Liberals, tell what you do to help the poor.

Anyone, liberal or not, can help the poor and disadvantaged... opposing with all possible force the "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality that has taken control of American conservatives and the American conservative agenda.

The American conservative agenda suck like a black hole. It has NO PLACE in civilized society.

Anyone opposing this philosophical pile of garbage IS DOING SOMETHING TO HELP THE POOR.

In other words, not a damn thing. Got it.
How do I create poverty. Please be specific.
I can’t. I don’t know you personally.

How do conservatives in general create or exaserbate poverty? Institutional bigotry is one major way. Look at the way the Deep South States have consistently denied public resources, particularly in education, where they fear minorities may benefit, often to the detriment of the entire population of those States. It’s a primary reason why those conservative States are the poorest in the nation.

Conservatives social attitudes also exacerbate poverty in that they value individual merit less and lack egalitarian values.

However it’s their views on behavior that really hurts. For example their belief that poverty is due to poor decisions and lack of personal accountability is often not true. It doesn’t take into account cyclical and structural economic shocks place many responsible people into an economic tailspin. The loss of manufacturing jobs since the 70’s and events like the Bush Recession cost 5 million people their jobs. This by itself justifies social safety nets which conservatives oppose.

They also don’t consider that the majority of people in poverty are children, the elderly and the disabled where working more or harder is not an option. Merit certainly matters but that’s a poor excuse to ignore the innocent. Also much poverty is temporary in which a helping hand can help bridge the gap.

The war on drugs is another example in which institutional racism has had devastating affects on minority families economic situation or by people enticed into selling drugs by government created black markets.

Then there is conservatives opposition to the basic utilitarian principle of redistributing money from wealthy to the poor which is fundamentally sound.

Then they’re is the example of the working poor who exhibit the right behavior who cannot escape poverty due to the prevalence of low paying jobs. Most of the poor live in working families who earn their income by wages, often working multiple jobs yet can’t escape the poverty trap.

Then there are low wage business models enforced by aggressive anti-union strategies where corporations can collectively negotiate for wages and benefits but deny individual workers the right to do the same.

Then there is the bad behavior of businesses and the wealthy in which conservatives hypocritically get a pass while simultaneously blaming the poor and immigrants for economic events that are their fault. Again the 2008 credit default swap crises is a perfect example where they got a pass for bad behavior. Only one banker actually went to jail for defrauding the public.

Those are just some examples of how conservatives are responsible for much poverty.
Those are just some examples of how conservatives are responsible for much poverty.

Outstanding post. I would just add one other point. Conservatives routinely support tax laws that allow the very wealthy to keep and pass on their wealth, rather than rolling some of it back into general circulation. For a nation that was founded on principles of equality and which rebelled against the entrenched European dynasty models, this is disturbing and will lead to the very thing that we tried to escape.
I can’t. I don’t know you personally.

How do conservatives in general create or exaserbate poverty? Institutional bigotry is one major way. Look at the way the Deep South States have consistently denied public resources, particularly in education, where they fear minorities may benefit, often to the detriment of the entire population of those States. It’s a primary reason why those conservative States are the poorest in the nation.

Conservatives social attitudes also exacerbate poverty in that they value individual merit less and lack egalitarian values.

However it’s their views on behavior that really hurts. For example their belief that poverty is due to poor decisions and lack of personal accountability is often not true. It doesn’t take into account cyclical and structural economic shocks place many responsible people into an economic tailspin. The loss of manufacturing jobs since the 70’s and events like the Bush Recession cost 5 million people their jobs. This by itself justifies social safety nets which conservatives oppose.

They also don’t consider that the majority of people in poverty are children, the elderly and the disabled where working more or harder is not an option. Merit certainly matters but that’s a poor excuse to ignore the innocent. Also much poverty is temporary in which a helping hand can help bridge the gap.

The war on drugs is another example in which institutional racism has had devastating affects on minority families economic situation or by people enticed into selling drugs by government created black markets.

Then there is conservatives opposition to the basic utilitarian principle of redistributing money from wealthy to the poor which is fundamentally sound.

Then they’re is the example of the working poor who exhibit the right behavior who cannot escape poverty due to the prevalence of low paying jobs. Most of the poor live in working families who earn their income by wages, often working multiple jobs yet can’t escape the poverty trap.

Then there are low wage business models enforced by aggressive anti-union strategies where corporations can collectively negotiate for wages and benefits but deny individual workers the right to do the same.

Then there is the bad behavior of businesses and the wealthy in which conservatives hypocritically get a pass while simultaneously blaming the poor and immigrants for economic events that are their fault. Again the 2008 credit default swap crises is a perfect example where they got a pass for bad behavior. Only one banker actually went to jail for defrauding the public.

Those are just some examples of how conservatives are responsible for much poverty.

I didn't read past "institutional bigotry". Why should I? You are broad brushing all "conservatives", while ignoring the log in your own eye. Typical.....
I didn't read past "institutional bigotry". Why should I? You are broad brushing all "conservatives", while ignoring the log in your own eye. Typical.....

Ironic. Not much for learning something new, eh? Institutional bigotry is a thing; tis why we have so many anti-discrimination laws.
Outstanding post. I would just add one other point. Conservatives routinely support tax laws that allow the very wealthy to keep and pass on their wealth, rather than rolling some of it back into general circulation. For a nation that was founded on principles of equality and which rebelled against the entrenched European dynasty models, this is disturbing and will lead to the very thing that we tried to escape.

