Libertarians are extemely retarded. Here's why.

no. it isnt the entire defintion.
It is the entire definition.
fascism is also unlimited corporate contributions to campaigns.
Nope. That is just unlimited corporate contributions to campaigns. Corporations are generally businesses. They have to turn a profit to do that, you know.
you wanna go down the 'corporations are people' and 'unlimited campaign spending is free speech' rabbit hole?
So you somehow think that corporations are not made of people???!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
So you somehow think that putting money behind your opinion isn't free speech???!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

You just made my sig listing!

redefining words is lefty communitard bullshit.
So stop doing it. You are only labeling yourself a lefty communtard by doing so.
this is really where libertarians jumped the shark.
You are the only one talking about libertarians.
The avenue from Libertarianism and chaos/ very broad...and there are no side streets. Go down the avenue of Libertarianism...and the only place you end up will be chaos and anarchy. True civilization and reasonable society cannot be had with Libertarianism.

Libertarians do not argue for anarchy or chaos.

You don't get to control people. You don't get to eliminate chaos.

Did you know that many of the cities you see today were built out of the wilderness WITHOUT ANY GOVERNMENT AT ALL? Just people producing voluntarily what they chose to produce. That's capitalism, dude.
It is the entire definition.

Nope. That is just unlimited corporate contributions to campaigns. Corporations are generally businesses. They have to turn a profit to do that, you know.

So you somehow think that corporations are not made of people???!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
So you somehow think that putting money behind your opinion isn't free speech???!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

You just made my sig listing!

So stop doing it. You are only labeling yourself a lefty communtard by doing so.

You are the only one talking about libertarians.

It's only the entire definition in your little idiot spin zone.

Fascism is not free market. Corporations are not fascism. Fascism is government manipulation of markets. Bigotry.

Corporations are made up of people, dumbass.

What tyranny from what corporation?

Bitcoin is a proper noun. It is capitalized.

Bitcoin is a currency based upon block chain technology. No one controls Bitcoin. No one owns the block chain. It is not a corporation.

where are you on the kelo decision?
so do communists apparently.

According to Marx's theory of historical materialism, societies pass through six stages — primitive communism, slave society, feudalism, capitalism, socialism and finally global, stateless communism.

It's still dumb even when communists do it.

Communism is an economic system, not a form of government.
Marx didn't understand this either.

Communism is theft of wealth by government. All forms of socialism are.
Is a thief dumb? Some are, some aren't. They all know what they are doing.
1. Primitive communism
Stone Ages- humans live primitively w/ no social classes, private property.
How do you know? Did you live in the so-called Stone Age?

Even primitive tribes in Africa or South America have social classes. Many have the concept of private property as well. Most are dictatorships.
2. Feudalism
Society controlled by land-owning aristocracy, who exercise power over peasants.
In other words, a dictatorship. Land ownership is strictly controlled by the king. These societies typically had four classes: peasants, merchants, royalty, and military. Remember the military was not always loyal to royalty!
3. Capitalism
Bourgeoisie rule over proletariat because they own the means of production, distribution and exchange whilst proletariat sell themselves as labour. Marx saw this as exploitation.
Not the definition of capitalism. Capitalism is the voluntary production of wealth and services. Even employees of companies are capitalism, choosing to work in their field at that company, negotiating their wage according to market forces. Remember Marx was trying to make capitalism look bad because he was promoting socialism. Here, he is actually attempting to describe a form of socialism (slavery) as capitalism.
4. Socialism
workers' organisations form dictatorship of the proletariat to rule on their behalf. Food, goods, services distributed according to need
No. This is government doing this.
5. Communism
Govt withers away- no need. Classless and stateless society w/ co-operation replacing competition. 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs'.
Communism is a form of socialism. It is theft of wealth, like all forms of socialism (including fascism and slavery). There is no longer any incentive to work, except under threat. There is no more profit motive. Because it is theft of wealth, it is unsustainable by itself. People don't like their wealth stolen, so strong and brutal government is necessary to enforce it. It is not a form of government, but it is government ownership of markets (as opposed to fascism, another form of socialism which is merely government manipulation of markets). Fascism is on the road to communism. Marx did correctly make this observation in his writings.
How do you know? Did you live in the so-called Stone Age?

Even primitive tribes in Africa or South America have social classes. Many have the concept of private property as well. Most are dictatorships.

In other words, a dictatorship. Land ownership is strictly controlled by the king. These societies typically had four classes: peasants, merchants, royalty, and military. Remember the military was not always loyal to royalty!

Not the definition of capitalism. Capitalism is the voluntary production of wealth and services. Even employees of companies are capitalism, choosing to work in their field at that company, negotiating their wage according to market forces. Remember Marx was trying to make capitalism look bad because he was promoting socialism. Here, he is actually attempting to describe a form of socialism (slavery) as capitalism.

No. This is government doing this.

Communism is a form of socialism. It is theft of wealth, like all forms of socialism (including fascism and slavery). There is no longer any incentive to work, except under threat. There is no more profit motive. Because it is theft of wealth, it is unsustainable by itself. People don't like their wealth stolen, so strong and brutal government is necessary to enforce it. It is not a form of government, but it is government ownership of markets (as opposed to fascism, another form of socialism which is merely government manipulation of markets). Fascism is on the road to communism. Marx did correctly make this observation in his writings.

