Lets just all admit that what we are doing here is absurd

Hello evince,

these sights are not a gathering of polite people

good god man do you understand that some of these people are Russians trying to tear this union asunder?

remember the part I said about what a society needs to do to liars?

if someone here lies to me I call them names

to get the truth out one needs to defend it in ways that resonate

ways that draw the eye

I understand some HUMANS here are it used to invective being a part of their lives

there are threads here about my sex part

I tried the polite society thing for the first couple of years

I was sweet as pie

It is actually my natural state

kind, warm and fuzzy

it became apparent to me that on the Internets men like to do veiled sexual threats to chase the female posters away.

Grind the site runner renamed himself after an infamous killer of females and told me he would show up at my door

when I told him NEVER

he said to me never say never

the guy who runs this SITE

I have had unbelievable things said to me on the internets

and yes I tore grind a new one for that

Im Irish

when someone tries to intimidate me I get my back up

I have a many a time defended the other females here and else where from those types of attacks

guess what crushes these type of posters?

a show of force

no fear

dirty words that they think scare women combined with "oh no you wont"

There is a thread on this site TITLED about evinces clit.

Im sorry to use that word with you but there was no other way to tell you

being polite in war will get you dead

we are literally fighting an enemy here

don't pretend this is polite company

how many of the men here who use "dirty words" do you try and counsel to be non invective

I understand you are not used to it

they are merely words like any others

and society will not crumble with their use

I do not find it easy to stand up for what I believe in.

If it was easy it would not be worth while.

I simply refuse to compromise on civility.

If that means I have a big Ignore List then so be it.

I get my message out, say my piece, and I don't take any berating over it.

The Ignored must be paying attention because they constantly quote me.

I don't really care. I am beyond caring what they think.

I refuse to let internet trolls be a part of my life. They are such a downer. I don't want that energy in my life.

I know they exist and that is enough. I don't have to have anything to do with them so I choose not to. Just like I don't go to the bad part of town in real life.

And guess what. I still find plenty of people of opposing views to talk to. There are good people on the right.

I am in control of my life, not them. I decide how I am going to be. I was not raised to let other people control how I am.

Integrity. Fortitude. Honesty. Compassion. Thrift. Consideration. Helpfulness. Courtesy. Knowledge. Character. Dedication. Morals. Kindness. Pleasant.

Everything Trump does not stand for.

I have seen how conversation in general has changed since he got in everybody's face with all his nastiness. It has affected people. He is our leader, like it or not. He sets the tone. I simply refuse to let him control how I conduct myself. When did you make your change from nice to nasty? Did that coincide with Trump getting elected? I was on a different chat board then. I saw the changes in people. Happens every election but it was far more pronounced at that one. Every election I experience a spike in trolls who have to be placed on Ignore. It's a correlation. I see the big picture. I remain committed to my principles regardless.
Hello evince,

I do not find it easy to stand up for what I believe in.

If it was easy it would not be worth while.

I simply refuse to compromise on civility.

If that means I have a big Ignore List then so be it.

I get my message out, say my piece, and I don't take any berating over it.

The Ignored must be paying attention because they constantly quote me.

I don't really care. I am beyond caring what they think.

I refuse to let internet trolls be a part of my life. They are such a downer. I don't want that energy in my life.

I know they exist and that is enough. I don't have to have anything to do with them so I choose not to. Just like I don't go to the bad part of town in real life.

And guess what. I still find plenty of people of opposing views to talk to. There are good people on the right.

I am in control of my life, not them. I decide how I am going to be. I was not raised to let other people control how I am.

Integrity. Fortitude. Honesty. Compassion. Thrift. Consideration. Helpfulness. Courtesy. Knowledge. Character. Dedication. Morals. Kindness. Pleasant.

Everything Trump does not stand for.

I have seen how conversation in general has changed since he got in everybody's face with all his nastiness. It has affected people. He is our leader, like it or not. He sets the tone. I simply refuse to let him control how I conduct myself. When did you make your change from nice to nasty? Did that coincide with Trump getting elected? I was on a different chat board then. I saw the changes in people. Happens every election but it was far more pronounced at that one. Every election I experience a spike in trolls who have to be placed on Ignore. It's a correlation. I see the big picture. I remain committed to my principles regardless.

