Lets just all admit that what we are doing here is absurd

Hello evince,

Lenny Bruce

Richard Pryor

George Carlin

to keep people listening you have to make it entertaining


when a society has a set of people who refuse fact and spew nonstop lies

It is incumbent on that society to publicly shame those people until they accept facts or shut up

pretending people don't speak the way I speak here is insanity

Do you know any people under 60?

words are for communication

I use all of them

even the ones some people find scary

There is a reason people don't talk like Lenny Bruce in polite company.

And it is not permitted on the floors of Congress where our nation's business is conducted.

Nor in the courts. Anyone who argued like that would be found in contempt of most courts, including the SCOTUS.

And it is not appropriate in the Executive either. Any executive who tried to act like that would be resoundingly criticized for behaving in a manner beneath the dignity of the office.

Trump is often accused of behaving in a manner beneath the dignity of the office. Adding crude insults to good points is arguing in a manner beneath the dignity of those good points. It detracts from them.

And you would not hear that from a major media professional in a story presented by the 4th estate. It is inappropriate.

When we are talking about politics, we are talking about the actions of all these branches of government.

There is no need to offend the decorum in order to make a good point.

You make good points and then you trash them with cheap insults.

That's not entertaining. It is a big turn-off for a lot of people.
Hello evince,

There is a reason people don't talk like Lenny Bruce in polite company.

And it is not permitted on the floors of Congress where our nation's business is conducted.

Nor in the courts. Anyone who argued like that would be found in contempt of most courts, including the SCOTUS.

And it is not appropriate in the Executive either. Any executive who tried to act like that would be resoundingly criticized for behaving in a manner beneath the dignity of the office.

Trump is often accused of behaving in a manner beneath the dignity of the office. Adding crude insults to good points is arguing in a manner beneath the dignity of those good points. It detracts from them.

And you would not hear that from a major media professional in a story presented by the 4th estate. It is inappropriate.

When we are talking about politics, we are talking about the actions of all these branches of government.

There is no need to offend the decorum in order to make a good point.

You make good points and then you trash them with cheap insults.

That's not entertaining. It is a big turn-off for a lot of people.

I bet more people read my posts than yours

Im funny

I think invective is funny

so do many people who discuss politics

people in this nation under 60 use the same level of invective that I do every day

Its who the people are

I talk to the real people in the same way they talk

I make it entertaining

its why John Stewart, SNL and the likes of Colbert get and got listened to


give it up

we are different

I get through to more people than you do

don't be jelly
Hurry up bro, Evince/truth doesn't matter has already snorted a foot long line..... Oh shit, now it is two foot long lines... Damn that girl can snort!
I bet more people read my posts than yours

Im funny

I think invective is funny

so do many people who discuss politics

people in this nation under 60 use the same level of invective that I do every day

Its who the people are

I talk to the real people in the same way they talk

I make it entertaining

its why John Stewart, SNL and the likes of Colbert get and got listened to


give it up

we are different

I get through to more people than you do

don't be jelly

Some of us here think you are plum bat-shit crazy, but I agree with you. Your posts are probably more read the PoliBabbles.
Hurry up bro, Evince/truth doesn't matter has already snorted a foot long line..... Oh shit, now it is two foot long lines... Damn that girl can snort!

Wow, that stuff must be cut pretty hard. I don't want none of that shit! Cook it down.

the republican party will NEVER be free of all the election cheating the USA courts prove the existance of when Im around huh

so many more people in America are aware of it now

I have been getting out the facts about those court records for over a decade now

it really outs the evil the republican party is
Hello evince,

I bet more people read my posts than yours

Im funny

I think invective is funny

so do many people who discuss politics

people in this nation under 60 use the same level of invective that I do every day

Its who the people are

I talk to the real people in the same way they talk

I make it entertaining

its why John Stewart, SNL and the likes of Colbert get and got listened to


give it up

we are different

I get through to more people than you do

don't be jelly

If you think this place is a contest that's your bag.

I think of it differently.

There is no 'winning' here.

For me it is a place to politely discuss the business of our nation, and a place to learn what motivates people, and what's going on.