I didn't write all this.

take it up with marx. Im not a marxist.
Communism is an economic system, not a form of government.
Marx didn't understand this either.

Communism is theft of wealth by government. All forms of socialism are.
Is a thief dumb? Some are, some aren't. They all know what they are doing.

the theory of communism includes capitalism as a "PHASE". a phase on the road to oligarchical collectivism.

where are you on the kelo decision?
This withering away of the state cannot happen with computers,
Computers have nothing to do with it. No state withers away. There will always be dictatorships, oligarchies, republics, maybe even a democracy on a rare occasion.
A protocol. Nothing to do with any government. If you don't want 5G, don't buy a 5G cell phone. The 5G protocol was developed by mostly individuals and some by various corporations including Samsung, Intel, Motorola, Nokia, Huawae, ZTE, and some other minor contributions by other corporations. This protocol provides for faster data transfer, better utilization of available frequencies, and improved security (encryption). Buy what you want.
Generally a government function. They may operate through corporations to do this, certainly. Examples are Democrat influence over Twitter and Facebook. Censorship always fails in the end, though. People simply move to other means of communications. In this particular case, they are moving to open source solutions such as Gab. Tired of censorship? Use Gab, Rumble, Bitchute, and Parler instead of Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. Use DuckDuckGo instead of Google for your search engine.
and injected nanobots,
There aren't any. There is some movement to develop this technology, but it's not here yet...not by a long shot. Personally, I think will prove as elusive to implement as controlled fusion.
and a.i. controlled by fascists.
AI is not controlled. It's technology. It is not intelligence. It is a word (and abbreviation) that describes programs with feedback loops, used to 'learn', or optimize program behavior through a given set of conditions.
An example are the voice recognition dictionaries kicking around these days. They are used for voice command services like Alexa, Siri, and Google Home. As people speak into these systems, their audio is converted to phonemes (lexical stage) and compared to an ever expanding dictionary (cognitive stage). As different accents and even languages are introduced, both the lexical stage and cognitive stage are expanded automatically. As people write skills (programs) to perform the commands you give these systems, their capability grows as well. Anyone can write a skill for any of these systems. I myself have written skills for the Alexa service to assist in choosing drill sizes for various screw threads in different materials. I expanded the dictionary to include these specialized terms, and people using Alexa refine the lexical and cognitive stages as they use the skill.

No, AI is not controlled by government.

Has the government written software making use of AI techniques? Sure. One example is the software used to draw attention to an actual human from patterns found in the incredible amount of information that is collected by the NSA. No human could ever look at that amount of stuff raw. It's a filtering system.

Face recognition and even emotion recognition have been developed by a few individuals and even a couple of corporations (some of these individuals formed their own corporation). Most of this stuff is coming from individuals and companies in Japan. There is a strong desire to make robots 'personal', or 'friendly' as in having an artificial companion of sorts. Robotics has always been of interest to the Japanese, from giant megamachines in fictional wars to companions in homes of retirees.

America, on the other hand, tends to create robotics for industrial or specialized uses, such as a cruise missile. Everything from vacuuming your house to washing your windows to mowing your lawn to working in hard radiation environments is designed and built in America. The Japanese are actually rather poor at this. All of these robots make use of AI to essentially perform the same job as your cerebellum (which serves to provide a 'fine tuning' of movement, relaying limb position and similar information through a feedback loop to do so).
and a tyrant is a tyrant whether under state seal or corporate logo.
Nope. A tyrant is simply any leader that rules by dictat. That doesn't work so well in corporations, which must turn a profit to survive. Corporations must satisfy their customers, or they cease to exist. Such tyrants are usually ejected (fired).

Example: Facebook, Twitter.

These corporations are each run by a tyrant, and they have chosen to support censorship by Democrats. The result is predictable: people are leaving them for other services that do not censor. Both Facebook and Twitter are losing money...and FAST!
ideology is bullshit.
No. It simply exists. You cannot just wish it away.
so are you saying marxists don't believe in a withering away of the state?

Is wikipedia wrong?

Wikipedia is filled with many articles that are biased, incomplete, badly worded, or just plain wrong. You cannot use it as a reference source with me for that reason. Apparently, even BidenPresident has recognized this problem with Wikipedia to some degree.

Yes. Wikipedia is wrong. The ONLY authoritative reference of the writings of Karl Marx are the writings of Karl Marx themselves.
the era of "free markets" working for regular people is coming to an end.

Few businesses are actually competing.

Mergers and acquisitions have resulted in monopolies, duopolies, and cartels which end the alleged benefits of "free markets" for regular people.


Corporations have captured the state and the media, so while the concept that "a businesses evil deeds will become known and they will lose customers" so there is no need for any regulation at all is a nice dream, media and state capture have rendered it merely a dream, a figment, A fascist cesspool of delusional thinking.

havent had free markets for a hundred years or more so lets leave that out of the conversation unless you want a return to it (which wew badly need).