By politically correct, I mean that I could have my head handed to me on a platter for even insinuating that a woman could be sexist or a black man could be racist.
I never indicated you were politically correct.
I would like to know your definition of both racism and sexism.
My definition would be "a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others." and similar for sexism.
If I believe that I am inherently better than you because I am male and you are female that makes me a sexist. If I believe I am inherently better than BAC because I am white and he is black that makes me a racist. Going along with that if I believe I should have certain privileges that you don't have because I am male and you are female then I am by definition sexist. If I believe that I can denigrate you because you are female that would be sexist.
So, how would you define the two?
When I speak of racism or of sexism, I do so in the context of history. That is, who has historically been opressed, denigrated and deprived on account of race and/or gender? And that is women and minorities.
It really doesn't matter if you feel offended because a woman says men are pigs. Women can't do anything to you. You might take personal offense, just as I might if someone said that my hair is ugly. But someone saying that my hair is ugly cannot cause me any measurable harm. It cannot deprive me of my livelhood. It cannot deprive me of my home. It cannot keep me out of my chosen field. It cannot keep me out of a school.
Only institutionalized racism, and institutionalized sexism can do any of those things.
The rest is just false equivalence.