Let's Go, Get Woke, America!

Yep. And the market has spoken in return. Nobody--well next to nobody--wants to watch LGBTPDQRSTUVW crap on television.

So why does it bother you enough to mention it? Do as I do; switch channels, go outside or do something else.

Mr. Tiny Penis appears to remain in a tizzy.

Jesus fucking Christ, kid. Even you can't be stupid enough to think the liberals can force us to watch what they want us to watch or think what they want us to think....or are you?

Are you really that fucking stupid, kid?
So why does it bother you enough to mention it? Do as I do; switch channels, go outside or do something else.

It's just an off-the-cuff observation on my part... It's clear that the vast majority of people in the US don't give a shit about LGBTPDQRSTUVWXYZ issues or anything to do with those sexual proclivities.
It's just an off-the-cuff observation on my part... It's clear that the vast majority of people in the US don't give a shit about LGBTPDQRSTUVWXYZ issues or anything to do with those sexual proclivities.

People are free to watch whatever they like. The number one rule is not to harm anyone. Aside from that, the Libertarian POV is to not seek to stop them.

"I don't care what they do as long as they don't do it on my lawn or make me pay for it".

Unfortunately, far too many people on JPP advocate authoritarian values to force people to think and believe in the values of their group.

Libertarians believe that, in politics, liberty is the most important value. Almost everyone wants freedom for themselves, but a libertarian also seeks to protect and expand the freedom of others.

When people are free, we can create a more just, more prosperous, safer, and better world for everyone.
Conservatives lost the gay marriage battle so now they are in a strange place where they refuse to accept the reality about something that is both legal and popular. Their frustration has led them to mass dumbthink, which has them amusing themselves by making things up and fooling themselves about the true meaning of the word 'woke.'

And we thought they had reached the height of silliness with 'Freedom Fries...'

Shoot. They were just getting started.
Conservatives lost the gay marriage battle so now they are in a strange place where they refuse to accept the reality about something that is both legal and popular. Their frustration has led them to mass dumbthink, which has them amusing themselves by making things up and fooling themselves about the true meaning of the word 'woke.'

And we thought they had reached the height of silliness with 'Freedom Fries...'

Shoot. They were just getting started.

The Left lost the gay marriage battle 35 times in 35 states trying to get it passed by legislatures, the way our legal and political system is supposed to work. At the time the gay marriage advocates said they'd "Accept the will of the people" in trying to get those bills passed.

Then when they lost 35 times, the Left did what it always does. It said "Screw the people, they don't know what the hell is good for them!" They went to court, shopped judges to get gay marriage friendly ones (in California they got a gay judge who advocated for gay marriage as but one example) to overturn the legislatures and impose by judicial fiat gay marriage on the nation.

Thankfully, gay marriage is virtually irrelevant given that less than 2% of the population is gay, but the point stands. Like abortion, the courts and unelected judges acting on their own made up law out of thin air and imposed it on the nation. That's now how our laws are supposed to be made.
People are free to watch whatever they like. The number one rule is not to harm anyone. Aside from that, the Libertarian POV is to not seek to stop them.

"I don't care what they do as long as they don't do it on my lawn or make me pay for it".

Unfortunately, far too many people on JPP advocate authoritarian values to force people to think and believe in the values of their group.

Libertarians believe that, in politics, liberty is the most important value. Almost everyone wants freedom for themselves, but a libertarian also seeks to protect and expand the freedom of others.

When people are free, we can create a more just, more prosperous, safer, and better world for everyone.

I can agree with that.
There are no random "homo" (your words) couples. Hard to find any TV commercials or television shows that don't have the required "woke culture" covered.

Give us examples of unnecessary straight characters?
If you want to play the percentage games get back to me.

The point I'm making is that if you want to censor one kind of sexuality from television, then you need to be consistent and censor it all. Why do hetero couples get treated as the "default"? Yes, hetero couples are in the majority, but it doesn't mean that homo couples are "evil" or "wrong," or that homo couples must "justify" their presence in media while hetero couples are an assumed default.
The point I'm making is that if you want to censor one kind of sexuality from television, then you need to be consistent and censor it all. Why do hetero couples get treated as the "default"? Yes, hetero couples are in the majority, but it doesn't mean that homo couples are "evil" or "wrong," or that homo couples must "justify" their presence in media while hetero couples are an assumed default.

I didn't say it was wrong, what I am saying is why do anything at all. Why is it necessary to promise a black female will become a SC justice or be sent to the moon? Let people be people. Hire the best. By all accounts, Brandon's cabinet is pretty much unqualified and was clearly chosen on the basis of diversity as opposed to qualifications.
An interesting aside, at least for me...

Politalker says he/she/it wants polite discourse. Yet, Politalker's posts have a 17.5% groan rate.

By comparison, my own posts have a 1.5% groan rate.

Yet, Poli has me on ignore while I put no one on ignore...

I find that interesting even if you don't or think it's irrelevant.
I didn't say it was wrong, what I am saying is why do anything at all. Why is it necessary to promise a black female will become a SC justice or be sent to the moon? Let people be people. Hire the best. By all accounts, Brandon's cabinet is pretty much unqualified and was clearly chosen on the basis of diversity as opposed to qualifications.

To claim that anyone being considered for SCOTUS is "unqualified" is absurd. Maybe you just hate that she's black. Why is "white" the default? If Obama "speaks for all black people," then maybe Bush or Clinton should speak for all white people.

Anyway, there are virtues to having a diverse leadership. For example, in countries where women make up a significant portion of the legislature, paid maternity leave is law.
An interesting aside, at least for me...

Politalker says he/she/it wants polite discourse. Yet, Politalker's posts have a 17.5% groan rate.

By comparison, my own posts have a 1.5% groan rate.

Yet, Poli has me on ignore while I put no one on ignore...

I find that interesting even if you don't or think it's irrelevant.

So you're a milquetoast poster.