Liberal Canadian Politician Goes to US for Healthcare

Well, and also, there are already waiting lists in this country, and in fact, we do not even have the shortest waiting lists.

Also, nevermind that we don't really have a good system for keeping track of waiting lists like those countries with universal health care systems.
"Really my beliefs are that no insurance should be forced."

Anyone care to venture a guess as to how many billions that would cost Americans?

Anyone want to guess at how much the medically uninsured ALONE are currently adding to the premiums & taxes of the insured?
We are talking about insurance here, not education taxes. As for home insurance, that is a condition of obtaining a mortgage, the mortgage company/bank can NOT force you to buy it, just if you want to borrow their money.
Plenty of people don't have it.

As for car insurance, I respect those who think it should be mandated because of what could happen to others if they injure them, but ultimately many drive without it anyway, and it is a definite restraint on ALL people's economic freedom.
So ultimately I think it should be optional.

Really my beliefs are that no insurance should be forced.

Well, the other ramification of not making auto insurance mandatory is that your cost would go up.

Still, I have to admit, if only people like you would have your car totaled by someone who isn't insured, I'd be all for it. That would be great fun to observe.

Sadly, that's not how it works out so as a society, we are forced to protect idiots like you, for the greater good.
There was no health calamity to whom?
In terms of talking to people who lived then and now who contrast the 2 and looking at the political and news issues of the day. Healthcare was simply not a big issue, it wasn't perfect, but people did well enough to not have too many complaints about it.

Do you believe no one died before emergency rooms were legally obligated to provide care?
Of course not, but I believe their less government system had a lot less problems with health and was certainly far more affordable.
People die all the time on waiting lists in Socialist universal healthcare systems.
"Really my beliefs are that no insurance should be forced."

Anyone care to venture a guess as to how many billions that would cost Americans?

Anyone want to guess at how much the medically uninsured ALONE are currently adding to the premiums & taxes of the insured?

Just try picturing what kind of people wouldn't buy auto insurance if it weren't mandated by law, and then figure out if they are any more responsible about driving under the influence or paying attention even when sober...that will give you some idea of how many accidents that type causes, and then you create a situation where they are not paying in to the system, just taking out of it.

This guy is a complete disaster. If anyone like him ever truly affected public policy this country would be third world within one year.
In terms of talking to people who lived then and now who contrast the 2 and looking at the political and news issues of the day. Healthcare was simply not a big issue, it wasn't perfect, but people did well enough to not have too many complaints about it.

Of course not, but I believe their less government system had a lot less problems with health and was certainly far more affordable.
People die all the time on waiting lists in Socialist universal healthcare systems.

You look even more foolish than usual here.

"in terms of talking to people who lived then".

You mean the ones left alive, right?
Also, nevermind that we don't really have a good system for keeping track of waiting lists like those countries with universal health care systems.

Small comfort to those who are dead waiting. Who gives a shit if it's not as centrally run with all data known by one party. The reality is that with competition, if the waiting list is too long, you have choice; with socialized systems you don't.

Really your post illustrates why it is so wrong to entrust bureaucrat minded people with something as important as healthcare because they are more interested in paperwork than action.
You look even more foolish than usual here.

"in terms of talking to people who lived then".

You mean the ones left alive, right?

Sigh, they aren't just talking about their own personal life or death issues, but those of their parents, siblings and friends.
You look even more foolish than usual here.

"in terms of talking to people who lived then".

You mean the ones left alive, right?

He probably talked to all of those old people who are rich in home ownership about healthcare then & now as he went door-to-door...
Sigh, they aren't just talking about their own personal life or death issues, but those of their parents, siblings and friends.

Do you ever read a frigging book moron?

You live in this fantasy world where people tell you stories about 50 years ago, all of which seem to reinforce your beliefs...making me call BS on your stories first off. People died because of those policies you asswipe. And they will die again if anyone as sick in the head as you are ever got any real power in this country.
He probably talked to all of those old people who are rich in home ownership about healthcare then & now as he went door-to-door...

I don't know how you guys put up with him for years, it's only been months for me and I am ready to kick him.
Just try picturing what kind of people wouldn't buy auto insurance if it weren't mandated by law, and then figure out if they are any more responsible about driving under the influence or paying attention even when sober...that will give you some idea of how many accidents that type causes, and then you create a situation where they are not paying in to the system, just taking out of it.

