Let's discuss racism

We agree. All Americans need to speak out when people act like this, regardless of who they are, and I respect you for being honest about it. Most liberals would ignore it or excuse it. You will not see many others on the left here address it. I respect that.

LOL your idea of liberals is misplaced my friend...True that all "liberals" don't think like I do but wrong is wrong and I don't stand for it no matter what color.
Damn cawacko is an unemployed USC grad too!
I once had a guy tell me he hired me cause I went to Tulane, picked out of 600 resumes.
It's bs plenty had to have better gpa's and extra curriculars.
Damn cawacko is an unemployed USC grad too!
I once had a guy tell me he hired me cause I went to Tulane, picked out of 600 resumes.
It's bs plenty had to have better gpa's and extra curriculars.

Dude it's real shit people don't hire you based on your school. I didn't want to believe it but since I found out today apparently it's true...LOL You went to Tulane that is cool. Back in the mid 200's Tulane's b-ball team was the shit.
I'm agreeing it's not fair!
My boss hired a bunch of ex college cheerleaders in accounting!
None of them lasted
But engineers who never knew our floor number where camping out on it afterwards.
I used to be a liberal. I know liberals. They can be just as racist as anyone.
It always strikes me as curious that liberals who push for special treatment for blacks dont see that this is textbook racism as the presumption is that the poor dears cannot cut the mustard. Dr King dreamed for equal rights, not unequal ones. What LBJ gave them was slavery of a different name.
It always strikes me as curious that liberals who push for special treatment for blacks dont see that this is textbook racism as the presumption is that the poor dears cannot cut the mustard. Dr King dreamed for equal rights, not unequal ones. What LBJ gave them was slavery of a different name.

Exactly. The left needs victims. Don't educate yourself because you might start acting white and learn to think for yourself. Check out dr. Carson. Amazing story of hardship, a loving hard working mother and her son.