Lets start small, evidence?

Sure they do. For example, why did Bagman send all of the money he was getting from Burisma to a bank on Malta known for being a front for money laundering?

If what Bagman was doing with Burisma in Ukraine was on the up and up and legitimate, why send all the payments to a small bank, known for corruption and money laundering on a tiny island state in the Mediterranean instead of directly to a reliable bank in the US or Europe?

I do not know, but you would have to answer those question with facts before accusing him. That is why I am asking for evidence, but if's.

You cant prosecute anyone for just for depositing money in a bank known for money laundering.
I do not know, but you would have to answer those question with facts before accusing him. That is why I am asking for evidence, but if's.

You cant prosecute anyone for just for depositing money in a bank known for money laundering.
What I gave IS evidence. The paper trail of those bank transactions is known. Many of the other players involved have said it was a "pay to play" scheme (eg., a bribe for quid pro quo). There's plenty of evidence on all of that. The problem is, when you are dealing with a powerful individual, or politically connected family--like the Bidens--you have to make damn sure your ducks are in a row before you move on them.
Is that why the Repub congressional investigation charged him with bribery? Oh, they did not. he was investigated for years and the Reds found nothing. The point of it was to convince Trumpys that it exists even though they have no proof and could not charge him. It surely worked on you, but then every lie they tell works on you.
Just like BEGHAZI
What I gave IS evidence. The paper trail of those bank transactions is known. Many of the other players involved have said it was a "pay to play" scheme (eg., a bribe for quid pro quo). There's plenty of evidence on all of that. The problem is, when you are dealing with a powerful individual, or politically connected family--like the Bidens--you have to make damn sure your ducks are in a row before you move on them.
Then you should go get your proof

You don’t win court cases by telling the judge to look up your claims

You have to present the facts you claim exist

That’s why trumpers lose so many court cases
What I gave IS evidence. The paper trail of those bank transactions is known. Many of the other players involved have said it was a "pay to play" scheme (eg., a bribe for quid pro quo). There's plenty of evidence on all of that. The problem is, when you are dealing with a powerful individual, or politically connected family--like the Bidens--you have to make damn sure your ducks are in a row before you move on them.
But it does not mean a crime occurred, there are legit reasons one could deposit money into a bank known for laundering.

And there is 0 evidence Joe was involved. I do not care if Hunter is a criminal, I will never vote for him.
He's guilty... He knew exactly what hunter was doing and i'm sure they discussed it many times... It would be impossible for him not to know and not be involved.
Why would it be impossible? Make sense. Explain how if he knew about Hunter's crimes, that means he was involved. Hunter took coke. Joe knew, therefore he took coke. Does that make sense to you?
You are sure they discussed it many times. How are we supposed to accept that as true? How would you know? Aren't you ashamed of typing that?
Why would it be impossible? Make sense. Explain how if he knew about Hunter's crimes, that means he was involved. Hunter took coke. Joe knew, therefore he took coke. Does that make sense to you?
You are sure they discussed it many times. How are we supposed to accept that as true? How would you know? Aren't you ashamed of typing that?
Like the cocaine they found in the WH but they couldn't figure out how it got there or who put it there? You couldn't find your ass with 2 hands could you? Dumbass donkey humper.
So no link connecting Joe Biden to his son, and no proof the money to Hunter was a bribe.

This one is done unless we get more evidence.
They can’t, little Jimmy Jordan and the entire right wing media has been trying to do it for four years now and they got nothing

Now get ready for the predictable corny copy and paste memes and the usual but, but, but Big Bobbie told Sean Biden was the “big guy”
Argument of the Stone fallacy.