Into the Night
Verified User
no you didn't.
Yes he did. Stop asking the question mindlessly. It's been answered.
no you didn't.
Wikipedia is filled with many articles that are biased, incomplete, badly worded, or just plain wrong. You cannot use it as a reference source with me for that reason. Apparently, even BidenPresident has recognized this problem with Wikipedia to some degree.
Yes. Wikipedia is wrong. The ONLY authoritative reference of the writings of Karl Marx are the writings of Karl Marx themselves.
It's only the entire definition in your little idiot spin zone.
Computers have nothing to do with it. No state withers away. There will always be dictatorships, oligarchies, republics, maybe even a democracy on a rare occasion.
A protocol. Nothing to do with any government. If you don't want 5G, don't buy a 5G cell phone. The 5G protocol was developed by mostly individuals and some by various corporations including Samsung, Intel, Motorola, Nokia, Huawae, ZTE, and some other minor contributions by other corporations. This protocol provides for faster data transfer, better utilization of available frequencies, and improved security (encryption). Buy what you want.
Generally a government function. They may operate through corporations to do this, certainly. Examples are Democrat influence over Twitter and Facebook. Censorship always fails in the end, though. People simply move to other means of communications. In this particular case, they are moving to open source solutions such as Gab. Tired of censorship? Use Gab, Rumble, Bitchute, and Parler instead of Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. Use DuckDuckGo instead of Google for your search engine.
There aren't any. There is some movement to develop this technology, but it's not here yet...not by a long shot. Personally, I think will prove as elusive to implement as controlled fusion.
AI is not controlled. It's technology. It is not intelligence. It is a word (and abbreviation) that describes programs with feedback loops, used to 'learn', or optimize program behavior through a given set of conditions.
An example are the voice recognition dictionaries kicking around these days. They are used for voice command services like Alexa, Siri, and Google Home. As people speak into these systems, their audio is converted to phonemes (lexical stage) and compared to an ever expanding dictionary (cognitive stage). As different accents and even languages are introduced, both the lexical stage and cognitive stage are expanded automatically. As people write skills (programs) to perform the commands you give these systems, their capability grows as well. Anyone can write a skill for any of these systems. I myself have written skills for the Alexa service to assist in choosing drill sizes for various screw threads in different materials. I expanded the dictionary to include these specialized terms, and people using Alexa refine the lexical and cognitive stages as they use the skill.
No, AI is not controlled by government.
Has the government written software making use of AI techniques? Sure. One example is the software used to draw attention to an actual human from patterns found in the incredible amount of information that is collected by the NSA. No human could ever look at that amount of stuff raw. It's a filtering system.
Face recognition and even emotion recognition have been developed by a few individuals and even a couple of corporations (some of these individuals formed their own corporation). Most of this stuff is coming from individuals and companies in Japan. There is a strong desire to make robots 'personal', or 'friendly' as in having an artificial companion of sorts. Robotics has always been of interest to the Japanese, from giant megamachines in fictional wars to companions in homes of retirees.
America, on the other hand, tends to create robotics for industrial or specialized uses, such as a cruise missile. Everything from vacuuming your house to washing your windows to mowing your lawn to working in hard radiation environments is designed and built in America. The Japanese are actually rather poor at this. All of these robots make use of AI to essentially perform the same job as your cerebellum (which serves to provide a 'fine tuning' of movement, relaying limb position and similar information through a feedback loop to do so).
Nope. A tyrant is simply any leader that rules by dictat. That doesn't work so well in corporations, which must turn a profit to survive. Corporations must satisfy their customers, or they cease to exist. Such tyrants are usually ejected (fired).
Example: Facebook, Twitter.
These corporations are each run by a tyrant, and they have chosen to support censorship by Democrats. The result is predictable: people are leaving them for other services that do not censor. Both Facebook and Twitter are losing money...and FAST!
No. It simply exists. You cannot just wish it away.
SO you love marx then?
They did talk about withering away of the state. like libertarians.
you might like it.
havent had free markets for a hundred years or more so lets leave that out of the conversation unless you want a return to it (which wew badly need).
you're either very stupid or a bad liar
they seem to just want just enough government to enable the will of corporations.
pure fascism.
Socialists from Marx and Engels onwards ha’ve always held that with the establishment of Socialism the State will disappear. The State, which exists where society is divided into an owning class and a propertyless class, and is a coercive institution through control of which the dominant class imposes its will on the subject class, would lose its function when society ceases to be divided into classes. The Marxian view was put by F. Engels in his Socialism, Utopian and Scientific:–
“The first act by virtue of which the State really constitutes itself the representative of the whole of society – the taking possession of the means of production in the name of society – this is, at the same time, its last independent act as a State. State interference in social relations becomes, in one domain after another, superfluous and then dies out of itself; the government of persons is replaced by the administration of things, and by the conduct of processes of production. The State is not ‘abolished.’ It dies out.” – Sonnenschein edition, 1892, p. 76 (The phrase “dies out” has sometimes been translated “withers away.”)
Claiming to be Marxists the Communists have repeatedly tried to explain away the continued existence of the coercive State in Russia, long after the alleged establishment of “Socialism,” when, according to the theory, it ought to have withered away. Before dealing with these “explanations,” it may be useful to point out that Socialists are in such quandary. Socialism (which, of course, will be international – “Socialism in one country” in the midst of a capitalist world is a myth) will see the withering away of the State. Russia is not Socialist and therefore no Socialist imagines that the State could wither away there.
I thought you were a Libertarian.....Libertarians trust fascism now.
They bleat on about how pure and right and just the wants and desires of corporations and banks are. How free market and perfect they all are.
Meanwhile they straight up ignore fascism, and the rise of internationalist fascism which puts the needs of large multinational corporations above any regular citizen anywhere.
Tyranny is tyranny, whether under a state seal or a corporate logo.
wake up.
And bitcoin is bullshit too.
I will include it, rightfully.
libertarians go on about free markets as if they're real, and refuse to see their own innate fascism.
I thought you were a Libertarian.....
Where are all these communists you obsess over?!
here's into the night to prove me right. right on cue.
where are you on the kelo decision?
I didn't write all this.
take it up with marx. Im not a marxist.
we must have very different libertarian experiences. the ones I know understand there is virtually no free markets in the world and would like to see more. that means trying to sing the praises of free markets.
I guess that could be taken as some sort of acknowledgement that they exist where they do not.
I thought you were a Libertarian.....
Yes you did. Your moniker name is on it. YOU were the one that posted it.
Well excuse me, I had no idea. For some reason I thought you were.fuck no. libertarians can't get enough corporate pole.
and they deny fascism exists.