Let's Go, Get Woke, America!

Hello Dutch Uncle,


3/4 of Republicans think the bigger problem is that the government has done too much to try to address racism. (1st link)

I guess that makes sense. They don't think racism is a problem.

I don't get how people can think racism is not a problem unless they are racists.

No wonder they want to redefine woke.

Woke means wanting to do something about the racism they want to pretend does not exist.

The real definition of woke reminds them of something they are trying very hard to ignore.

And it is a source of stress for them.
I completely disagree with your claim that anyone who doesn't see racism is a problem is a lowlife racist. That's a huge display of bias on your part, Poli.

There's an old saying in which I agree: "the opposite of love is not hate; it’s indifference". Indifference isn't racism. It's just not caring.

Racism is an active force and anyone claiming that anyone who isn't an active anti-racist is displaying racial bias themselves.
Hello cawacko,

For starters the country isn't only white and black. The middle and high school my daughter (she/her) is assigned to is 85% Asian and LatinX. So are all those kids supposed to not participate in this class discussion? Have they not experienced racism and bigotry in their lifetime? Can they themselves not be bigots or racists to other groups?

You have schools in LAUSD, for example, that are like almost all Hispanic. Again, should those kids be taught some of them have racist parents?


Never thought about that. Parents sending a white kid to predominately minority school. Kids will be kids. That situation would be expected to produce reverse racism.

I still see that as the exception, and not very common.

A fairly unique situation.

Kudos to you for trying to work through it.

I still see it as a specialized challenge in the national picture.

I would also expect such reverse racism to be of a different nature. Asians are not blacks. There is a thing in some Asian cultures about superiority and taking a very dim view of mixed marriages, wanting to preserve blood lines. Schools should address that.

The biggest racial issue in America, though, is black/white because of the lingering effects of our history of slavery.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

I completely disagree with your claim that anyone who doesn't see racism is a problem is a lowlife racist. That's a huge display of bias on your part, Poli.

There's an old saying in which I agree: "the opposite of love is not hate; it’s indifference". Indifference isn't racism. It's just not caring.

Racism is an active force and anyone claiming that anyone who isn't an active anti-racist is displaying racial bias themselves.

Looking the other way is definitely part of the problem. Not trying to solve it does make it worse because it lends acceptance where it should not be accepted.

Not calling out racism suggests that it is OK.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Looking the other way is definitely part of the problem. Not trying to solve it does make it worse because it lends acceptance where it should not be accepted.

Not calling out racism suggests that it is OK.

Do you favor forcing people to care about the things you care about, Poli? Most people I know are focused on their own lives; work, school, family.

How do you plan to force them to care about others?

Straw man argument; just because a person is more focused on their family doesn't make them racist, Poli. That's like saying if a person doesn't actively support our troops then they are traitors.
Hello cawacko,


Never thought about that. Parents sending a white kid to predominately minority school. Kids will be kids. That situation would be expected to produce reverse racism.

I still see that as the exception, and not very common.

A fairly unique situation.

Kudos to you for trying to work through it.

I still see it as a specialized challenge in the national picture.

I would also expect such reverse racism to be of a different nature. Asians are not blacks. There is a thing in some Asian cultures about superiority and taking a very dim view of mixed marriages, wanting to preserve blood lines. Schools should address that.

The biggest racial issue in America, though, is black/white because of the lingering effects of our history of slavery.

California is the largest state in the County. It is over 40% LatinX and like 15% Asian. Texas is the second largest state in the country. It too is around 40% LatinX. LatinX kids make up over half the public school students in each of those states. Throw on top of that the number of mixed race kids. This isn't 1960 America where basically it was all white or black.

There's racial tension between Hispanics and Black and Asians and Blacks. That's just a reality. America is only getting more diverse and this thinking that everything must be presented in terms of white and black is going back to a prior era.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Do you favor forcing people to care about the things you care about, Poli? Most people I know are focused on their own lives; work, school, family.


How do you plan to force them to care about others?

I don't.

Straw man argument; just because a person is more focused on their family doesn't make them racist, Poli. That's like saying if a person doesn't actively support our troops then they are traitors.

