
I'm sorry to disappoint you Rana, but as usual, your response bears no relation to reality....if you were conversant with Christian theology you would also be aware that another of Jesus Christ's instructions is that unlike that OT Israelites, we do not hold the authority to visit judgment upon those who violate God's moral directives......

"we do not hold the authority to visit judgment upon those who violate God's moral directives...... "

A perfect example of do as I say, not as I do.
So, should children be killed for cursing their parents? How about adulterers, should they be put to death? Or do you just single out homosexuals? Christians like to skip over these parts of the Mosaic law. How about you? What is your excuse for ignoring these parts of Yahweh's law?

I answered this in post #116...did you take the time to read it?.....
The bottom line is that it's called "Christianity," not "Leviticusanity."

To hear some Christian leaders talk, I often expect to open the NT and see nothing but Christ railing against homosexuality left & right...the main part of his message. Instead, I see a guy talking about love, tolerance, forgiveness and not judging anyone else. To me, being a Christian means trying to live by those words.
The bottom line is that it's called "Christianity," not "Leviticusanity."

To hear some Christian leaders talk, I often expect to open the NT and see nothing but Christ railing against homosexuality left & right...the main part of his message. Instead, I see a guy talking about love, tolerance, forgiveness and not judging anyone else. To me, being a Christian means trying to live by those words.
Hence, you have a whole lot tom foolery and fakery going on. Very few people professing to be "Christian", actually "are."
There is lots of posing and hickery-doo among many so-called "christians." They call themselves christians, but they actually follow the bible to the letter, and agree with all the words and stuff contained within their divinely inspired holy book.

Those aren't real christians. The real christians are the people that agree with me. Being a conservative lesbian, following the bible has been a challenge for me as well sometimes. I love the stances it has regarding other people, just not the stuff that could apply to myself. I have found that the best solution is to ignore the parts that I don't like, and use the parts that I do like to judge other people. All other so-called "christians" that disagree with me are posers practicing hickery-doo and fakery.
apparently you didn't get it......there are things, particularly the dietary laws of the Levitical code which are meaningless to Christians, since our theology does not attempt to attain righteousness through sacrificial ritual, and that is particularly instructed to us by Jesus Christ, not upon some choice of ours not to treat it as literal.........there are other things on which we have been given moral direction through the Mosaic Code.....when someone starts a thread claiming either that Christians need not be concerned with that moral directive, or that such moral directive does not exist, then it is proper for me to say that such claim is incorrect......

this does not mean that we insist you follow that moral directive......it simply means you are a fucking idiot if you claim it isn't there.....

Please show references to mosaic code in the new testament.
Agreed however God is touted as perfection not just omnipotence.

My omnipotence does not make me perfect.
I still like non perfect women.

But since He defines the parameters of what perfection is, He can't be wrong.

So then I am perfect?

I can't answer that in actuality; but you aren't Him, so perfection is probably out of reach.

So God would not post here?

I never said or implied that He wouldn't or couldn't.
You seem to be phishing for something, what is your goal?
I answered this in post #116...did you take the time to read it?.....

Her eyes won't let her read things that have anything to do with what her parents tried to teach her.
She rebelled, at an early age, went looking for a father figure, and is an admitted embarassment to her parents; even though they still care and love her, she just feels taht they're full of shit.
Please show references to mosaic code in the new testament.

Matthew 5:17 Don't misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose.
New Living Translation

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
New International Version

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
King James Version