Lets start small, evidence?

Of course it does. You've seen it we've all seen it.
Wrong, seen a lot of circumstantial evidence but zero real proof

You people are whacked, if there existed even one iota, one crumb, anything that real evidence existed the GOP would have started actual impeachment proceedings by now, and they have not, four years “investigating” and they got nothing, this single fact alone speaks the truth
Let's see...

Bagman's business partners say he took bribes
Bagman's clients say he took bribes
There are bank records that corroborate that.
There are tax records that show Bagman used classic money laundering techniques to hide those transactions
There are e-mails and phone records that openly show Bagman shaking down clients that have been verified as authentic
Bagman and his family keep changing their story about all this as the evidence pours in
The Bank records do not corroborate anything other than money coming in from his business.
Where is there any evidence Joe Biden was in involved in anything?
Wrong, seen a lot of circumstantial evidence but zero real proof

You people are whacked, if there existed even one iota, one crumb, anything that real evidence existed the GOP would have started actual impeachment proceedings by now, and they have not, four years “investigating” and they got nothing, this single fact alone speaks the truth
Lots of circumstantial evidence against Hunter, not Joe.
He's guilty... He knew exactly what hunter was doing and i'm sure they discussed it many times... It would be impossible for him not to know and not be involved.
Your saying “he knew exactly what Hunter was doing” isn’t proof, you got to offer actual proof, evidence, hard facts that “he knew exactly what Hunter was doing,” otherwise, all you got is innuendo
Your saying “he knew exactly what Hunter was doing” isn’t proof, you got to offer actual proof, evidence, hard facts that “he knew exactly what Hunter was doing,” otherwise, all you got is innuendo
Okay... What do you think he thought Hunter was doing to get all that money? He knew what Hunter was doing... Not only were they talking every day but they were traveling together and living together and living togethe..
Okay... What do you think he thought Hunter was doing to get all that money? He knew what Hunter was doing... Not only were they talking every day but they were traveling together and living together and living togethe..
You have some evidence?
Is that why the Repub congressional investigation charged him with bribery? Oh, they did not. he was investigated for years and the Reds found nothing. The point of it was to convince Trumpys that it exists even though they have no proof and could not charge him. It surely worked on you, but then every lie they tell works on you.
Congress is not a body that can bring criminal charges against anyone. They are a legislative body and looking into corruption within government.

Unlike the Democrats with their two, failed, rushed, and shoddily done attempts to impeach Trump, the Republicans are being thorough and meticulous about investigating the Bidens.

You just don't want to accept any part of that because it's your guy they're investigating.
The Bank records do not corroborate anything other than money coming in from his business.
Where is there any evidence Joe Biden was in involved in anything?
Sure they do. For example, why did Bagman send all of the money he was getting from Burisma to a bank on Malta known for being a front for money laundering?

If what Bagman was doing with Burisma in Ukraine was on the up and up and legitimate, why send all the payments to a small bank, known for corruption and money laundering on a tiny island state in the Mediterranean instead of directly to a reliable bank in the US or Europe?
