Lets just all admit that what we are doing here is absurd


fighting russo bot holes is not wasted time

I will fight to keep foreign influence on my nation from being effective and will never stop

suck it
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fighting russo bot holes is not wasted time

I will fight to keep foreign influence on my nation being effective and will never stop

suck it

I have never accepted the assertion that nobody ever changes their minds as a result of message board banter.

I was told for years by cons that George Dumbya Bush was a titan among leaders; that the invasion of Iraq was an awesome idea; and that noted corruption-fighter and preemminent peacenik Donald Trump is draining the swamp.

Years of concerted effort demonstrating to Cons that Dumbya was an incompetent nitwit, the decision to invade Iraq was a catastrophic disaster, and that Donald Trump is a pathological and corrupt liar all collectively paid off. In spades. Cons had to change their tunes 180 degrees.

Cons will barely ever mention George Dumbya (except to claim they never really supported him), Cons are fully aware that anti-war liberals made the right call in 2003 and they will hardly ever make an effort to defend a war they wanted desparately, and even the defenses of Donald Trump have become tepid and flaccid. Amounting to hollow claims that, at least he didn't commit a felony crime. There are hardly ever even any credible attempts made to claim that Donald Trump is a competent, knowlegable, and savvy president representing America well on the world stage.
the DUDE changed his mind during that time

he completely flipped

I don't expect the russo bot holes to change

I post to change the minds of the people who read but don't post

they are constantly here

people forget them

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419 guests

hello gentle reader
I think you over estimate the relevance of this place, evince.

We are a handful of people.

The nation is not watching.

The world is not watching.

What we say is generally for our own amusement.

There is no point in 'fighting the good fight,' or trying to bring about national change here.

I come here to learn.

I learn why other people hold their views, and I learn what is going on in the nation/world. I don't really learn much from JPP directly. What I get is ideas, mentions of current events. Then I take those ideas and I research them. Especially if I want to make any comments about them in JPP. A chat room will tear you up if you post nonsense. The challenge is to get it right in order to discuss something knowledgeably.

Somebody makes a thread with a link; I check it out. I also do a search to see if there is more information about the topic. I look for more links. Different sources. I generally spend more time researching things than I do posting about them. I have spent hours on one short little post. Just to make sure I have done my homework. It doesn't matter where the JPP conversation goes. I'm already a winner because I got better informed.

Once I've got the facts straight I can easily rip the right wing propaganda apart. They can spin it all they like, the facts always cream their crawdaddies.

It's like the Ukraine scandal.

Trump's position is based on a hopeless unsupported tabloid hoax, basically.

The right clings to it like a lifeline.

And they call the mainstream news fake, the enemy. Pathetic!

These people are so out of touch it's sad.

The problem with the right isn't that they don't know anything.

It is that so much of what they know just isn't so.
the DUDE changed his mind during that time

he completely flipped

I don't expect the russo bot holes to change

I post to change the minds of the people who read but don't post

they are constantly here

people forget them


Holy smoke, I haven't thought about Topspin in ages.

Yes, he even sent me a message one time saying that my posts helped change his mind is some nominal way in his transition from being a rightwing reactionary, to being of a more moderate persuasion and even willing to vote for Democrats.

80 percent of message boarders can be dismissed as barely educated dunces. But the posters who present ideas and credible information have more influence on other posters than most people think or are willing to admit. I have literally seen conservatives over the years go from hollering in protest when you presented information of systematic voter fraud and voter suppression by the Republican Party, to the point now when they don't even try to contest it in any plausible way. They pretty much accept it, and cannot counter the information you have provided.
Holy smoke, I haven't thought about Topspin in ages.

Yes, he even sent me a message one time saying that my posts helped change his mind is some nominal way in his transition from being a rightwing reactionary, to being of a more moderate persuasion and even willing to vote for Democrats.

you realize he was yanking your chain, right?......
you realize he was yanking your chain, right?......
Your assumptions, guesswork, and suppositions do not cut the mustard in any way, shape, or form.

