Liberals, tell what you do to help the poor.

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
I myself only have limited resources, but I still donate some to Goodwill, Salvation Army. I have donated to charity, food pantries, and I have bought people Christmas gifts from a Catholic relief service, that employs people in less fortunate countries. With my Mom we have boarded a couple people at our home in the past.
I'm somewhat of a 'Liberal', but I haven't personally done anything for 'poor' people other than support a more communal oriented government.

I like the Public School System that provides Basic Education for the Nation's children.
I support a National Health Plan based along those lines. Basic Health Care for those that need it.
Speaking of Health Care. If we're looking at it in a cost effective manner, we should probably focus on the 12 to 50 age group. The young kids that have ailments, it could be argued, could cost Taxpayers millions of dollars and still not be viable. Same could be said of 'over 50'. Another, it could be argued, group that could cost millions, only to die in a few years. Tough choices.
Anyone, liberal or not, can help the poor and disadvantaged... opposing with all possible force the "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality that has taken control of American conservatives and the American conservative agenda.

The American conservative agenda suck like a black hole. It has NO PLACE in civilized society.

Anyone opposing this philosophical pile of garbage IS DOING SOMETHING TO HELP THE POOR.
You know, I'm getting a little nervous on this one. I just got a bad feeling. I know Jade is a friend of Rat Ratterson, acknowledged con artist and "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday" schmuck. If Jade ends this thread with some plea to "I'm poor, please send me as much as you can so I can enjoy my month long vacation in Canada visiting all the Casinos" bullshit, while I'm slaving away in the hot sun ... I don't know. Did he mention anything about bringing his 'Mom'? I think that's what he calls this girl, like half his age, that he runs around with. I'm not paying for THAT.
You know, I'm getting a little nervous on this one. I just got a bad feeling. I know Jade is a friend of Rat Ratterson, acknowledged con artist and "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday" schmuck. If Jade ends this thread with some plea to "I'm poor, please send me as much as you can so I can enjoy my month long vacation in Canada visiting all the Casinos" bullshit, while I'm slaving away in the hot sun ... I don't know. Did he mention anything about bringing his 'Mom'? I think that's what he calls this girl, like half his age, that he runs around with. I'm not paying for THAT.

Nor should you pay for that!
Anyone, liberal or not, can help the poor and disadvantaged... opposing with all possible force the "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality that has taken control of American conservatives and the American conservative agenda.

The American conservative agenda suck like a black hole. It has NO PLACE in civilized society.

Anyone opposing this philosophical pile of garbage IS DOING SOMETHING TO HELP THE POOR.

This is what is so wrong with liberals. They are so full of hate it clouds their thinking.

Conservatives actually do a lot to help the poor. Most just don't believe in the liberal philosophy of just having the government do it by taking other peoples money. Most Conservatives believe in personal responsibility and personally helping the poor. They don't need to rely on big brother to do everything for them.
You know, I'm getting a little nervous on this one. I just got a bad feeling. I know Jade is a friend of Rat Ratterson, acknowledged con artist and "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday" schmuck. If Jade ends this thread with some plea to "I'm poor, please send me as much as you can so I can enjoy my month long vacation in Canada visiting all the Casinos" bullshit, while I'm slaving away in the hot sun ... I don't know. Did he mention anything about bringing his 'Mom'? I think that's what he calls this girl, like half his age, that he runs around with. I'm not paying for THAT.

Come on, even Jaded wouldn't sink that low.
I myself only have limited resources, but I still donate some to Goodwill, Salvation Army. I have donated to charity, food pantries, and I have bought people Christmas gifts from a Catholic relief service, that employs people in less fortunate countries. With my Mom we have boarded a couple people at our home in the past.

I also contribute to Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, American Red Cross (hurricane relief), various Jewish Food Banks, and toy drives for Christmas presents.

Jewish Children and Family Services does a hell of a job in Atlanta.
Yaya: "... personally helping the poor."

So ... how much will YOU be sending Jade and his girlfriend as they take their Summer Road Trip to Canada?
kudzu: "Jewish Children and Family Services does a hell of a job in Atlanta."

Did you know Jade is Jewish? It's true. But Jade is in Michigan, ... any chance that you could ... mmm ... donate to a worthy cause?
This is what is so wrong with liberals. They are so full of hate it clouds their thinking.

Conservatives actually do a lot to help the poor. Most just don't believe in the liberal philosophy of just having the government do it by taking other peoples money. Most Conservatives believe in personal responsibility and personally helping the poor. They don't need to rely on big brother to do everything for them.

What do YOU actually do to help the poor?
kudzu: "Jewish Children and Family Services does a hell of a job in Atlanta."

Did you know Jade is Jewish? It's true. But Jade is in Michigan, ... any chance that you could ... mmm ... donate to a worthy cause?

Jewish Children and Family services serve everyone NOT just Jewish people.
Help at food banks, buy food instead of giving money if asked on the street.... Etc...

What is with the capital YOU? You make it seem as if I don't do anything.

You were speaking for "conservatives"..

My brother cooked at Thanksgiving and Christmas for a decade at Hosea Feed the Hungry.
That isn't helping the poor. Don't be silly.

How do you know Jaded is a he?

Jade said he was 'poor'. The implication is, if you send Jade money, you are helping the poor. (do I have to spell everything out to you?)

Why don't you answer kudzu's question?
Yaya: "buy food instead of giving money if asked "

I'm pretty sure Jade would take food, but sending an ice chest full of steaks to Michigan is expensive. If you were really a caring citizen, you would send money so Jade could buy his own steaks at the restaurant of his choosing. (don't be such a tightwad)
You were speaking for "conservatives"..

My brother cooked at Thanksgiving and Christmas for a decade at Hosea Feed the Hungry.

I wasn't speaking for them. I was giving my opinion. Further, I believe it has been shown conservatives or Republicans donate more to charity than Democrats.