Who is that?
USCit, man. It's USCitizen...
Who is that?
Now that's some faulty logic for you. How old are you again?
Commandments 7 and 10 cover rape.
And we've made some moral and social progress from 2 millennia ago.....slavery was justified using biblical scripture, by white men who choose to manipulate said scripture to suit their needs. Also proclaiming Africans as 3/5 of a human, relieved them of any guilt or compassion.
Please don't attempt to lecture me on what the Bible says or does not say, and the reality of what folks say that it says. Aren't you an atheist, anyway? Why am I talking to you?
Everyone opens my mail. I have no privacy whatsoever....By the way, I keep getting mail addressed to you.
Everyone opens my mail. I have no privacy whatsoever....
Perhaps you computer was developed by atheists too. Pay no attention to what it says and does.
or perhaps You are not an atheist why should atheists pay any attention to what you say?
Because others different from you have wisdom and knowledge as well.
it's uscitizen
USCit, man. It's USCitizen...
He's been really missed. I couldn't believe it when I came back here and he was gone.
Your leaving was one reason I left.
Grind is still a bit slow on the uptake?
If you are indeed uscitizen, great to hear from you. Be out your way in a month or so.
Now, I'm still just as religious as ever and to Oncelors chagrin still see the Bible as the inspired Word of God. Sorry Oncelor.Leviticus does not pertain to us now, however. That is all I have time to say right now. Again, welcome back usc.
Good to see you again as well.
You are a real Christian. We can disagree and still respect/like each other.
yes indeed I am uscitizen. Anyone still have a copy of Dixie's Ode to Bush?
Perhaps you computer was developed by atheists too. Pay no attention to what it says and does.
or perhaps You are not an atheist why should atheists pay any attention to what you say?
Because others different from you have wisdom and knowledge as well.
Really? Well, that, quite often, remains to be seen.
Yes, however if you are not looking you will never see it.
Well, there is a first time for everything. No doubt, it will come as a surprise.
Not if you are not looking for it.
Why would I be looking for it, when it has never been heretofore seen? I can't look for something I'm not expecting.