Let's Go, Get Woke, America!

"Like “politically correct” before it, the word “woke” has come to connote the opposite of what it means. Technically, going by the Merriam-Webster dictionary’s definition, woke means “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)”, but today we are more likely to see it being used as a stick with which to beat people who aspire to such values, often wielded by those who don’t recognise how un-woke they are, or are proud of the fact."

Woke = [politically correct 2.0]
Those who are not woke feel threatened by those who are.

So they make fun of it.

And as they do, they reveal who un-woke they are.

And they are happy about it.

But it is a tainted happiness. It is the cheap shallow foolish happiness which can only be had at the expense of others. It is a pride in something a mature mind would be ashamed of. The same way a very poorly educated person might make fun of a well educated person in envy of their success. Or perhaps similar to how a cheater would envy one who had the skill to win without cheating.
Picture this:

A beautiful woman who has it all together finds herself walking alone on a city street where hookers hang out. As she walks along, the ladies of the street surround her and begin to mock and taunt her, envious of her stature.


That is precisely the attitude displayed by the right as they mock and taunt woke people.