Lets just all admit that what we are doing here is absurd

I do all of the things you do too

sites like these have taught me massive lessons about people

I at one point spent two years merely investigating the leadup to the 2008 economic crash

barely posting at places like this

what you don't understand is YOU or ME can never reach as many human ears as we can at places like this

I have actually seen national arguments change after posting about things on sites like this

Seen the Arguments that I proffered then being used nationally later

I cant talk about politics with people I meet in the real world


I have a very few people in real life that Love the subject as much as I do.

YES people read these pages

every time you come to this site go to the forum page and Look at the number of guests reading the site

do that for one week

those are humans

they are here to read the debates and see what debates work and whats concerning people

researchers, joe dokes trying to learn about politics, low level staffers of people working in politics and a whole variety of actual humans

hell even the spiders and bots may be research tools

I can reach a ton more people here than in the real world

the internets is the NEW TOWN SQUARE

Good debates rise to the top

I have seen a national discussion of an issue move to The very debate I had used successfully on the Internets


this wack
Hello evince,

I never mentioned a contest


be honest

I don't recall you ever saying you thought it was a contest. That was my assessment. Maybe I should have said competition. whatever. The whole trying to change somebody else's mind thing. That. Why even try? People are going to believe what they are going to believe. That is unlikely to be guided by a vehement berating on the internet from somebody who is quick to do that to anyone at will. And not simply responding in kind, but initiating it when the other person was not even doing that. If you're the one that starts things then this isn't just the way people talk. It's only certain people. Some do, some do not. And I have to tell you the ones who do not are not impressed by those who do. It is seen as a rude turn-off. Somebody starts up talk like that in a gathering of polite people and everybody starts to just move away from that person. It's a good way to be unaccepted in a group.

I agree with sharing correct information. That makes our Democracy possible.

I just happen to think it's more credible when it comes in a way that is respectful of others.
Your assumptions, guesswork, and suppositions do not cut the mustard in any way, shape, or form.

Explain how you were able to interpret his message to me since you are not privy to it?

Topspin and I were buddies, he held me in high esteem, and I considered him one of jpp.com all-time great posters. Period, end of story.

I liked Topspin a lot, he always made me laugh. One of my favorite lines from him (paraphrasing) was "the U.S. tax code is a beautiful thing."

He always said that when people complained about their taxes.
I liked Topspin a lot, he always made me laugh. One of my favorite lines from him (paraphrasing) was "the U.S. tax code is a beautiful thing."

He always said that when people complained about their taxes.

He was a character! By the standards of racism and bigotry jpp dot com has sunk to, one would have to say that Topspin belongs in the hall of fame posters for this forum.
people refuse to discuss politics

NO matter how submissive one is to them

The second they have to question what they already believe they spew anger

I tried for a very long time

Introduce a FACT they don't know and they lose their minds

I am female

I am very curvy and have all my life been treated like a sex object


I have walked with other women in public to have them be amazed at the way men treat me


who have NEVER been cat called themselves



I bet you are an 80 year old white man who has only lived around your religious white friends

I am NOT ALLOWED to discuss politics without people losing their minds with me


I tried for YEARS

I came here and did the same thing

It was much better for awhile because I was SOOOOOO used to be shut down by people who could not accept a women who looked like me could be well versed in the facts of politics and history

then I realized they were USING my kindness to demean me the same way people used my looks to demean me in person.


just like my curvy female form was USED as a weakness in real life

I have always been funny and made the people who REALLY GET TO KNOW ME laugh their butts off

NO ONE ever sees funny as a weakness for good reason

to be funny you have to have smarts

It was ONE way people would believe I had smarts

somehow being what the world considers "sexy" is OK combined with funny

But its not allowed to be coupled with well informed and politically insightful


you clearly have little depth in understanding people who are NOT EXACTLY LIKE YOU

the entire American society under the age of 60 (the post baby boomers) use invective in all of their discussions

do you watch movies?

do you listen to music?

you seem completely unware of who Americans are now

Invective is harmless

its funny

and everyone talks like that now

I very rarely use it in public

because when a woman is built like I am men often only hear AN INVITATION TO SEX unless I am very proper and motherlike to them.

often gay guys are the ones who accept me best

guess why?

they have no interest in sex with me

my kaboom has handicapped me all my life ( since puberty obviously)

YOU need to be more understanding of those who are NOT YOU

its funny but a Burka could have been an answer for me huh

be a ghost just so people could see ME

invective injected comedy is freedom for me dude

be insightful for a second in your life

Im sure you are just like the educated men I would meet who would take one look at me and start talking in smaller words

as if having kaboom means no brains

Can we talk about your clit, again.
Hello evince,

I don't recall you ever saying you thought it was a contest. That was my assessment. Maybe I should have said competition. whatever. The whole trying to change somebody else's mind thing. That. Why even try? People are going to believe what they are going to believe. That is unlikely to be guided by a vehement berating on the internet from somebody who is quick to do that to anyone at will. And not simply responding in kind, but initiating it when the other person was not even doing that. If you're the one that starts things then this isn't just the way people talk. It's only certain people. Some do, some do not. And I have to tell you the ones who do not are not impressed by those who do. It is seen as a rude turn-off. Somebody starts up talk like that in a gathering of polite people and everybody starts to just move away from that person. It's a good way to be unaccepted in a group.