I didn't say it did. My point was that racism is not going to solve itself or just go away by itself. If we don't get more active about seeking a solution the complacency allows the problem to perpetuate.
Hello cawacko,

California is the largest state in the County. It is over 40% LatinX and like 15% Asian. Texas is the second largest state in the country. It too is around 40% LatinX. LatinX kids make up over half the public school students in each of those states. Throw on top of that the number of mixed race kids. This isn't 1960 America where basically it was all white or black.

There's racial tension between Hispanics and Black and Asians and Blacks. That's just a reality. America is only getting more diverse and this thinking that everything must be presented in terms of white and black is going back to a prior era.

Good point. Thanks for making it.

We need to do more brainstorming in search of a more effective approach to dealing with our diversity. Diversity is us, we can't change that. It is both good and bad. We like the good. We need to find better ways of dealing with the bad.

Nature weeding out the stupid.

I don't get what's wrong with being woke.


" woke adjective
chiefly US slang
: aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)"

Sounds like a good thing!

Surely, being well informed is preferable to being poorly informed...

Any dispute on that? Seems to be pretty straightforward. Knowledge is power. So what's the deal?

It is logical that a society comprised mostly of individuals who are aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues, especially issues of racial and social justice, would be a great society to be a part of. That would result in low crime and minimized hatred, a society where people respected one another and got along fine, happy and content, pleased to be a part of something bigger than them, something really great.

Most people already think America is a great country.

Wanna make America greater?

A woke America would be a greater America.

Let's Go, Get Woke, America!

Yeah, and it's now a cutesy phrase for the "hip".

Bit cheesy, IMO. But it gets a rise out of the fringe/rabid right, so it serves its purpose, I guess.

The more proper sentence construct would be "An awakened America would be a greater America". Hard to argue with something said in no-uncertain terms, IMHO.
Hello PoliTalker,

Watch an hour or two of television. You will see diversity portrayed everywhere, including in the commercials. People absorb what they see. No propaganda or shaming of people will be necessary.
Hello Taichiliberal

Yeah, and it's now a cutesy phrase for the "hip".

Bit cheesy, IMO. But it gets a rise out of the fringe/rabid right, so it serves its purpose, I guess.

The more proper sentence construct would be "An awakened America would be a greater America". Hard to argue with something said in no-uncertain terms, IMHO.

It is an interesting example of how the hateful right, and the left treat the same slang term.

The left simply accepts it and moves on.

The hateful right cannot accept the word nor the concept, so it makes a big fat straw man out of it, and then proceeds to rip it to shreds.

A greater example of a straw man could hardly be found.
Hello Taichiliberal

It is an interesting example of how the hateful right, and the left treat the same slang term.

The left simply accepts it and moves on.

The hateful right cannot accept the word nor the concept, so it makes a big fat straw man out of it, and then proceeds to rip it to shreds.

A greater example of a straw man could hardly be found.

Actually, it's the other way around. The Left adopts a word then abuses it to the point where it becomes seen as a pejorative rather than positive. The Left realizes that the word now has serious negative connotations associated with it making them look bad. They then move to a new term to replace it.

A perfect example of this is the word "liberal." A liberal decades ago, a century or more ago, was seen as a open-minded, thoughtful person, who was accepting of new ideas and discussion of those. It morphed into a pejorative when the Left adopted it as their label.

How did the word “liberal“ become a political insult?

Why Are “Liberals” So Terrible?

So, the Left has to be a moving target. They went to Progressive instead of Liberal as a result. On the radical Right, the Nazis are still there just as they were half-a-century or more ago. The terms and labels of them haven't changed. Now, Progressive is becoming a pejorative and the Left appears to be moving to "Woke" instead. But in the electronics age information moves so rapidly that Woke is already getting to be pejorative in itself. I suspect the Left will run out of labels to call themselves.

It isn't those on the Right making the Left change their labels and terms, it's the actions of the Left--self inflicted--that do. The Left says they are liberal then act ill-liberally. They say they're Progressive then act regressively. They did it to themselves, and continue to do so.