The individual is just as important as society. Society cannot exist without the individual. Although an individual can exist without society, it wouldn't be an existance worth noting. I'd say there's a mixed responsibility there but every individual deserves a lot of autonomy and independence from society.
This is a thing I think that people like the middle-easterners don't understand. Whenever an individual releases something that they find objectionable, they go and bomb a Dutch embassy or something that's composed up of individuals who had nothing to do with any of it. They are unable to understand the concept of the autonomous individual, and of tolerance towards individuals within a society. An inability seperate the I from the we.
I completely disagree.
Every individual stands on the shoulders of those who came before him/her. There is a debt owed to those who have created the environment and society for any individual to exist and thrive in and there is a responsibility to generations who come after.
The self-absorbed notion that the individual is more important than society can only lead to the destruction of that society when no one has any responsibility for it.
Beyond the philosophical interpretations, there is something deeply creepy about people who think themselves more important than the world, more important than even their own nation. There is something seriously immature about people who think society exists only to allow them to do whatever they want free of responsibility. Such thoughts belong only in the minds of children.
Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare .. all bad to libertarians because it may cost them a nickel. Throw the elderly out on the street and let them eat cake. Maybe "charity" will take care of them. No compassion, no spirituality.
The ideology of libertarianism is a failure and it is a failure because most people understand shared responsibility and possess a more mature perspective of life and society.
Libertarianism has accomplished nothing. Today, not only is Social Security still valued and attacks on it have been rebuffed, nationalized health care is on the horizon .. because that's what Americans want. Government has not gotten smaller, it's gotten bigger. "Free market" lassiez-faire policies aren't being adapted, because people and history KNOW the dangers of runaway corporate control.
Libertarianism is an ideology that is imploding onto itself with its dicates all over the place and constant in-fighting among its proponents.
The one good thing about Ron Paul is that he has shed some light on the ideology of libertarianism, and the more people know about it, the more disgusting, irresponsible, and immature it becomes.