Lets start small, evidence?

They have no evidence Hunter did anything illegal other than the drugs, gun, etc. The evidence they took at the hearings resulted in the witness getting convicted for lying. What did Hunter do? Who did he bribe? What was done to get the bribe? It is all wild speculation. And there was nothing Joe did. Having the prosecutor fired was the policy of the U. S. and European powers because he was corrupt (and not investigating Burisma).

People want to believe Biden did something wrong because of the partisan split we have today. If they believe Presdent Trump was tortured in a police station with Secret Service protection they will believe anything Trump says. And, so far they have.
Biden has committed four acts of treason so far:

* Providing weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war.
* Inviting invasion of the United States.
* Calling for civil war against citizens of the United States.
* Espionage.
One thing trump has taught everyone is the difference between making claims on the internet, and in court. There are plenty of claims of evidence on the internet, but when trump's fans get into court, it all vanishes.
Evidence does not require a court to exist, moron. You cannot make the evidence just disappear.

Illiteracy: Proper nouns are always capitalized.
Another massive pile of MSNBC malarky. Biden had the Ukraine investigator investigating Burisma fired while his inexperienced son was being paid $83K a month to sit on its board.

The only reason Hunter was making millions off of corrupt oligarchs was the fact that daddy was a VP in the US Government. That is called influence peddling. It is illegal.

Biden claimed he never knew anything about Hunters business. Yet emails, witnesses and photos indicate the exact opposite. The reason he would lie about it, is because the business was illegal influence peddling.

Hunter had multiple LLCs and bank accounts. Their only purpose was to make tracing the money difficult and launder it to his corrupt family.

Claiming there is no evidence or that it isn't illegal makes you look like a dishonest dumb partisan hack. :palm:
Biden claimed he knew about Hunter's business and also that he did NOT know about Hunter's business.
Biden is locked in paradox and is trying to deny his way out of it, which will never clear any paradox.
Espionage. Influencing a foreign government for personal gain. RQAA. Stop asking the same question over and over and over and over and over mindlessly.
What espionage? They have presented no evidence that anybody was bribed or what they did in return for that bribe. It is all speculation. The witness claiming crimes has since admitted he lied and was indicted. If anybody had any evidence they would have presented it. Instead, they have stopped the hearing and investigation.

A question is never mindless when those making the accusations have no evidence to support their claim. You probably think Trump was "tortured" in Georgia.
What espionage?
RQAA. Stop asking the same question over and over and over and over. I've already answered it.
They have presented no evidence that anybody was bribed or what they did in return for that bribe.
Blatant lie.
It is all speculation.
It is not speculation. Blatant lie.
The witness claiming crimes has since admitted he lied and was indicted. If anybody had any evidence they would have presented it. Instead, they have stopped the hearing and investigation.
Evidence does not require any hearing or investigation to exist, Dimbulb.
A question is never mindless when those making the accusations have no evidence to support their claim.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. Stop repeating your question.
You probably think Trump was "tortured" in Georgia.
Lets see if Trumppers can back up what they say...

Please link to any evidence that Hunter Biden took bribes...How about the 5 million he forced out of China by saying he and his father would make it hard on them (Zhang) if he didn't send the money. Why would the Chinese be concerned about what Hunter OR JOE BIDEN thought. Why did they send 5 million bucks a few days later.
RQAA. Stop asking the same question over and over and over and over. I've already answered it.

Argument of the Stone fallacy. Stop repeating your question.
Quit telling others what they can or can't post. You keep repeating the same lies again and again (there is no president, there was no 2020 election, courts can't interpret the Constitution, the 1st amenment does not apply to the states. And, your endlessly repeated lie--RQAA--when you have never presented any evidence to support your lies. And, of course, your stupid fallacies.

So, just post what you want and I'll post what I want. You don't get give me orders.
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Yes, personal crimes. There has not been one example of bribery involving China or other country and what was supposdly done for that money.
really?......there are plenty of examples of bribery.......maybe not much evidence that the people doing the bribery got their money's worth.....unless you assume that Biden didn't actually fuck up America unintentionally.......
really?......there are plenty of examples of bribery.......maybe not much evidence that the people doing the bribery got their money's worth.....unless you assume that Biden didn't actually fuck up America unintentionally.......
Then give us an example. Who got a bribe and what did they do in return?