealing health care you will hold your nose and say she is a superiour candidate. The religious loons don't usually run from the left, they usually run from the right. This is a right wing religious loon who thinks beating off is a sin. She is a 41 year old woman who fucked her eyes out in college, felt like a slut afterward and now wants everyone to conform to her way of thought. That has lost her elections in the past so her politicial positions have "matured" meaning she will keep them to herself until elected then she will do all she can to pass successful programs like abstinence only.
I seriously hope that they run with this whole "Wiccan" thing for a bit longer. It's making my sides hurt laughing so hard at them. If this is the worst they can find on the woman, she's a superior candidate.
It isn't the worst, it just caught on because Bill Maher aired it! I wonder what other juicy tidbits he has and she better go on his show before he airs them all! He says she doesn't have a mean bone in her body, but she is still a loonie!
She's a fucking crackpot, but she's a fiscally conservative crackpot so Damo will be ok with her. It's the same on the dem side. So long as their loon supports a woman's right to choose and hates the second amendment, they could think that all intelligent life is controlled by a spaceship that hovers above us. The left will still vote for that person. But a real believer in personal freedom and responsibility like Gary Johnson won't get 15% in the republican primaries because he doesn't talk in fucking tongues, doesn't profess to be bathed in the blood would sign legislation that would legalize marijuana. Kooks are ok so long as they vote against tax increases. Kooks are ok so long as they vote to stick it to the rich. All of you that support the kooks get what you fucking deserve.
She's a fucking crackpot, but she's a fiscally conservative crackpot so Damo will be ok with her. It's the same on the dem side. So long as their loon supports a woman's right to choose and hates the second amendment, they could think that all intelligent life is controlled by a spaceship that hovers above us. The left will still vote for that person. But a real believer in personal freedom and responsibility like Gary Johnson won't get 15% in the republican primaries because he doesn't talk in fucking tongues, doesn't profess to be bathed in the blood would sign legislation that would legalize marijuana. Kooks are ok so long as they vote against tax increases. Kooks are ok so long as they vote to stick it to the rich. All of you that support the kooks get what you fucking deserve.
But the rest of us have to suffer with them! they loved George when he was growing the government, but hate Obama when he does, with George it was military and Homeland Security, with Obama is it stimulus and healthcare, see the difference!!!!
But the rest of us have to suffer with them! they loved George when he was growing the government, but hate Obama when he does, with George it was military and Homeland Security, with Obama is it stimulus and healthcare, see the difference!!!!
No, there is no difference, they BOTH spend us into oblivion but it's ok because Mortermer Snerd gave us top 2% tax cuts and Alfred E. Nueman promises that everyone will have healthcare and it won't hurt the economy. They BOTH care fuckall for the bulk of us.
No, there is no difference, they BOTH spend us into oblivion but it's ok because Mortermer Snerd gave us top 2% tax cuts and Alfred E. Nueman promises that everyone will have healthcare and it won't hurt the economy. They BOTH care fuckall for the bulk of us.
I am with you Socrtease, I am so absolutely fed up with the whole system! and at this point, honestly don't know what the answers are to our set of problems. I don't have the answers, but I know some of the solutions that current politicians suggest are not the answers, either. I am glad I am 55 and not 25! I feel for my children and grandchildren!
But the rest of us have to suffer with them! they loved George when he was growing the government, but hate Obama when he does, with George it was military and Homeland Security, with Obama is it stimulus and healthcare, see the difference!!!!

Obama is growing the Government? :palm:
Obama is growing the Government? :palm:
They all have for the last thirty years, the only time people bitch is when they grow it in the way people don't like. I don't like wars, but like health care. This is the point I was trying to make. Saint Ronnie even made the government grow, but people love him, still!
They all have for the last thirty years, the only time people bitch is when they grow it in the way people don't like. I don't like wars, but like health care. This is the point I was trying to make. Saint Ronnie even made the government grow, but people love him, still!

I like health care too.. but not this kind of Health Care which is simply a big scam on the Public. You know whats going to grow under this Health Care Scam? The Government and the very insurance Companies that you abhor ... all because of the mandate. Under this system I am very concerned for the people that are going to have to choose between paying for a mandated Health Insurance policy, A Car payment and a Mortgage Payment...because they fall somewhere between getting if free or reduced, and not having it provided through their work.... welcome to Obama's world.