ignoring the enemy is not going to protect you from them

there are good people there and children who need help

they can ONLY be good of they accept facts over lies

long before trump , when I realized the republican party is full of liars and idiots who embrace lies

you cant fight what you cant see
Hello evince,

ignoring the enemy is not going to protect you from them

I do not think of fellow Americans as an enemy. We are part of a free nation and we disagree. We voice our views, have our input, as the Constitution outlines. As for Russians and foreign entities which try to infiltrate our conversations, I remain committed to my principles so they see I cannot be swayed. I don't 'take the bait.'

there are good people there and children who need help

I donate to good causes and advocate for government programs to provide for that help.

they can ONLY be good of they accept facts over lies

Some of the things you call lies are really just opinion.

long before trump , when I realized the republican party is full of liars and idiots who embrace lies

That situation has existed long before this chat board.

you cant fight what you cant see

I have no desire to 'fight' anyone on a chat board. I come here to learn and interface.

Bottom line: The battle for America is a battle for hearts and minds. I think the cautioned approach of reason and respect is more likely to be effective than insults and berating. I think when the right is nasty online they are just putting up a wall and trying to shut out other voices and views. Slamming full force into that wall only causes them to fortify it. I believe it is more effective to find ways around it over it under it.

Yelling at them is a good way to get them to plug their ears all the tighter. It fulfills their incorrect belief that the left is full of horrible nasty people.

Speaking softly is better. I refuse to lose my cool or stoop to the level of shouting, which accomplishes nothing. Quiet reserved wisdom stands out in a chat board full of ranting and raving.
racists are the enemy of this nation

Liars are the enemy of this nation

they chose t be the enemys of this nation

we are a nation built on Ideas

if you lie about and demean those ideals you are the enemy

we have fought each other before

and we will again if people side against the constitution

the cold hard facts that prove it make it undeniable

the party has been run by sociopaths for decades

soon we will find out if even their voters are full on sociopaths

the new facts emerging will tell the tell

do the republican voters embrace lies over facts and are willing to hand this nation to Putin simply to avoid admitting they were duped

I think many simply won't admit they were wrong but once in the box they won't pull that lever for the jackass again.
I do all of the things you do too

sites like these have taught me massive lessons about people

I at one point spent two years merely investigating the leadup to the 2008 economic crash

barely posting at places like this

what you don't understand is YOU or ME can never reach as many human ears as we can at places like this

I have actually seen national arguments change after posting about things on sites like this

Seen the Arguments that I proffered then being used nationally later

I cant talk about politics with people I meet in the real world


I have a very few people in real life that Love the subject as much as I do.

YES people read these pages

every time you come to this site go to the forum page and Look at the number of guests reading the site

do that for one week

those are humans

they are here to read the debates and see what debates work and whats concerning people

researchers, joe dokes trying to learn about politics, low level staffers of people working in politics and a whole variety of actual humans

hell even the spiders and bots may be research tools

I can reach a ton more people here than in the real world

the internets is the NEW TOWN SQUARE

Good debates rise to the top

I have seen a national discussion of an issue move to The very debate I had used successfully on the Internets


I was on another site for about 12 yrs and probably 20-30 thousand posts but became disgusted with so many rightwing jackasses that I left. I suppose it's no different here but at least I can tell them they are ignorant assholes when it's warranted.
Says the one that was duped into believing Obama being black meant he was qualified.

He was obviously qualified. Practically every credible ranking of presidents has him in the teens with a couple in the top ten. You won't ever find Trump anywhere near those numbers and rightwing assholes such as yourself who try and claim otherwise doesn't change that.
Hello evince,

If you really think all these people are reading what you post then you should strive to make the most respectable posts possible. Insulting people doesn't win them over. Insults only work for hateful Trump fans when somebody supports their prejudged stereotypes, something like 30% of the nation.

There is no point in talking to hateful people who only come to a chat room to unload their frustrations on others. They are not here to listen.

You have a great knack for digging up pertinent information, making excellent political points. Just go with that. That is your strong suit, your gift.

Stop feeding the trolls. The more you engage with them, the more they post.

If nobody ever even acknowledged they post, their volume would drop to a minimum.

The wise thing to do is simply place all of those nasty posters on Ignore and forget they even exist.

Some people, you just need to stay away from.

Just like you don't stir up a bees nest and you don't poke a bear. Just stay away. Keep your distance.

Let them become marginalized.

Don't feed the trolls.

Nothing good comes from it.

Probably good advice. I should follow it.
when the tea tards showed up at this site the left pretended they didn't exist saying they were trolls

guess who won that election

I told the left that to ignore them was stupid


want to bet Russia had a hand in the tea tard arrival?

this is true too, what's the point if all you want is to agree with everybody?
this is true too, what's the point if all you want is to agree with everybody?