Your own bigotry blinds you from reality.
Sorry, RetardBoy, unread. Go take the bottle away from Toxic and maybe she'll help you out with a quote, if she can still see. lol

Hello Jade,

I myself only have limited resources, but I still donate some to Goodwill, Salvation Army. I have donated to charity, food pantries, and I have bought people Christmas gifts from a Catholic relief service, that employs people in less fortunate countries. With my Mom we have boarded a couple people at our home in the past.

Very commendable.

How do I help the poor?

I'm liberal. I work and contribute to society. My work is something that makes an obvious and directly positive contribution to society, unlike some business endeavors whose impact can be rather questionable whether it is really of any beneficial service or not; or others which are unquestionably oppressive.

I pay taxes. That supports the poor, right there.

I advocate for spending tax money to help the poor.

I have given money to beggars.

I have personally donated to and raised over ten thousand dollars for Meals on Wheels, which helps shut-in seniors. Ya know, it's tough when you work your whole life and save, and outlive your whole family and everybody you ever knew, and inflation renders your savings moot. Sometimes, that Meals on Wheels volunteer who shows up at the door bringing a nutritious hot meal, is the only live human face that old person will see all day long.

I have volunteered at a local church holiday toy drive, even though I am an atheist. (I didn't tell them, and nobody asked.)

I have donated to a local church poverty assistance program, even though I am an atheist, because that money goes directly to helping those who need it.

I regularly donate to a local 'Santa's Helper' toy drive for disadvantaged kids.

If I go to a restaurant, I tip well. Servers are typically underpaid. Little girls don't dream of growing up to be a waitress. It's just what they do if they have to do it.

If I go hear live music, I tip the musicians. Most professional musicians are poor. Nobody does that because it pays so well.

I refuse to shop at Walmart or Amazon, because those institutions perpetuate poverty.

I advocate for taking good care of the environment, and for stronger regulation on worker rights (low wage workers' safety concerns are routinely disregarded.)

I advocate for doing something about Climate Change. The poor are on the front lines of the impacts of climate change.

I advocate for stronger regulations and better enforcement of pollution regulations. The poor are often forced to live in dangerous polluted areas next to industry. The CEO of a big energy company in Texas was asked if it was wise for the poor to be living next to one of his big polluting facilities. He said no way he would live there, and he would not advise anyone to live there. Well, that's all fine and well if he can afford to live in the posh rich neighborhood well away from all that industry, but the poor don't have that option if the only thing they can afford is near a dangerous power or chemical plant in a high cancer rate neighborhood.

I advocate for free college for those who can qualify and keep their grades up. Long ago the USA had no public schools. Over time, K-12 became the standard, because nobody could be expected to get a good job without a High School diploma. Times have changed. Now, the standard to get a good job is a college education. The time has come for us to realize that K-12 doesn't get it any more and it needs to be bumped up to K-16.

I advocate for taxing the rich more to pay for socialized government assistance programs for the needy because is is the right thing to do.

I advocate for universal health care because not everybody is rich enough to afford the luxury for-profit care that makes executives super-rich while excluding care to those who cannot afford the high prices.

I advocate for a higher minimum wage.

I advocate for public transportation, sometimes the only option for the poor.

I contact my representatives to make sure they understand everything I advocate for.
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Outstanding post. I would just add one other point. Conservatives routinely support tax laws that allow the very wealthy to keep and pass on their wealth, rather than rolling some of it back into general circulation. For a nation that was founded on principles of equality and which rebelled against the entrenched European dynasty models, this is disturbing and will lead to the very thing that we tried to escape.

The whole idea of the estate tax is to prevent to much money accumulating in the hands of a few very wealthy families and thus creating an aristocracy. That is to prevent families like the Bush's and Kennedy's from dominating our political system.
I didn't read past "institutional bigotry". Why should I? You are broad brushing all "conservatives", while ignoring the log in your own eye. Typical.....
Well I can tell you've never lived in the South. If you don't think that institutional bigotry doesn't exist in our nation and that it contributes substantially to poverty than you are simply blind.

This is one of the major reasons I left the Republican party. I moved to the South and lived there for seven years and shortly after I moved back to Ohio I switched parties on the simple basis that our shared Ohio/Midwestern values are unquestionably superior to Southern values in almost every respect and I'm damned proud of my Ohio heritage and will not tolerate it being marginalized by some Southern wannabees. As long as the Republicans/Conservatives adhere to the Southern strategy do gain votes, I'll be voting Democrat. I've seen what life is like in the South for the average working person and I know that our way and our values are superior. That's not a liberal/conservative argument. There's a reason why the South has lost the Civil War, virtually every culture war they started and why they've been mired in poverty for most the existence of our nation. Follow their lead? Accept their values??

Not in this life time.
Your own bigotry blinds you from reality.
Poor dear is having a nervous breakdown....forgive her...
I hope none of her "friends" were offended by the latest vile nickname she's tossing about...
I contact my representatives to make sure they understand everything I advocate for.

Very commendable, everything that you both do and advocate for. I especially applaud your donations to Meals on Wheels, and your advocacy for higher education and for universal health care. The latter two things will help not just lower-income citizens, but also employers.