Explain how you were able to interpret his message to me since you are not privy to it?

Topspin and I were buddies, he held me in high esteem, and I considered him one of jpp.com all-time great posters. Period, end of story.
Holy smoke, I haven't thought about Topspin in ages.

Yes, he even sent me a message one time saying that my posts helped change his mind is some nominal way in his transition from being a rightwing reactionary, to being of a more moderate persuasion and even willing to vote for Democrats.

80 percent of message boarders can be dismissed as barely educated dunces. But the posters who present ideas and credible information have more influence on other posters than most people think or are willing to admit. I have literally seen conservatives over the years go from hollering in protest when you presented information of systematic voter fraud and voter suppression by the Republican Party, to the point now when they don't even try to contest it in any plausible way. They pretty much accept it, and cannot counter the information you have provided.


the cold hard facts that prove it make it undeniable

the party has been run by sociopaths for decades

soon we will find out if even their voters are full on sociopaths

the new facts emerging will tell the tell

do the republican voters embrace lies over facts and are willing to hand this nation to Putin simply to avoid admitting they were duped
I think you over estimate the relevance of this place, evince.

We are a handful of people.

The nation is not watching.

The world is not watching.

What we say is generally for our own amusement.

There is no point in 'fighting the good fight,' or trying to bring about national change here.

I come here to learn.

I learn why other people hold their views, and I learn what is going on in the nation/world. I don't really learn much from JPP directly. What I get is ideas, mentions of current events. Then I take those ideas and I research them. Especially if I want to make any comments about them in JPP. A chat room will tear you up if you post nonsense. The challenge is to get it right in order to discuss something knowledgeably.

Somebody makes a thread with a link; I check it out. I also do a search to see if there is more information about the topic. I look for more links. Different sources. I generally spend more time researching things than I do posting about them. I have spent hours on one short little post. Just to make sure I have done my homework. It doesn't matter where the JPP conversation goes. I'm already a winner because I got better informed.

Once I've got the facts straight I can easily rip the right wing propaganda apart. They can spin it all they like, the facts always cream their crawdaddies.

It's like the Ukraine scandal.

Trump's position is based on a hopeless unsupported tabloid hoax, basically.

The right clings to it like a lifeline.

And they call the mainstream news fake, the enemy. Pathetic!

These people are so out of touch it's sad.

The problem with the right isn't that they don't know anything.

It is that so much of what they know just isn't so.

I do all of the things you do too

sites like these have taught me massive lessons about people

I at one point spent two years merely investigating the leadup to the 2008 economic crash

barely posting at places like this

what you don't understand is YOU or ME can never reach as many human ears as we can at places like this

I have actually seen national arguments change after posting about things on sites like this

Seen the Arguments that I proffered then being used nationally later

I cant talk about politics with people I meet in the real world


I have a very few people in real life that Love the subject as much as I do.

YES people read these pages

every time you come to this site go to the forum page and Look at the number of guests reading the site

do that for one week

those are humans

they are here to read the debates and see what debates work and whats concerning people

researchers, joe dokes trying to learn about politics, low level staffers of people working in politics and a whole variety of actual humans

hell even the spiders and bots may be research tools

I can reach a ton more people here than in the real world

the internets is the NEW TOWN SQUARE

Good debates rise to the top

I have seen a national discussion of an issue move to The very debate I had used successfully on the Internets


the cold hard facts that prove it make it undeniable

the party has been run by sociopaths for decades

soon we will find out if even their voters are full on sociopaths

the new facts emerging will tell the tell

do the republican voters embrace lies over facts and are willing to hand this nation to Putin simply to avoid admitting they were duped

Says the one that was duped into believing Obama being black meant he was qualified.
I do all of the things you do too

sites like these have taught me massive lessons about people

I at one point spent two years merely investigating the leadup to the 2008 economic crash

barely posting at places like this

what you don't understand is YOU or ME can never reach as many human ears as we can at places like this

I have actually seen national arguments change after posting about things on sites like this

Seen the Arguments that I proffered then being used nationally later

I cant talk about politics with people I meet in the real world


I have a very few people in real life that Love the subject as much as I do.