The people who are motivated by insults are less interesting to me than the people who are well informed and able to discuss with mutual respect.

And I will mention another facet of this.

If you surround yourself with vulgar people then that has an effect on you.

It has to do with human habits.

I like to control my habits instead of letting them control me.

I am thus more able to keep my cool when others would lose it and make a fool of themselves.

And these habits are carried through in real life as well.

Makes for an easy-going character.

I am able to discuss politics with people of all views in real life without having it devolve into a shouting match.

I have many friends and acquaintances who are Trump fans.

I look beyond the facade and see the person behind.

I can certainly report that life is fabulous without all the anger, insults and bitter arguing.

Stress is a killer. It is wise to take steps to reduce stress.

the republican party will NEVER be free of all the election cheating the USA courts prove the existance of when Im around huh

so many more people in America are aware of it now

I have been getting out the facts about those court records for over a decade now

it really outs the evil the republican party is

Yesiree, you're on it. Climb the tallest mountains and forewarn!
Hello evince,

If you think this place is a contest that's your bag.

I think of it differently.

There is no 'winning' here.

For me it is a place to politely discuss the business of our nation, and a place to learn what motivates people, and what's going on.

The people who are motivated by insults are less interesting to me than the people who are well informed and able to discuss with mutual respect.

And I will mention another facet of this.

If you surround yourself with vulgar people then that has an effect on you.

It has to do with human habits.

I like to control my habits instead of letting them control me.

I am thus more able to keep my cool when others would lose it and make a fool of themselves.

And these habits are carried through in real life as well.

Makes for an easy-going character.

I am able to discuss politics with people of all views in real life without having it devolve into a shouting match.

I have many friends and acquaintances who are Trump fans.

I look beyond the facade and see the person behind.

I can certainly report that life is fabulous without all the anger, insults and bitter arguing.

Stress is a killer. It is wise to take steps to reduce stress.

I never mentioned a contest


be honest
people refuse to discuss politics

NO matter how submissive one is to them

The second they have to question what they already believe they spew anger

I tried for a very long time

Introduce a FACT they don't know and they lose their minds

I am female

I am very curvy and have all my life been treated like a sex object


I have walked with other women in public to have them be amazed at the way men treat me


who have NEVER been cat called themselves



I bet you are an 80 year old white man who has only lived around your religious white friends

I am NOT ALLOWED to discuss politics without people losing their minds with me


I tried for YEARS

I came here and did the same thing

It was much better for awhile because I was SOOOOOO used to be shut down by people who could not accept a women who looked like me could be well versed in the facts of politics and history

then I realized they were USING my kindness to demean me the same way people used my looks to demean me in person.


just like my curvy female form was USED as a weakness in real life

I have always been funny and made the people who REALLY GET TO KNOW ME laugh their butts off

NO ONE ever sees funny as a weakness for good reason

to be funny you have to have smarts

It was ONE way people would believe I had smarts

somehow being what the world considers "sexy" is OK combined with funny

But its not allowed to be coupled with well informed and politically insightful


you clearly have little depth in understanding people who are NOT EXACTLY LIKE YOU

the entire American society under the age of 60 (the post baby boomers) use invective in all of their discussions

do you watch movies?

do you listen to music?

you seem completely unware of who Americans are now

Invective is harmless

its funny

and everyone talks like that now

I very rarely use it in public

because when a woman is built like I am men often only hear AN INVITATION TO SEX unless I am very proper and motherlike to them.

often gay guys are the ones who accept me best

guess why?

they have no interest in sex with me

my kaboom has handicapped me all my life ( since puberty obviously)

YOU need to be more understanding of those who are NOT YOU

its funny but a Burka could have been an answer for me huh

be a ghost just so people could see ME

invective injected comedy is freedom for me dude

be insightful for a second in your life

Im sure you are just like the educated men I would meet who would take one look at me and start talking in smaller words

as if having kaboom means no brains
I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the thought that hundreds, or thousands, of people read this board but don't post.

I can hear this interaction at home:

Husband: Hey Mabel, you want to go grab some dinner?

Mabel: No honey, I'm going to log on to JPP and see what TDAK and Jade Dragon have to say today.
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