Lets start small, evidence?

He's guilty... He knew exactly what hunter was doing and i'm sure they discussed it many times... It would be impossible for him not to know and not be involved.
They have no evidence Hunter did anything illegal other than the drugs, gun, etc. The evidence they took at the hearings resulted in the witness getting convicted for lying. What did Hunter do? Who did he bribe? What was done to get the bribe? It is all wild speculation. And there was nothing Joe did. Having the prosecutor fired was the policy of the U. S. and European powers because he was corrupt (and not investigating Burisma).

People want to believe Biden did something wrong because of the partisan split we have today. If they believe Presdent Trump was tortured in a police station with Secret Service protection they will believe anything Trump says. And, so far they have.
Lets see if Trumppers can back up what they say...
Please link to any evidence that Hunter Biden took bribes...

I wish we could find a link to your brain. It's cakll

Wrong, seen a lot of circumstantial evidence but zero real proof

You people are whacked, if there existed even one iota, one crumb, anything that real evidence existed the GOP would have started actual impeachment proceedings by now, and they have not, four years “investigating” and they got nothing, this single fact alone speaks the truth


The Bank records do not corroborate anything other than money coming in from his business.
Where is there any evidence Joe Biden was in involved in anything?

The 10% from his brother. The emails. The meetings with Hunters partners. Yep, Biden is just a serial liar and believes that all Americans are as gullible and stupid as you. :palm:
That is not illegal, is it?

Influence peddling certainly is. Especially when it is your global opponent.

So, tell us wonder dunce, why does someone set up multiple LLCs and bank accounts? That was rhetorical because you will just lie. It's to LAUNDER the money and hide where it is coming from.

Bank Records Show Direct Monthly Payments from Hunter Biden’s Corporation to Joe Biden

Newly Released Records Show Joe Biden Repeatedly Emailed Hunter's Business Associate Before Burisma Appointment

So no evidence... We really should move on to investigate trump who admits to receiving millions in bribes.


Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reason.”
They have no evidence Hunter did anything illegal other than the drugs, gun, etc. The evidence they took at the hearings resulted in the witness getting convicted for lying. What did Hunter do? Who did he bribe? What was done to get the bribe? It is all wild speculation. And there was nothing Joe did. Having the prosecutor fired was the policy of the U. S. and European powers because he was corrupt (and not investigating Burisma).

People want to believe Biden did something wrong because of the partisan split we have today. If they believe Presdent Trump was tortured in a police station with Secret Service protection they will believe anything Trump says. And, so far they have.

Another massive pile of MSNBC malarky. Biden had the Ukraine investigator investigating Burisma fired while his inexperienced son was being paid $83K a month to sit on its board.

The only reason Hunter was making millions off of corrupt oligarchs was the fact that daddy was a VP in the US Government. That is called influence peddling. It is illegal.

Biden claimed he never knew anything about Hunters business. Yet emails, witnesses and photos indicate the exact opposite. The reason he would lie about it, is because the business was illegal influence peddling.

Hunter had multiple LLCs and bank accounts. Their only purpose was to make tracing the money difficult and launder it to his corrupt family.

Claiming there is no evidence or that it isn't illegal makes you look like a dishonest dumb partisan hack. :palm:
They have no evidence Hunter did anything illegal other than the drugs, gun, etc. The evidence they took at the hearings resulted in the witness getting convicted for lying. What did Hunter do? Who did he bribe? What was done to get the bribe? It is all wild speculation. And there was nothing Joe did. Having the prosecutor fired was the policy of the U. S. and European powers because he was corrupt (and not investigating Burisma).

People want to believe Biden did something wrong because of the partisan split we have today. If they believe Presdent Trump was tortured in a police station with Secret Service protection they will believe anything Trump says. And, so far they have.

Lie, lame and retarded. :palm:
Ive seen that, and the guy is a felon with an agenda, that makes his testimony suspect. Add to that, the guy does not connect Hunter to his father, so I do not care.

Why didn't the Republican house hold hearings?
They did and found nothing. They wasted millions in tax money for Repub political purposes.
One thing trump has taught everyone is the difference between making claims on the internet, and in court. There are plenty of claims of evidence on the internet, but when trump's fans get into court, it all vanishes.

The evidence isn't about the internet you dunce, it is about what the House has been able to dig up from bank records, the laptop Biden claimed was a Russia disinformation operation and actual business partners who were witnesses to the illegal influence peddling.

Hunter had zero skills. He provided no services or products. His only product was the Vise President and the influence he could peddle.

Leftists really look like gullible morons parroting the MSNBC narratives like mindless little lemmings.
I'll be back....I want to
Why would it be impossible? Make sense. Explain how if he knew about Hunter's crimes, that means he was involved. Hunter took coke. Joe knew, therefore he took coke. Does that make sense to you?
You are sure they discussed it many times. How are we supposed to accept that as true? How would you know? Aren't you ashamed of typing that?
I'm sure Joe knew... He spoke to his son every day. He traveled with him... What?
Did he think Hunter did for a living?
Being in touch is not a crime. Even discussing business is not a crime. What illegal act occurred?
I didn't say being in touch was a crime.... If he lied about discussing business with Hunter, what else has he lied about? Joe is a pathological liar... So there's that... He knew What was going on... It would be impossible not too...
The evidence isn't about the internet you dunce, it is about what the House has been able to dig up from bank records, the laptop Biden claimed was a Russia disinformation operation and actual business partners who were witnesses to the illegal influence peddling.

Hunter had zero skills. He provided no services or products. His only product was the Vise President and the influence he could peddle.

Leftists really look like gullible morons parroting the MSNBC narratives like mindless little lemmings.
Great... Introduce it into court.