Liberals, tell what you do to help the poor.

Sorry, RetardBoy, unread. Go take the bottle away from Toxic and maybe she'll help you out with a quote, if she can still see. lol


Well I can tell you've never lived in the South. If you don't think that institutional bigotry doesn't exist in our nation and that it contributes substantially to poverty than you are simply blind.

This is one of the major reasons I left the Republican party. I moved to the South and lived there for seven years and shortly after I moved back to Ohio I switched parties on the simple basis that our shared Ohio/Midwestern values are unquestionably superior to Southern values in almost every respect and I'm damned proud of my Ohio heritage and will not tolerate it being marginalized by some Southern wannabees. As long as the Republicans/Conservatives adhere to the Southern strategy do gain votes, I'll be voting Democrat. I've seen what life is like in the South for the average working person and I know that our way and our values are superior. That's not a liberal/conservative argument. There's a reason why the South has lost the Civil War, virtually every culture war they started and why they've been mired in poverty for most the existence of our nation. Follow their lead? Accept their values??

Not in this life time.

I'm Catholic, and hold many values considered conservative However, the values, wants for religious control, and law, and warped money controlled interests taking over, means I will probably never vote for any one of them. They'd have to run some messed up shit on the left for that to happen, someone literally nuts. Like a froofy person that wants to heavily tax all non vegan commodities.
I think liberals should put their money where their big mouths are and start handing over at least 50% of what they earn to the Government. That way they are assured the money is going to be used in the best way possible.

I think liberals should put their money where their big mouths are and start handing over at least 50% of what they earn to the Government. That way they are assured the money is going to be used in the best way possible.


Fifty-one percent of our tax dollars go to the military. The military which cannot account for more than $23 Trillion.

That is FALSE. If you spent a minute doing some basic research you could have found that out before you erupted. It is 15%.
Did You Know That Almost Every Penny Of Your Income Taxes Goes To Defense Spending?

Excerpt: Conclusion:

Now look on the revenue side of the above chart: all individual income tax receipts total . . . $1.1 trillion! In other words, all or nearly all of your April 15 income tax payments go only to defense spending, without paying for any other function of government.

And viewing this solely through your personal income taxes is the appropriate way to finally understand how skewed our defense spending has become. When you ask: "how much of my tax dollars go to the military?", you are not thinking about excise taxes, customs and duties, estate taxes or corporate taxes. You want to know how much of your income tax dollars go to defense spending? Fairly, you can assume 100 cents of every dollar. All of it.

Think about that the next time you hear a budget debate, worries about the deficit, or an argument about allegedly out-of-control social spending.
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Did You Know That Almost Every Penny Of Your Income Taxes Goes To Defense Spending?

Excerpt: Conclusion:

Now look on the revenue side of the above chart: all individual income tax receipts total . . . $1.1 trillion! In other words, all or nearly all of your April 15 income tax payments go only to defense spending, without paying for any other function of government.

And viewing this solely through your personal income taxes is the appropriate way to finally understand how skewed our defense spending has become. When you ask: "how much of my tax dollars go to the military?", you are not thinking about excise taxes, customs and duties, estate taxes or corporate taxes. You want to know how much of your income tax dollars go to defense spending? Fairly, you can assume 100 cents of every dollar. All of it.

Think about that the next time you hear a budget debate, worries about the deficit, or an argument about allegedly out-of-control social spending.

First off; you have to be a willful idiot to believe anything that comes from this blog. Seriously? That's stupid.
I did; apparently you ignored the PEW research material I linked which has the FACTS, not a massive pile of false hyperbole. Defense is FIFTEEN percent of the entire Federal budget....PERIOD.

What does a polling organization have to do with facts about the military budget? You're trying to punt. You lost for lack of facts. Get over it.
I myself only have limited resources, but I still donate some to Goodwill, Salvation Army. I have donated to charity, food pantries, and I have bought people Christmas gifts from a Catholic relief service, that employs people in less fortunate countries. With my Mom we have boarded a couple people at our home in the past.

I lock my doors and try not to make eye contact when I speed past them. Okay technically my doors lock automatically, but I still try not to stare.
I created five jobs by creating a bidness.
You’re a good man. You’ve done your part. I can easily write a list of how liberals contribute to poverty.

My experience in business and industry is you need both to produce economic prosperity. Most creative people tend to be liberal as creating often requires thinking outside the box of existing structures. Conservatives tend to be strong at structure and disciplined at setting a course of action and staying on course. Both working together and taking advantage of each other’s strength is a sure fire recipe for success in a collaborative environment.
Hello Mott,

You’re a good man. You’ve done your part. I can easily write a list of how liberals contribute to poverty.


My experience in business and industry is you need both to produce economic prosperity. Most creative people tend to be liberal as creating often requires thinking outside the box of existing structures. Conservatives tend to be strong at structure and disciplined at setting a course of action and staying on course. Both working together and taking advantage of each other’s strength is a sure fire recipe for success in a collaborative environment.

I do everything I can to foster harmony and constructive use of all the nation's assets. The most important part of a nation is it's people. All of them. Some work well with others, some don't. I understand that our greatest power is when we work together. I may be liberal, but I get it that we simply cannot write off half the nation and expect to be great. No matter how one feels, that should make sense.

Most of us put our political differences aside and work together in business. Should be a piece of cake to do that for the nation as well. It's all in how it is approached.

I see polarization is one of our greatest enemies.

As long as we are heavily polarized and dysfunctional, dismayed, Putin wins.

Polarization is GREAT for Putin!

If we want to stand up for America, we have got to stand TOGETHER.
I'm just another hard-working, tax-paying liberal who favors policy that helps the poor.

I do what I can here and there.

It all adds up.

One thing jumps out for me.

We gotta keep the lines of dialog open.

Being mean and nasty is not very constructive.

It actually hurts our nation.

And nobody is going to convince the other side to reconsider by insulting them.