Liberals, tell what you do to help the poor.

This is because you truly *are* Christian in both talk and walk. Bless you both.

I've lived in both very low-income neighborhoods, and in relatively-high-income 'hoods. Hands down, the poorer ppl are far more generous than the better-off.

I agree. Poorer people take the attitude "share and share alike" while the better off tend to take the attitude "I've got mine. Screw you."
I am a very good tipper. 20% even if you suck. 30% if the bill is like 15 bucks. always give like a buck an change when I am at qdoba.
christie and cypress confirmed poor people in this thread.

us upperclass people are way more generous with our money, because it aint no thang, and we like to bestow our blessings on the small people. Christie and cypress would know this if they were in the finer class. But they aren't. shame.
Conservatives give more money to charity than liberals. That's the conventional wisdom, anyway, and at least one new study backs that thinking up.


And from the New York Times

Liberals are personally stingy... And when it comes to Charitable causes, liberals are cheapskates.

As usual, Frank is full of crap and hate.

Now subtract the amount of those "charitable" donations went to things like symphony orchestras, local theater groups and playhouses, colleges and universities, etc, etc.

The difference will be much less than you imply.
christie and cypress confirmed poor people in this thread.

us upperclass people are way more generous with our money, because it aint no thang, and we like to bestow our blessings on the small people. Christie and cypress would know this if they were in the finer class. But they aren't. shame.

Where did you ever meet an upperclass person?
christie and cypress confirmed poor people in this thread.

us upperclass people are way more generous with our money, because it aint no thang, and we like to bestow our blessings on the small people. Christie and cypress would know this if they were in the finer class. But they aren't. shame.

No you probably just feel more generous from the weed. Upper class often focus on me, myself, and I. Not all though, as many that made a living, scraped things together to form their fortunes, are often generous. The silver spoon crowd; not really much at all.
You're a flaming liberal.

Your entire post is nothing but impotent rage and lies. Savages.... Really.... :rolleyes:

I am not a liberal...but to an American conservative like you...anyone not doing the master's bidding is considered a liberal.

Go kick someone and pretend you are helping them.

These attitudes are worthy and I agree with them.

That being said, I think Jade is interested in what we personally have done to help out those who need help.

I understand that...and appreciate it, Owl.

But there are times when a more worthy purpose is served by being off topic in these threads. (As you just did with your post.)

Normally I try to stay away from the kind of thing I do so often here...I try to stay on the positive side of issues in my non-cyber life. But this forum is not like the normal world. It is infested with people determined to make our nation...and life in general...a less kind and reasonable place.

They need as much attention as possible...and I intend to deliver.

We...HUMAN BEINGS...are better than the trash peddling the nonsense some of the American conservatives in this forum are spewing.
No you probably just feel more generous from the weed. Upper class often focus on me, myself, and I. Not all though, as many that made a living, scraped things together to form their fortunes, are often generous. The silver spoon crowd; not really much at all.

jade also confirmed poor

lets keep it rolling folks. who else wants to out themselves as poor schmoe?