Liberals being liberals

Ever been there? And just what Eden like state do you live in?

It's not about the scenery; it's about the people, and their claim to a great heritage. I have been to Loseranna, Missishitty, and Floriduh, though. Where I live, in the Evergreen State (WA) is quite pretty, though.
Hours later and the sniveling coward hides under his bed roll. Come on tell us if you have ever been to Alabama and why you say it's a shitty state. Also hotshot I'm still waiting for you to tell us what state overpass you live under.

If you've seen one deep south state, you've seen them all.
It's not about the scenery; it's about the people, and their claim to a great heritage. I have been to Loseranna, Missishitty, and Floriduh, though. Where I live, in the Evergreen State (WA) is quite pretty, though.

All flatlander states, no wonder you hate the South.
It's not about the scenery; it's about the people, and their claim to a great heritage. I have been to Loseranna, Missishitty, and Floriduh, though. Where I live, in the Evergreen State (WA) is quite pretty, though.

Somehow I knew you were from a solid blue state. Your wonderful liberal state government has made Washington a Sinkhole State without enough assets to cover its debt. Like most liberal state snobs you must look down your nose at other states in order to feel ok about the shit hole you call home. :rofl2:
Somehow I knew you were from a solid blue state. Your wonderful liberal state government has made Washington a Sinkhole State without enough assets to cover its debt. Like most liberal state snobs you must look down your nose at other states in order to feel ok about the shit hole you call home. :rofl2:

I don't have a liberal state government; I have a leftist state government. That's why Seattle is Dying, and the rest of us are doing all right. The only states I look down at are southern states, CA, NY, and NJ.
I don't have a liberal state government; I have a leftist state government. That's why Seattle is Dying, and the rest of us are doing all right. The only states I look down at are southern states, CA, NY, and NJ.

Which just proves you are an elitist punk that is missing out on some of the best cuisine and scenery in the world.