I agree with sharing correct information. That makes our Democracy possible.

I just happen to think it's more credible when it comes in a way that is respectful of others.

these sights are not a gathering of polite people

good god man do you understand that some of these people are Russians trying to tear this union asunder?

remember the part I said about what a society needs to do to liars?

if someone here lies to me I call them names

to get the truth out one needs to defend it in ways that resonate

ways that draw the eye

I understand some HUMANS here are it used to invective being a part of their lives

there are threads here about my sex part

I tried the polite society thing for the first couple of years

I was sweet as pie

It is actually my natural state

kind, warm and fuzzy

it became apparent to me that on the Internets men like to do veiled sexual threats to chase the female posters away.

Grind the site runner renamed himself after an infamous killer of females and told me he would show up at my door

when I told him NEVER

he said to me never say never

the guy who runs this SITE

I have had unbelievable things said to me on the internets

and yes I tore grind a new one for that

Im Irish

when someone tries to intimidate me I get my back up

I have a many a time defended the other females here and else where from those types of attacks

guess what crushes these type of posters?

a show of force

no fear

dirty words that they think scare women combined with "oh no you wont"

There is a thread on this site TITLED about evinces clit.

Im sorry to use that word with you but there was no other way to tell you

being polite in war will get you dead

we are literally fighting an enemy here

don't pretend this is polite company

how many of the men here who use "dirty words" do you try and counsel to be non invective

I understand you are not used to it

they are merely words like any others

and society will not crumble with their use
these sights are not a gathering of polite people

good god man do you understand that some of these people are Russians trying to tear this union asunder?

remember the part I said about what a society needs to do to liars?

if someone here lies to me I call them names

to get the truth out one needs to defend it in ways that resonate

ways that draw the eye

I understand some HUMANS here are it used to invective being a part of their lives

there are threads here about my sex part

I tried the polite society thing for the first couple of years

I was sweet as pie

It is actually my natural state

kind, warm and fuzzy

it became apparent to me that on the Internets men like to do veiled sexual threats to chase the female posters away.

Grind the site runner renamed himself after an infamous killer of females and told me he would show up at my door

when I told him NEVER

he said to me never say never

the guy who runs this SITE

I have had unbelievable things said to me on the internets

and yes I tore grind a new one for that

Im Irish

when someone tries to intimidate me I get my back up

I have a many a time defended the other females here and else where from those types of attacks

guess what crushes these type of posters?

a show of force

no fear

dirty words that they think scare women combined with "oh no you wont"

There is a thread on this site TITLED about evinces clit.

Im sorry to use that word with you but there was no other way to tell you

being polite in war will get you dead

we are literally fighting an enemy here

don't pretend this is polite company

how many of the men here who use "dirty words" do you try and counsel to be non invective

I understand you are not used to it

they are merely words like any others

and society will not crumble with their use
I have been around long enough to remember you being a generally civil poster, and that your reward from the rightwing were insults, veiled threats,and demeaning mockery
I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the thought that hundreds, or thousands, of people read this board but don't post.

I can hear this interaction at home:

Husband: Hey Mabel, you want to go grab some dinner?

Mabel: No honey, I'm going to log on to JPP and see what TDAK and Jade Dragon have to say today.

I for one, am fully prepared to step into the role of spokesman for the ages.......
I have been around long enough to remember you being a generally civil poster, and that your reward from the rightwing were insults, veiled threats,and demeaning mockery

I was nice mommy

its actually who I am

Im very nice to people and am non confrontive

I compliment people and smile at them and try to have people walk away from me feeling good

that is NOT weakness

the right thinks its weakness

even in real life some people then treat me as if Im stupid for it

it beems a bright light down on who THEY ARE

when I get that reaction from people they are pinpointed to me as the ones you completely avoid or gird myself to battle them if I cant ignore them

being unkind to kind people is a serious red flag

evil people see kind people as stupid

because their insides only think of manipulating others

and it shows up on their outsides

I wish sociopaths could understand the messages they send

but then they would not be sociopaths

they can not read the human emotions correctly

because they cant understand them

because they cant feel them

It saves us from them

they are fully incapable of understanding the vast majority of humans

they are broken

but think they are superior

really sad
I was nice mommy

its actually who I am

Im very nice to people and am non confrontive

I compliment people and smile at them and try to have people walk away from me feeling good

that is NOT weakness

the right thinks its weakness

even in real life some people then treat me as if Im stupid for it

it beems a bright light down on who THEY ARE

when I get that reaction from people they are pinpointed to me as the ones you completely avoid or gird myself to battle them if I cant ignore them

being unkind to kind people is a serious red flag

evil people see kind people as stupid

because their insides only think of manipulating others

and it shows up on their outsides

I wish sociopaths could understand the messages they send

but then they would not be sociopaths

they can not read the human emotions correctly

because they cant understand them

because they cant feel them

It saves us from them

they are fully incapable of understanding the vast majority of humans

they are broken

but think they are superior

really sad

Yet you call everyone you disagree with a Russian bot...