YES people read these pages

every time you come to this site go to the forum page and Look at the number of guests reading the site

do that for one week

those are humans

they are here to read the debates and see what debates work and whats concerning people

researchers, joe dokes trying to learn about politics, low level staffers of people working in politics and a whole variety of actual humans

hell even the spiders and bots may be research tools

I can reach a ton more people here than in the real world

the internets is the NEW TOWN SQUARE

Good debates rise to the top

I have seen a national discussion of an issue move to The very debate I had used successfully on the Internets


You've never done a goddamn thing in your life but run your mouth, cunt.
Hello evince,

I do all of the things you do too

sites like these have taught me massive lessons about people

I at one point spent two years merely investigating the leadup to the 2008 economic crash

barely posting at places like this

what you don't understand is YOU or ME can never reach as many human ears as we can at places like this

I have actually seen national arguments change after posting about things on sites like this

Seen the Arguments that I proffered then being used nationally later

I cant talk about politics with people I meet in the real world


I have a very few people in real life that Love the subject as much as I do.

YES people read these pages

every time you come to this site go to the forum page and Look at the number of guests reading the site

do that for one week

those are humans

they are here to read the debates and see what debates work and whats concerning people

researchers, joe dokes trying to learn about politics, low level staffers of people working in politics and a whole variety of actual humans

hell even the spiders and bots may be research tools

I can reach a ton more people here than in the real world

the internets is the NEW TOWN SQUARE

Good debates rise to the top

I have seen a national discussion of an issue move to The very debate I had used successfully on the Internets


If you really think all these people are reading what you post then you should strive to make the most respectable posts possible. Insulting people doesn't win them over. Insults only work for hateful Trump fans when somebody supports their prejudged stereotypes, something like 30% of the nation.

There is no point in talking to hateful people who only come to a chat room to unload their frustrations on others. They are not here to listen.

You have a great knack for digging up pertinent information, making excellent political points. Just go with that. That is your strong suit, your gift.

Stop feeding the trolls. The more you engage with them, the more they post.

If nobody ever even acknowledged they post, their volume would drop to a minimum.

The wise thing to do is simply place all of those nasty posters on Ignore and forget they even exist.

Some people, you just need to stay away from.

Just like you don't stir up a bees nest and you don't poke a bear. Just stay away. Keep your distance.

Let them become marginalized.

Don't feed the trolls.

Nothing good comes from it.
Currently Active Users
There are currently 604 users online. 45 members and 134 guests, with 425 spiders
Hello evince,

If you really think all these people are reading what you post then you should strive to make the most respectable posts possible. Insulting people doesn't win them over. Insults only work for hateful Trump fans when somebody supports their prejudged stereotypes, something like 30% of the nation.

There is no point in talking to hateful people who only come to a chat room to unload their frustrations on others. They are not here to listen.

You have a great knack for digging up pertinent information, making excellent political points. Just go with that. That is your strong suit, your gift.

Stop feeding the trolls. The more you engage with them, the more they post.

If nobody ever even acknowledged they post, their volume would drop to a minimum.

The wise thing to do is simply place all of those nasty posters on Ignore and forget they even exist.

Some people, you just need to stay away from.

Just like you don't stir up a bees nest and you don't poke a bear. Just stay away. Keep your distance.

Let them become marginalized.

Don't feed the trolls.

Nothing good comes from it.

Lenny Bruce

Richard Pryor

George Carlin

to keep people listening you have to make it entertaining


when a society has a set of people who refuse fact and spew nonstop lies

It is incumbent on that society to publicly shame those people until they accept facts or shut up

pretending people don't speak the way I speak here is insanity

Do you know any people under 60?

words are for communication

I use all of them

even the ones some people find scary
when the tea tards showed up at this site the left pretended they didn't exist saying they were trolls

guess who won that election

I told the left that to ignore them was stupid


want to bet Russia had a hand in the tea tard arrival?