Libertarians are extemely retarded. Here's why.

It is obvious you are not a Libertarian (that's a proper noun, it is capitalized). You disagree with their platform on many points.

You don't get to speak for Libertarians. Bigotry.

So you are a nothing. Your opinion blows with the wind. Gotit.

It is not sincere at all. It is an opinion based on perceived popularity. It is an open admission that you cannot think for yourself.

Buzzword fallacy. There is no such thing as 'globalist zealotry'. Attempt to impose fascism.

so are you the only libertarian who thinks fascism doesn't exist?
fascists are not socialists.
Fascism is a form of socialism. It is government manipulation of markets.
they generally see after the needs of the corporate and government elites,
Government. Only government. Corporations are businesses. They must turn a profit to survive. That means serving the desires of their customers, dumbass.
and are not so concerned with the condition of and opportunities for regular people.
Corporations ARE regular people. Regular people work in them. Regular people shop at them. Regular people invest in them.
socialists are not populists, that's the problem.
Correct. Unlike you, socialists have a goal and a designated method to get there, evil as it is.
ones championing the welfare of non-elites, aka regular people not high up in government or business.

So you consider succeeding in business evil, eh? That message came to you from the socialists, dude. It came to you through people like Karl Marx. Again, you are only showing that you cannot think for yourself.
A nothing. It is someone that tries to conform to a perceived 'popular' opinion. It is quite literally someone that cannot think for themselves.


it's about being for regular people over elites in government and business.

Your intention to destroy words, definitions, and communication in general indicates your lowly shitty fascist nature.