
saying that rape is covered by 7 and 10 is stretching, and you know it.

Also, yes, we have made progress from 2000 years ago, and figured out that the holy book isn't so holy afterall.

As I said, using the logic that "hey, it's not in the 10 commandments, so therefore it's ok" is BAD LOGIC.

I am glad you are starting to see that, and come around to what I've been saying.

Lastly, you do realize that slavery existed in many different cultures and wasn't perpetuated solely by whites, right?
saying that rape is covered by 7 and 10 is stretching, and you know it.

Also, yes, we have made progress from 2000 years ago, and figured out that the holy book isn't so holy afterall.

As I said, using the logic that "hey, it's not in the 10 commandments, so therefore it's ok" is BAD LOGIC.

I am glad you are starting to see that, and come around to what I've been saying.

Lastly, you do realize that slavery existed in many different cultures and wasn't perpetuated solely by whites, right?

I'm not going to discuss doctrine and dogma with you. period.
When I come around to what you say, Armageddon will be here.
No, but it's slavery perpetuated and promoted by whites, that gets the air time. Sorry.
poet all that needs to be said about this issue has just been said. Someone made a comment that inferred if something is not in in the ten commandments, it must be ok. I said it was bad logic, and backed it up with evidence. You proceed to sidestep the issue and then stop wanting to talk about the issue because you have no where to go. That's fine. I accept your statement of defeat.
poet all that needs to be said about this issue has just been said. Someone made a comment that inferred if something is not in in the ten commandments, it must be ok. I said it was bad logic, and backed it up with evidence. You proceed to sidestep the issue and then stop wanting to talk about the issue because you have no where to go. That's fine. I accept your statement of defeat.
Bitch, please. In your delusional dreams. You can't be an atheist and speak intelligently on the topic of religious dogma. You're no Christopher Hitchens.

And that pathetic display was your "backing up with evidence". The bar you set is incredibly "low", because you did no such thing. LOL. Thanks for trying though.
Bitch, please. In your delusional dreams. You can't be an atheist and speak intelligently on the topic of religious dogma. You're no Christopher Hitchens.

And that pathetic display was your "backing up with evidence". The bar you set is incredibly "low", because you did no such thing. LOL. Thanks for trying though.

hmmm, i wonder if I could find any evidence or statistical documentation to completely refute what you said...

oh yeah:

"Atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons are among the highest-scoring groups on a new survey of religious knowledge, outperforming evangelical Protestants, mainline Protestants and Catholics on questions about the core teachings, history and leading figures of major world religions."


On average, people who took the survey answered half the questions incorrectly, and many flubbed even questions about their own faith.Those who scored the highest were atheists and agnostics, as well as two religious minorities: Jews and Mormons.
Source: (New York Times): https://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/28/us/28religion.html?_r=1

More sources:
NPR: https://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-wa...gnostics-know-more-about-bible-than-religious
Discovery News: http://news.discovery.com/human/atheists-best-informed-about-religion.html

Well it is in the bible though. It's in Paul 12:293:15.6. "yea though man shall not lay with man or be an abomination in the eyes of the lord, woman may lay with woman if they film it so sayeth the lord"

I mean, that's just a fact.

The words used do not mean man/man love, the words used indicated male temple prostitutes and those that abused children for sex. The meaning is lost in translation, unfortunately.
the point is, an omission from the ten commandments, does not necessarily imply a license to commit a deed.

So lets think of another example.... the 10 commandments doesn't outlaw rape. Rape existed back then.

It also doesn't say "you shalt not own slaves" Slavery existed back then.

I can go on and on.

It is the reason I believe that these laws were man made and not given to us by some god. Rape was an accepted practice, even by the Jews when they conquered another tribe. Slavery was also a common practice used to repay a debt owed. The abuse of children and woman also acceptable, since they were second class citizens. You just wanted to be certain you didn't beat them too badly.
It is the reason I believe that these laws were man made and not given to us by some god. Rape was an accepted practice, even by the Jews when they conquered another tribe. Slavery was also a common practice used to repay a debt owed. The abuse of children and woman also acceptable, since they were second class citizens. You just wanted to be certain you didn't beat them too badly.

right... the whole point was that just because something isn't in the ten commandments doesn't mean it's something god would approve of, or sanction. I am sure you can agree with this.

Those saying that "homosexuality is compatible with christianity because it isn't mentioned in the ten commandments" are obviously using bad logic. Perhaps there are other areas open for interpretation and debate, but using the lack of a mention in the ten commandments when there are many heinous things left out, is not a good foundation for one to base their argument on.
also let me just clarify for the slow people, I am not saying homosexuality is bad, I am saying that the bible says it's bad.