Libertarians are extemely retarded. Here's why.

Nor do you have the slightest idea what marxism is.

Marx is a proper noun. So is Marxism. It is capitalized.

I would tend agree with you. I would also say that you don't know what Marxism is either.

Marxism is a philosophy that conforms to the teachings and writings of Karl Marx an individual espousing the virtues(?) of socialism.
This philosophy is also a fundamentalist style religion. I call it the Church of Karl Marx. It is the parent religion of the Church of Covid, the Church of Global Warming, the Church of the Ozone Hole, and the Church of Green; all fundamentalist style religions.

Like any religion, these are based on some initial circular argument, with arguments extending from that initial argument. Like any fundamentalist religion, the extended arguments are used to try to prove the initial circular argument True; as an inherent structure of those arguments.

Christianity is a religion, but not an inherently fundamentalist one. There are fundamentalists in Christianity, however, just as found in any religion.

I suggest, again, that you BOTH go read up on Marx.
the theory of communism includes capitalism as a "PHASE". a phase on the road to oligarchical collectivism.
Communism is not a theory. It is a form of economic structure. It is based on socialism, and therefore inherently based on theft.
There is no such thing as 'oligarchical collectivism'. An oligarchy is a form of government (not economics). It is dictatorship by committee.
where are you on the kelo decision?
havent had free markets for a hundred years or more so lets leave that out of the conversation unless you want a return to it (which wew badly need).

Free markets are immortal. You can't kill 'em. They exist, and they continue to exist. See your local drug dealer for details.
I will include it, rightfully.

libertarians go on about free markets as if they're real, and refuse to see their own innate fascism.

Buzzword fallacy. Libertarians are not fascists. They are not socialists at all.

Free markets are real. You can't kill 'em. Go see your local drug dealer for details.
Buzzword fallacy. Libertarians are not fascists. They are not socialists at all.

Free markets are real. You can't kill 'em. Go see your local drug dealer for details.

fascists are not socialists. they generally see after the needs of the corporate and government elites, and are not so concerned with the condition of and opportunities for regular people.

socialists are not populists, that's the problem.
Socialists from Marx and Engels onwards ha’ve always held that with the establishment of Socialism the State will disappear.
It can't. Socialism is based on theft of wealth. A strong (and usually brutal) government is required to enforce this theft.
The State, which exists where society is divided into an owning class and a propertyless class,
Under communism, the government IS the owning class. The citizens ARE the propertyless class.
and is a coercive institution through control of which the dominant class imposes its will on the subject class,
Here you are describing oligarchies and dictatorships; forms of government pretty much required to implement communism.
would lose its function when society ceases to be divided into classes.
Communism is based on class. I just described this above.
The Marxian view was put by F. Engels in his Socialism, Utopian and Scientific:–

“The first act by virtue of which the State really constitutes itself the representative of the whole of society – the taking possession of the means of production in the name of society – this is, at the same time, its last independent act as a State. State interference in social relations becomes, in one domain after another, superfluous and then dies out of itself; the government of persons is replaced by the administration of things, and by the conduct of processes of production. The State is not ‘abolished.’ It dies out.” – Sonnenschein edition, 1892, p. 76 (The phrase “dies out” has sometimes been translated “withers away.”)

Claiming to be Marxists the Communists have repeatedly tried to explain away the continued existence of the coercive State in Russia, long after the alleged establishment of “Socialism,” when, according to the theory, it ought to have withered away. Before dealing with these “explanations,” it may be useful to point out that Socialists are in such quandary. Socialism (which, of course, will be international – “Socialism in one country” in the midst of a capitalist world is a myth) will see the withering away of the State. Russia is not Socialist and therefore no Socialist imagines that the State could wither away there.
Russia currently is socialist, but it's also a republic. It has a constitution. So far, that constitution is being honored (which is more than I can say for the former federal government in America).

This argument fails to take into account what communism is and what it does. It is based on theft of wealth. It is class based, with the government being the property owners, and the citizens not allowed to own anything.

China, for example, is largely communist. The government owns the concrete and steel industries (and quite a few others).
we must have very different libertarian experiences. the ones I know understand there is virtually no free markets in the world and would like to see more. that means trying to sing the praises of free markets.
I guess that could be taken as some sort of acknowledgement that they exist where they do not.

Free markets exist. They are immortal. You can't kill 'em. See your local drug dealer for details.

Free markets exist, even if they have to operate as black markets.
fuck no. libertarians can't get enough corporate pole.
It is obvious you are not a Libertarian (that's a proper noun, it is capitalized). You disagree with their platform on many points.
and they deny fascism exists.
You don't get to speak for Libertarians. Bigotry.
I'm a populist.
So you are a nothing. Your opinion blows with the wind. Gotit.
That's different from socialist in that it's sincere, and not unconditionally globalist.
It is not sincere at all. It is an opinion based on perceived popularity. It is an open admission that you cannot think for yourself.
we should institute tariffs to protect workers instead making them unemployed with globalist zealotry.
Buzzword fallacy. There is no such thing as 'globalist zealotry'. Attempt to impose fascism.
you've been lied to or you're just shit stupid

There are a lot of misconceptions about Libertarians for some reason. I find this mystifying. Their platform is clearly stated on their web site. Maybe they think they will get the Cooties if they go visit the site.

Then again, maybe not. Maybe they are just lying to themselves to make the Libertarians look worse somehow.