Another "look how bad Chavez is" thread .. coming from people who supported the mass-murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
Funny how that works, isn't it?
The very same "recite the pledge stand and salute the flag conservative ideology super-patriot freaks " who are responsible for the worst president in American history and the horror of Iraq .. are whining that Chavez is making his citizens salute his ideology. The very same dummies who supported disaster and weren't smart enough to figure it out.
Isn't that special?
Here's what Chavez, nor his ideology have done .. they haven't even slightly considered invading a much smaller nation and murdering their people for profit.
As the bombs dropped over Iraq, blowing apart innocent people, women, children, and babies .. you could just feel the pride and esprit de' corp swelling up in the chests of the super-patriots. It was conservative ideology and all they believe is American at its finest.
In the face of the absolute failure of everything the right has said and done over the last 7 years .. they want to criticize a widely popular leader and what he's doing in his country that has the support of his people. A widely popular leader who has demonstrated that he believes in the right of his citizens to own a share on their country and who has used his nations wealth and resources for the advancement of the people who elected him.
I love it when the right posts shit like this. Posters like Danold can be counted on to demonstrate how failed and unintelligent the minons of the right are on a daily basis.