I fought for years here to get people to fight republican party election cheating

Ignoring that had many consequences

Ignoring what people do and say isn't how you stay on top of whats happening

I never place anyone ignore

I have never ban anyone from my threads

I have never even neg repped someone (groans on here)

There is your typical reply from a rightwinger.

and they use those types of remarks to try and scare women off the site

I make clear to those foreskin lipped putin nob bobbers that words don't scare me

and entertain the readers at the same time

a little blue comedy helps the hard facts get noticed
and they use those types of remarks to try and scare women off the site

I make clear to those foreskin lipped putin nob bobbers that words don't scare me

and entertain the readers at the same time

a little blue comedy helps the hard facts get noticed

Let us know when you start producing these "hard facts." We've been waiting for.....ever.
Let us know when you start producing these "hard facts." We've been waiting for.....ever.

The USA courts have fully documented all the cases in which the republican party has been sued and punished for cheating in elections

Cold Hard court documentation

decades long

all they way up to the SCOTUS
Court Case
DNC v. RNC Consent Decree



In 1982, after caging in predominantly African-American and Latino neighborhoods, the Republican National Committee and New Jersey Republican State Committee entered into a consent decree with their Democratic party counterparts.

Published: November 5, 2016

Gerrymandering & Fair Representation
In 1982, after caging in predominantly African-American and Latino neighborhoods, the Republican National Committee and New Jersey Republican State Committee entered into a consent decree with their Democratic party counterparts. Under that decree and its 1987 successor, the Republican party organizations agreed to allow a federal court to review proposed “ballot security” programs, including any proposed voter caging.
The consent decree has been invoked several times, by the parties to the decree and by others. In late 2008, the Democratic National Committee and Obama for America sought to enforce the consent decree, claiming that the RNC had not submitted alleged ballot security operations for review. After the election, the RNC asked the federal court to vacate or substantially modify the decree. The court denied the RNC's motion to vacate the consent decree and ordered the decree remain in effect until December 2017. The RNC then appealed to the Third Circuit, which unanimously rejected the appeal and affirmed the District Court's decision. A subsequent petition for rehearing en banc by the full Third Circuit, and a certiorari petition to U.S. Supreme Court, were denied.
On October 26, 2016, the DNC filed a motion asking that the court find the RNC had violated the decree. On November 5, after abbreviated discovery, the district court denied the DNC’s request, ruling that the DNC had not provided sufficient evidence of coordination between the Trump campaign and the RNC on ballot-security operations, but will allow the DNC to offer further evidence after the election.
Click here to learn more about voter caging.
Click here to learn more about ballot security programs.
Related Court Documents
Order Denying Request to Extend Decree (November 5, 2016)
RNC's Memorandum in Opposition to Order to Show Cause (October 31, 2016)
DNC's Memorandum in Support of Order to Show Cause (October 26, 2016)
Petition for Rehearing (March 22, 2012)
Third Circuit Opinion (March 8, 2012)
Debevoise Order (December 1, 2009)
Debevoise Opinion (December 1, 2009)
RNC Post-Hearing Brief (June 26, 2009)
DNC Post-Hearing Brief (June 26, 2009)
RNC Reply Brief (February 19, 2009)
DNC Brief Opposing Motion to Vacate (January 19, 2009)
RNC Brief in Support of Motion (November 3, 2008)
2008 (several states)
DNC Brief (November 3, 2008)
DNC Brief Atty. Certification of Exhibits (November 3, 2008)
OFA Intervention Memo (November 3, 2008)
Minute Entry (November 3, 2008)
2004 (Ohio)
Malone Dismissal (February 3, 2005)
Malone en banc Decision (November 9, 2004)
Malone Appellate Decision (November 1, 2004)
Malone Order (November 1, 2004)
Malone Intervenor PI brief (November 1, 2004)
Malone Intervenor Complaint (October 31, 2004)
Malone Memo in Support of Intervention (October 28, 2004)
Malone Motion to Intervene (October 28, 2004)
2004 (South Dakota)
Daschle Temporary Restraining Order (November 2, 2004)
Daschle SD Complaint (November 1, 2004)
2002 (New Jersey)
Order (October 31, 2002)
1990 (North Carolina)
Order (November 5, 1990)
1987 (several states)
Consent Decree (July 27, 1987)
Original 1981 case (New Jersey)
Consent Decree (November 1, 1982)
Complaint (Februar
if you go to the site

every one of those cases listed will go a link about that case

then there are all the side cases like phone jamming and the like