This guy is a complete disaster. If anyone like him ever truly affected public policy this country would be third world within one year.
There's no need to hypothesize with your fearmongering, auto insurance is NOT compulsory in New Hampshire and if you've ever driven there you would realize it isn't any more dangerous than anywhere else.
In fact the most highly regulated places lik New York and New Jersey have very high car insurance rates and drivers IMHO that are a lot worse on the whole.

You also forget that many of the worst drivers really don't bother with car insurance anyway and just take a chance and pay the fine on the very rare chance they are caught.

Driving without insurance actually makes a regular driver safer, because they realize that they better watch out that much more because if they crash it's all coming out of their pocket.
Think about it, imagine yourself with no car insurance, wouldn't you drive safer?
I don't know how you guys put up with him for years, it's only been months for me and I am ready to kick him.
Well this helps explain why Liberals are so violent in protests.
They turn to violence when they get tired of debate.
Do you ever read a frigging book moron?

You live in this fantasy world where people tell you stories about 50 years ago, all of which seem to reinforce your beliefs...making me call BS on your stories first off. People died because of those policies you asswipe. And they will die again if anyone as sick in the head as you are ever got any real power in this country.
You moron, they died of which policies? There was no policies and much fewer died.

Look fuck my stories and fuck your storybooks, go out and talk to seniors and ask them straight up: "Do you think the health system now or in 1957 was better and why?"
There's no need to hypothesize with your fearmongering, auto insurance is NOT compulsory in New Hampshire and if you've ever driven there you would realize it isn't any more dangerous than anywhere else.
In fact the most highly regulated places lik New York and New Jersey have very high car insurance rates and drivers IMHO that are a lot worse on the whole.

You also forget that many of the worst drivers really don't bother with car insurance anyway and just take a chance and pay the fine on the very rare chance they are caught.

Driving without insurance actually makes a regular driver safer, because they realize that they better watch out that much more because if they crash it's all coming out of their pocket.
Think about it, imagine yourself with no car insurance, wouldn't you drive safer?

You're a frigging idiot; a more generalizing post you will not find on this board.

You should READ, Dano. About how much we CURRENTLY pay for the medically uninsured, in both taxes & premiums, and about financial estimates of what eliminating mandatory insurance for cars would do on a national level.

How can you even begin to compare NH to congested cities like NYC or Atlanta, and try to make some linear conclusion that 'we'd be better off without mandatory insurance?'

What a friggin' buffoon. You'd bankrupt this country if you could. You have no idea what the financial & economic implications of what you're advocating are. No idea at all.
There's no need to hypothesize with your fearmongering, auto insurance is NOT compulsory in New Hampshire and if you've ever driven there you would realize it isn't any more dangerous than anywhere else.
In fact the most highly regulated places lik New York and New Jersey have very high car insurance rates and drivers IMHO that are a lot worse on the whole.

You also forget that many of the worst drivers really don't bother with car insurance anyway and just take a chance and pay the fine on the very rare chance they are caught.

Driving without insurance actually makes a regular driver safer, because they realize that they better watch out that much more because if they crash it's all coming out of their pocket.
Think about it, imagine yourself with no car insurance, wouldn't you drive safer?


Driving with no insurance makes you drive safer. Ok, you know what Dano, I feel very sorry for you and even sorrier for anyone dependent on you, but your ideology, whatever it is, is going nowhere. And that's a good thing.
National health insurance. It's all good, Dano. Don't cry too much whenever you lose the fight.

I bet Dano will even be an old man, cursing the fact that the national health insurance plan is paying for his heart surgery he would've never been able to afford. He'll probably just say he's too weak and he deserved to die. Too bad, man. We love you too. Can't kill you.
He probably talked to all of those old people who are rich in home ownership about healthcare then & now as he went door-to-door...

Imagine talking to seniors to find out about them, rather than just using fantasy to imagine their life as hell because some government statician says their income is lower!
"I feel very sorry for you and even sorrier for anyone dependent on you, but your ideology, whatever it is, is going nowhere. And that's a good thing."

I often pray that the GOP will take up Dano's ideas as part of their national platform...